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2016-03-08 22:07 337 查看

The sum problem

Problem Description
Given a sequence 1,2,3,......N, your job is to calculate all the possible sub-sequences that the sum of the sub-sequence is M.

Input contains multiple test cases. each case contains two integers N, M( 1 <= N, M <= 1000000000).input ends with N = M = 0.

For each test case, print all the possible sub-sequence that its sum is M.The format is show in the sample below.print a blank line after each test case.

[align=left]Sample Input[/align]

20 10
50 30
0 0

Sample Output



   首先,这是一道很简单的题,我们不必被1<= N, M<=1000000000这个条件吓到,当然,如果你要想通过暴力的方式解出这道题,条件1<=N,M<=1000000000所限制,即会出现超时的!通过题意我们可以知道这是一个求子序列和的问题,然后子序列求和是不是很容易让我们想到等差数列求和公式了,是的,这道题就是使用等差数列求和公式来解决它的,等差数列求和公式:

,这个公式变形可得:2 * Sn = 2 * n * a1 + n * (n - 1) * d,a1 = Sn / n - (n - 1) / 2;;又因为1+2+……+(2*Sn)^1/2>Sn,所以和为Sn的元素个数n应该小于等于(2*Sn)^1/2;然后我们就可以通过公式计算出首相了,及a1,接下来的过程就顺水推舟了,请直接移步代码吧。


#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()


    __int64 N, M, a1, n;

    while(cin >> N >> M)


        if(N == 0 && M == 0)


        for( n = (__int64)sqrt(2.0 * M); n > 0; n--)


            a1 = M / n - (n - 1) / 2;

            if(2 * a1 * n + n * (n - 1) == 2 * M)

                cout << '[' << a1 <<',' << a1 + n - 1<< ']' << endl;


        cout << endl;


    return 0;

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