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2016-03-04 13:27 435 查看

    (1) 单独的一个非负整数是一个合法的表达式,如:2。
    (2) 单独的一个布尔值是一个合法的表达式,其值只有2种:true 和 false。
    (3) 定义变量。变量的名称由不超过10个的小写英文字母组成,true,false,let,if为保留字,不能作为变量名,该表达式的值为变量的绑定值,如果变量没有绑定,则表达式非法,程序输出:Unbound Identifer。
    (4) 算术运算。包括加减乘除,格式为:( + x y )、( - x y )、( * x y )、( / x y )。其中 x y 均为合法的表达式,并且只有 x y 的值的结果均为数字时,该表达式才合法,否则,表达式非法,程序输出:Type Mismatch。另外,如果除法表达式中的除数是0,则该表达式非法,程序输出:Division By Zero。
    (5) 分支表达式:if。格式为:( if a b c )。其中:a b c 均为合法的表达式。a的表达式的值必须为布尔值,否则,该表达式非法,程序输出:Type Mismatch。如果表达式a的值为true,则该表达式的值为表达式b的计算值,否则,该表达式的值为表达式c的计算值。
    (6) let表达式。let表达式的作用是对变量绑定一个值。格式为:( let ( x a ) b ),其中 x 一定为变量, a 是合法的表达式,该表达式的值是把 x = a 代入到b中后,表达式b的计算值。例如:表达式:( let ( x 2 ) ( + x 1 ) )的值是3;另外在包含let表达式嵌套的表达式中,如果对相同的变量绑定多次,则最层的绑定有效,如:表达式 ( let ( x
1 ) ( let (x 2) ( + x 1 ) ) ) 的计算值是3而不是2。
    (7)比较运算。格式为 ( < x y )、 ( > x y )、( = x y )。其中 x y 都是合法的表达式,并且计算值必须为数字,否则,该表达式非法,程序输出:Type
Mismatch。根据x y的值的大小关系确定该表达式的值为true或false。

    (1) 数值: 这是最简单的节点,没有子节点,在语法树中是叶子节点。节点的值就是数值本身,存储在节点内。如下:



    (4)算术计算。算术运算表达式的值需要先计算两个子表达式 x y 的值,再计算整个表达式的值,因此它有两个子节点,分别代表子表达式 x 和 y。如下:

    (4)分支表达式:表达式( if a b c ) 的值由表达式 a b c 的值决定,因此if节点具有3个子节点,分别代表表达式a b c,如下:

    (6)let 表达式:let表达式有三个字表达式:变量x,赋值表达式a,以及求值表达式b,因此它也有3个子节点,分别代表变量、赋值表达式a、求值表达式b:

    (7) 比较运算:比较运算的处理方式和算术运算类似,它也有两个子节点,分别代表子表达式:x 和 y:


 ( let ( x 4 ) ( if true x y ) )

    (i) 首先访问let节点,计算let表达式的值需要首先计算赋值表达式的值,即let节点的第二个子节点。
    (ii) let节点的第二个节点是一个数字,其值可以直接读出。该节点求解完成。回溯到根节点let。
    (iii) 接下来,求解let表达式中的求值表达式,即let节点的第3个子节点。
    (iv) 求解let节点的第三个子节点的值,该节点是if节点,需要先求解它的第1个子节点的值。
    (v) if节点的第一个子节点为布尔值,节点的值可以直接读出,该节点求解完毕。回溯到if节点。
    (vi) 由于第一个节点的结果是true,因此此时需要求解if节点的第二个子节点的值。
    (vii) if节点的第二个节点是变量,此时x已经被绑定为4,因此该节点的值是4,求解完毕,回溯到if节点。
    (viii) 此时if节点可以求解,它的值就是第2个节点的值,if节点求解完毕回溯到let节点。
    (ix) 此时let节点也可以求值了,它的值就是它第三个节点的值,结果是4。整个表达式的值求解完毕。
    例如:表达式:( let ( x 1 ) ( let ( x 2 ) ( + x 1 ) ) ) 的语法树和变量表如下:




/* File        : hiho_week_87.cpp                   */
/* Author      : Zhang Yufei                        */
/* Date        : 2016-03-01                         */
/* Description : HihoCoder ACM program. (submit:g++)*/

* Update log:
*		Create by Zhang Yufei in 2016-03-01 ~ 2016-03-02.
*		Submit result: CE->PE->AC.
* End.


* Define the closure to record variant in the situation of program
typedef struct node {
int value;
int value_type;
char name[25];
struct node *pre;
} Closure;

* Define the super class of s_expression.
* Parameters:
*		@type: The type of this expression. The value is as follow:
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		| value | 		type                             |
*              +-------+------------------------------------------------+
*              |   0   |	nonnegtive integer                       |
*              +-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   1   |	boolean value: true, false               |
*              +-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   2   |  <span style="white-space:pre">	</span>variant                                  |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   3   |	add: + x y                               |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   4   |	substract: - x y                         |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   5   |	multiply: * x y                          |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   6   |	devide: / x y                            |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   7   |	if expression: if a b c                  |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   8   |	let expression: let ( x a ) b            |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   9   |	greater comparision: > x y               |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   10  |	equal comparision: = x y                 |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		|   11  |	less comparision: < x y                  |
*		+-------+------------------------------------------------+
*		@value: The value of this s_expression.
*		@value_type: The type of value.
typedef struct node1 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
} s_expression;

* The sub-classes of s_expression:

// nonnegtive integer
typedef struct node2 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
} Integer;

// boolean
typedef struct node3 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
} Boolean;

typedef struct node4 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
char name[20];
} Variant;

// + x y
typedef struct node5 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *x, *y;
} Add;

// - x y
typedef struct node6 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *x, *y;
} Substract;

// * x y
typedef struct node7 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *x, *y;
} Multiply;

// / x y
typedef struct node8 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *x, *y;
} Devide;

// if a b c
typedef struct node9 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *a, *b, *c;
} If;

// let (x a) b
typedef struct node10 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *x, *a, *b;
} Let;

// < x y
typedef struct node11 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *x, *y;
} Greater;

// = x y
typedef struct node12 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *x, *y;
} Equal;

// < x y
typedef struct node13 {
int type;
int value;
int value_type;
s_expression *x, *y;
} Less;

// The input data.
char input[250];
// The length of input.
int length;
// The curren index in the process of interpreting.
int start;

* This function deals with one test case.
* Parameters:
*		None.
* Returns:
*		None.
void function(void);

* This function sets a synax tree using given input s_expression.
* Parameters:
*		None.
* Return:
*		The root node of the synax tree.
s_expression* set_tree(void);

* This function transfers the string into nodes in synax tree
* Parameters:
*		None.
* Returns:
*		The node created by this function.
s_expression* make_node(void);

* This function calculates the value of the input s_expression.
* Parameter:
*		@expression: The root of synax tree generated by input s_expression.
*		@closure: The current closure node of the situation.
* Return:
*		If computing process is correct and the result has been worked out,
*		returns 1, or returns 0.
int calculate(s_expression *expression, Closure *closure);

* The main progarm.
int main(void) {
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
for(int i = 0; i < T; i++) {

return 0;

* This function deals with one test case.
* Parameters:
*		None.
* Returns:
*		None.
void function(void) {
length = strlen(input);
start = 0;
s_expression *s = set_tree();
if(calculate(s, NULL) == 1) {
if(s->value_type == 0) {
printf("%d\n", s->value);
} else if(s->value_type == 1) {
if(s->value == 1) {
} else {

* This function sets a synax tree using given input s_expression.
* Parameters:
*		None
* Return:
*		The root node of the synax tree.
s_expression* set_tree(void) {
s_expression *s = make_node();
switch (s->type) {
case 0: break;
case 1: break;
case 2: break;
case 3: { Add *add = (Add*)s;
add->x = set_tree();
add->y = set_tree();
break; }
case 4: { Substract *substract = (Substract*)s;
substract->x = set_tree();
substract->y = set_tree();
break; }
case 5: { Multiply *multiply = (Multiply*)s;
multiply->x = set_tree();
multiply->y = set_tree();
break; }
case 6: { Devide *devide = (Devide*)s;
devide->x = set_tree();
devide->y = set_tree();
break; }
case 7:	{ If *iF = (If*)s;
iF->a = set_tree();
iF->b = set_tree();
iF->c = set_tree();
break; }
case 8: { Let *let = (Let*)s;
let->x = set_tree();
let->a = set_tree();
let->b = set_tree();
break; }
case 9: { Greater *greater = (Greater*)s;
greater->x = set_tree();
greater->y = set_tree();
break; }
case 10: { Equal *equal = (Equal*)s;
equal->x = set_tree();
equal->y = set_tree();
break; }
case 11: { Less *less = (Less*)s;
less->x = set_tree();
less->y = set_tree();
break; }
default: break;

return s;

* This function transfers the string into nodes in synax tree
* Parameters:
*		None
* Returns:
*		The node created by this function.
s_expression* make_node(void) {
s_expression *node;

while(start < length && (isblank(input[start]) ||
input[start] == ')' || input[start] == '('))

if(isdigit(input[start])) {
Integer *integer = (Integer*) malloc(sizeof(Integer));
int num = 0;
while(isdigit(input[start])) {
num *= 10;
num += input[start] - 48;
integer->type = 0;
integer->value = num;
node = (s_expression*) integer;
} else if(input[start] == '+') {
Add *add = (Add*) malloc(sizeof(Add));
add->type = 3;
node = (s_expression*) add;
} else if(input[start] == '-') {
Substract *substract = (Substract*) malloc(sizeof(Substract));
substract->type = 4;
node = (s_expression*) substract;
} else if(input[start] == '*') {
Multiply *multiply = (Multiply*) malloc(sizeof(Multiply));
multiply->type = 5;
node = (s_expression*) multiply;
} else if(input[start] == '/') {
Devide *devide = (Devide*) malloc(sizeof(Devide));
devide->type = 6;
node = (s_expression*) devide;
} else if(input[start] == '>') {
Greater *greater = (Greater*) malloc(sizeof(Greater));
greater->type = 9;
node = (s_expression*) greater;
} else if(input[start] == '=') {
Equal *equal = (Equal*) malloc(sizeof(Equal));
equal->type = 10;
node = (s_expression*) equal;
} else if(input[start] == '<') {
Less *less = (Less*) malloc(sizeof(Less));
less->type = 11;
node = (s_expression*) less;
} else if(isalpha(input[start])) {
char ch[15];
int index = 0;
while(isalpha(input[start])) {
ch[index++] = input[start++];
ch[index] = '\0';

if(strcmp("if", ch) == 0) {
If *iF = (If*) malloc(sizeof(If));
iF->type = 7;
node = (s_expression*) iF;
} else if(strcmp("let", ch) == 0) {
Let *let = (Let*) malloc(sizeof(Let));
let->type = 8;
node = (s_expression*) let;
} else if(strcmp("true", ch) == 0 || strcmp("false", ch) == 0) {
Boolean *boolean = (Boolean*) malloc(sizeof(Boolean));
boolean->type = 1;
if(strcmp("true", ch) == 0) {
boolean->value = 1;
} else {
boolean->value = 0;
node = (s_expression*) boolean;
} else {
Variant *variant = (Variant*) malloc(sizeof(Variant));
variant->type = 2;
strcpy(variant->name, ch);
node = (s_expression*) variant;

return node;

* This function calculates the value of the input s_expression.
* Parameter:
*		@expression: The root of synax tree generated by input s_expression.
*		@closure: The current closure node of the situation.
* Return:
*		If computing process is correct and the result has been worked out,
*		returns 1, or returns 0.
int calculate(s_expression *expression, Closure *closure) {
int type = expression->type;

switch (type) {
case 0: expression->value_type = 0; return 1;         // Integer.
case 1: expression->value_type = 1; return 1;         // Boolean.
case 2: {Closure *c = closure;                         // variant.
Variant *v = (Variant*) expression;
while(c != NULL) {
if(strcmp(v->name, c->name) == 0) {
v->value = c->value;
v->value_type = c->value_type;
return 1;
c = c->pre;
printf("Unbound Identifier\n");
return 0; }
case 3: { Add *add = (Add*) expression;                 // + x y
if(calculate(add->x, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(calculate(add->y, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(add->x->value_type != 0
|| add->y->value_type != 0) {
printf("Type Mismatch\n");
return 0;
add->value = add->x->value + add->y->value;
add->value_type = 0;
return 1; }
case 4: { Substract *substract = (Substract*) expression;// - x y
if(calculate(substract->x, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(calculate(substract->y, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(substract->x->value_type != 0 || substract->y->value_type != 0) {
printf("Type Mismatch\n");
return 0;

substract->value = substract->x->value - substract->y->value;
substract->value_type = 0;
return 1; }
case 5: { Multiply *multiply = (Multiply*) expression;   // * x y
if(calculate(multiply->x, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(calculate(multiply->y, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(multiply->x->value_type != 0 || multiply->y->value_type != 0) {
printf("Type Mismatch\n");
return 0;

multiply->value = multiply->x->value * multiply->y->value;
multiply->value_type = 0;
return 1; }
case 6: { Devide *devide = (Devide*) expression;         // / x y
if(calculate(devide->x, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(calculate(devide->y, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(devide->x->value_type != 0 || devide->y->value_type != 0) {
printf("Type Mismatch\n");
return 0;
if(devide->y->value == 0) {
printf("Division By Zero\n");
return 0;
devide->value = devide->x->value / devide->y->value;
devide->value_type = 0;
return 1; }
case 7: { If *iF = (If*) expression;                    // if a b c
if(calculate(iF->a, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(iF->a->value_type != 1) {
printf("Type Mismatch\n");
return 0;
if(iF->a->value == 1) {
if(calculate(iF->b, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
iF->value = iF->b->value;
iF->value_type = iF->b->value_type;
return 1;
} else {
if(calculate(iF->c, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
iF->value = iF->c->value;
iF->value_type = iF->c->value_type;
return 1;
} }
case 8: { Let *let = (Let*) expression;               // let ( x a ) b
if(calculate(let->a, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
Closure *new_c = (Closure*) malloc(sizeof(Closure));
new_c->value = let->a->value;
new_c->value_type = let->a->value_type;
strcpy(new_c->name, ((Variant*) (let->x))->name);
new_c->pre = closure;

if(calculate(let->b, new_c) == 0) {
return 0;
let->value = let->b->value;
let->value_type = let->b->value_type;
return 1; }
case 9: { Greater *greater = (Greater*) expression;   // > x y
if(calculate(greater->x, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(calculate(greater->y, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(greater->x->value_type != 0 ||
greater->y->value_type != 0) {
printf("Type Mismatch\n");
return 0;
if(greater->x->value > greater->y->value) {
greater->value = 1;
greater->value_type = 1;
return 1;
} else {
greater->value = 0;
greater->value_type = 1;
return 1;
} }
case 10: { Equal *equal = (Equal*) expression;   // = x y
if(calculate(equal->x, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(calculate(equal->y, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(equal->x->value_type != 0 ||
equal->y->value_type != 0) {
printf("Type Mismatch\n");
return 0;
if(equal->x->value == equal->y->value) {
equal->value = 1;
equal->value_type = 1;
return 1;
} else {
equal->value = 0;
equal->value_type = 1;
return 1;
} }
case 11: { Less *less = (Less*) expression;   // < x y
if(calculate(less->x, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(calculate(less->y, closure) == 0) {
return 0;
if(less->x->value_type != 0 ||
less->y->value_type != 0) {
printf("Type Mismatch\n");
return 0;
if(less->x->value < less->y->value) {
less->value = 1;
less->value_type = 1;
return 1;
} else {
less->value = 0;
less->value_type = 1;
return 1;
} }
default: return 0;
return 0;
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