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70.You want to display only those product names with their list prices where the list price is at le

2016-03-02 15:40 387 查看
70.You want to display only those product names with their list prices where the list price is at least double

the minimum price. The report should start with the product name having the maximum list price satisfying

this condition.

Evaluate the following SQL statement:

SQL>SELECT prod_name,prod_list_price

FROM products

WHERE prod_list_price >= 2 * prod_min_price

Which ORDER BY clauses can be added to the above SQL statement to get the correct output?

(Choose all that apply.)

A.ORDER BY prod_list_price DESC, prod_name;

B.ORDER BY (2*prod_min_price)DESC, prod_name;

C.ORDER BY prod_name, (2*prod_min_price)DESC;

D.ORDER BY prod_name DESC, prod_list_price DESC;

E.ORDER BY prod_list_price DESC, prod_name DESC;


解析:从题目中可以看到要求是list price降序,所以选AE
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