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发生系统错误 1275.此驱动程序被阻止加载

2016-03-07 14:26 429 查看
        最近在学校windows内核编程,参考的书籍是寒江独钓,然后我就按照书籍上面的步骤一步一步来进行操作,一切进展的很顺利,但是到了利用cmd开启first服务的时候,发生了错误:发生系统错误1275.此驱动程序被阻止加载,于是我就开始google,都说什么开机按F8进入禁用驱动程序签名强制和关闭Windows 7系统中的驱动签名强制要求,关闭强制驱动签名的命令为:
bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
 I am not saying this is what the problem is, but I can state that I

 personally experienced this very issue a long time ago whenever I

 first began playing around with x64. In my particular case it was x64

 windows complaining that the driver it was trying to load was not a

 64-bit driver. Somehow things got setup such that the 32-bit driver

 was always trying to be loaded which does not work on 64-bit Windows.

 On 64-bit Windows all drivers must be 64-bit. Either that or the

 opposite: a 64-bit driver was trying to be loaded by 32-bit Windows.

 Again, I'm not stating that is your problem, only that the "Driver

 has been blocked from loading" error message you mention was

 experienced by myself for the reasons described.

 Hope that helps.

大致的意思在他的印象中这个错误是x64的操作系统想要去加载不是x64的驱动,于是我就知道了我需要利用x64的进行编译(其实一开始我就是利用x64 checked build environment的,因为我的电脑就是64位的,但是在打开cmd进行build的时候,我发现上面有提示WARNING: x64 Native compiling isn't supported. Using cross compilers.Launching
OACR monitor,并且编译完之后,系统弹出框提示说这个服务没有数字签名可能该服务会受到影响。于是我就没有进行下一步开启服务的操作)。


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