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2016-02-23 16:55 381 查看


I0223 14:55:42.870805 6406 caffe.cpp:178] Use CPU.//使用CPU模式

I0223 14:55:42.871371 6406 solver.cpp:48] Initializing solver from parameters: //利用solver.prototxt文件,初始化solver参数

test_iter: 100

test_interval: 500

base_lr: 0.01

display: 100

max_iter: 3

lr_policy: "inv"

gamma: 0.0001

power: 0.75

momentum: 0.9

weight_decay: 0.0005

snapshot: 5000

snapshot_prefix: "examples/mnist/lenet"

solver_mode: CPU

net: "examples/mnist/lenet_train_test.prototxt"

I0223 14:55:42.871707 6406 solver.cpp:91] Creating training net from net file: examples/mnist/lenet_train_test.prototxt

I0223 14:55:42.872799 6406 net.cpp:322] The NetState phase (0) differed from the phase (1) specified by a rule in layer mnist

I0223 14:55:42.872871 6406 net.cpp:322] The NetState phase (0) differed from the phase (1) specified by a rule in layer accuracy

I0223 14:55:42.873092 6406 net.cpp:49] Initializing net from parameters: //初始化网络参数

name: "LeNet"

state {

phase: TRAIN


layer {

name: "mnist"

type: "Data"

top: "data"

top: "label"

include {

phase: TRAIN


transform_param {

scale: 0.00390625


data_param {

source: "examples/mnist/mnist_train_lmdb"

batch_size: 64

backend: LMDB



layer {

name: "conv1"

type: "Convolution"

bottom: "data"

top: "conv1"

param {

lr_mult: 1


param {

lr_mult: 2


convolution_param {

num_output: 20

kernel_size: 5

stride: 1

weight_filler {

type: "xavier"


bias_filler {

type: "constant"




layer {

name: "pool1"

type: "Pooling"

bottom: "conv1"

top: "pool1"

pooling_param {

pool: MAX

kernel_size: 2

stride: 2



layer {

name: "conv2"

type: "Convolution"

bottom: "pool1"

top: "conv2"

param {

lr_mult: 1


param {

lr_mult: 2


convolution_param {

num_output: 50

kernel_size: 5

stride: 1

weight_filler {

type: "xavier"


bias_filler {

type: "constant"




layer {

name: "pool2"

type: "Pooling"

bottom: "conv2"

top: "pool2"

pooling_param {

pool: MAX

kernel_size: 2

stride: 2



layer {

name: "ip1"

type: "InnerProduct"

bottom: "pool2"

top: "ip1"

param {

lr_mult: 1


param {

lr_mult: 2


inner_product_param {

num_output: 500

weight_filler {

type: "xavier"


bias_filler {

type: "constant"




layer {

name: "relu1"

type: "ReLU"

bottom: "ip1"

top: "ip1"


layer {

name: "ip2"

type: "InnerProduct"

bottom: "ip1"

top: "ip2"

param {

lr_mult: 1


param {

lr_mult: 2


inner_product_param {

num_output: 10

weight_filler {

type: "xavier"


bias_filler {

type: "constant"




layer {

name: "loss"

type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"

bottom: "ip2"

bottom: "label"

top: "loss"



I0223 14:55:42.873805 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer mnist//构建mnist层,也就是数据层

I0223 14:55:42.875214 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer mnist

I0223 14:55:42.875300 6406 net.cpp:411] mnist -> data

I0223 14:55:42.875455 6409 db_lmdb.cpp:38] Opened lmdb examples/mnist/mnist_train_lmdb//使用lmdb格式的训练数据

I0223 14:55:42.875653 6406 net.cpp:411] mnist -> label

//数据的输出大小为64*1*28*28(64:图像数,此处为batch大小 1:通道数 28:图像的高 28:图像的宽),数据层只有输出没有输入

I0223 14:55:42.875879 6406 data_layer.cpp:41] output data size: 64,1,28,28

I0223 14:55:42.876302 6406 base_data_layer.cpp:69] Initializing prefetch//初始化prefetch,该函数可以提前获取下一个batch,提高效率

I0223 14:55:42.876423 6406 base_data_layer.cpp:72] Prefetch initialized.

I0223 14:55:42.876461 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up mnist

I0223 14:55:42.876531 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 1 28 28 (50176)//50176=64*1*28*28

I0223 14:55:42.876636 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 (64)

I0223 14:55:42.876716 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 200960//此时所需要的内存大小

I0223 14:55:42.876829 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer conv1//构建卷积层conv1

I0223 14:55:42.877009 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer conv1

I0223 14:55:42.877122 6406 net.cpp:454] conv1 <- data//数据层的top为卷积层conv1(即数据层data的后面一层为conv1)

I0223 14:55:42.877312 6406 net.cpp:411] conv1 -> conv1

I0223 14:55:42.877905 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up conv1


I0223 14:55:42.877964 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 20 24 24 (737280)

I0223 14:55:42.877993 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 3150080

I0223 14:55:42.878154 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer pool1//构建池化层pool1(使用的是最大池化方式)

I0223 14:55:42.878242 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer pool1

I0223 14:55:42.878325 6406 net.cpp:454] pool1 <- conv1//卷积层conv1的top为池化层pool1

I0223 14:55:42.878412 6406 net.cpp:411] pool1 -> pool1

I0223 14:55:42.878540 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up pool1

I0223 14:55:42.878597 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 20 12 12 (184320)//经池化后,图像大小已由24*24变成12*12,池化大小为2*2

I0223 14:55:42.878628 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 3887360

I0223 14:55:42.878662 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer conv2//构建卷积层conv2

I0223 14:55:42.878742 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer conv2

I0223 14:55:42.878779 6406 net.cpp:454] conv2 <- pool1//池化层pool1的top为卷积层conv2

I0223 14:55:42.878862 6406 net.cpp:411] conv2 -> conv2

I0223 14:55:42.882365 6410 data_layer.cpp:102] Prefetch batch: 5 ms.//提前获取下一个batch

I0223 14:55:42.882421 6410 data_layer.cpp:103] Read time: 0.791 ms.//batch的读取时间

I0223 14:55:42.882447 6410 data_layer.cpp:104] Transform time: 3.296 ms.//batch的转化时间

I0223 14:55:42.883898 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up conv2//配置卷积层conv2


I0223 14:55:42.883935 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 50 8 8 (204800)

I0223 14:55:42.883962 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 4706560

I0223 14:55:42.884052 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer pool2//构建池化层pool2

I0223 14:55:42.884110 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer pool2

I0223 14:55:42.884181 6406 net.cpp:454] pool2 <- conv2//卷积层conv2的top为池化层pool2

I0223 14:55:42.884268 6406 net.cpp:411] pool2 -> pool2

I0223 14:55:42.884383 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up pool2

I0223 14:55:42.884448 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 50 4 4 (51200)//经池化后,图像大小已由8*8变成4*4,池化大小为2*2

I0223 14:55:42.884500 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 4911360

I0223 14:55:42.884553 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer ip1//构建内积层ip1(InnerProduct)

I0223 14:55:42.884644 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer ip1

I0223 14:55:42.884706 6406 net.cpp:454] ip1 <- pool2//池化层pool2的top为内积层ip1

I0223 14:55:42.884790 6406 net.cpp:411] ip1 -> ip1

I0223 14:55:42.887511 6410 data_layer.cpp:102] Prefetch batch: 4 ms.

I0223 14:55:42.887596 6410 data_layer.cpp:103] Read time: 0.887 ms.

I0223 14:55:42.887634 6410 data_layer.cpp:104] Transform time: 2.494 ms.

I0223 14:55:42.892683 6410 data_layer.cpp:102] Prefetch batch: 4 ms.

I0223 14:55:42.892719 6410 data_layer.cpp:103] Read time: 0.536 ms.

I0223 14:55:42.892736 6410 data_layer.cpp:104] Transform time: 3.193 ms.

I0223 14:55:42.929069 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up ip1//配置内积层ip1

I0223 14:55:42.929119 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 500 (32000)//数据的输出大小为64*500

I0223 14:55:42.929129 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 5039360

I0223 14:55:42.929193 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer relu1//构建非线性变换层relu1

I0223 14:55:42.929252 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer relu1

I0223 14:55:42.929280 6406 net.cpp:454] relu1 <- ip1//内积层ip1的数据传送至非线性变换层relu1

I0223 14:55:42.929325 6406 net.cpp:397] relu1 -> ip1 (in-place)//数据经过非线性变换后传回内积层ip1

I0223 14:55:42.929373 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up relu1

I0223 14:55:42.929394 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 500 (32000)//数据的输出大小为64*500

I0223 14:55:42.929409 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 5167360

I0223 14:55:42.929425 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer ip2//构建内积层ip2

I0223 14:55:42.929464 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer ip2

I0223 14:55:42.929483 6406 net.cpp:454] ip2 <- ip1//内积层ip1的top为ip2

I0223 14:55:42.929522 6406 net.cpp:411] ip2 -> ip2

I0223 14:55:42.930277 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up ip2

I0223 14:55:42.930307 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 64 10 (640)//数据的输出大小为64*10

I0223 14:55:42.930325 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 5169920

I0223 14:55:42.930368 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer loss

I0223 14:55:42.930424 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer loss//构建loss层loss

I0223 14:55:42.930449 6406 net.cpp:454] loss <- ip2//内积层ip2的top为loss层

I0223 14:55:42.930486 6406 net.cpp:454] loss <- label//数据标签层label的top为loss层

I0223 14:55:42.930532 6406 net.cpp:411] loss -> loss//利用Softmax计算loss

I0223 14:55:42.930603 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer loss

I0223 14:55:42.930709 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up loss

I0223 14:55:42.930735 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: (1)//loss层的数据输出大小为1

I0223 14:55:42.930747 6406 net.cpp:160] with loss weight 1//loss的权重为1

I0223 14:55:42.930768 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 5169924

I0223 14:55:42.930788 6406 net.cpp:226] loss needs backward computation.//进行反向传播梯度

I0223 14:55:42.930810 6406 net.cpp:226] ip2 needs backward computation.

I0223 14:55:42.930827 6406 net.cpp:226] relu1 needs backward computation.

I0223 14:55:42.930843 6406 net.cpp:226] ip1 needs backward computation.

I0223 14:55:42.930887 6406 net.cpp:226] pool2 needs backward computation.

I0223 14:55:42.930909 6406 net.cpp:226] conv2 needs backward computation.

I0223 14:55:42.930930 6406 net.cpp:226] pool1 needs backward computation.

I0223 14:55:42.930951 6406 net.cpp:226] conv1 needs backward computation.

I0223 14:55:42.930973 6406 net.cpp:228] mnist does not need backward computation.

I0223 14:55:42.930984 6406 net.cpp:270] This network produces output loss

I0223 14:55:42.931020 6406 net.cpp:283] Network initialization done.


I0223 14:55:42.931638 6406 solver.cpp:181] Creating test net (#0) specified by net file: examples/mnist/lenet_train_test.prototxt

I0223 14:55:42.931759 6406 net.cpp:322] The NetState phase (1) differed from the phase (0) specified by a rule in layer mnist

I0223 14:55:42.931941 6406 net.cpp:49] Initializing net from parameters:

name: "LeNet"

state {

phase: TEST


layer {

name: "mnist"

type: "Data"

top: "data"

top: "label"

include {

phase: TEST


transform_param {

scale: 0.00390625


data_param {

source: "examples/mnist/mnist_test_lmdb"

batch_size: 100

backend: LMDB



layer {

name: "conv1"

type: "Convolution"

bottom: "data"

top: "conv1"

param {

lr_mult: 1


param {

lr_mult: 2


convolution_param {

num_output: 20

kernel_size: 5

stride: 1

weight_filler {

type: "xavier"


bias_filler {

type: "constant"




layer {

name: "pool1"

type: "Pooling"

bottom: "conv1"

top: "pool1"

pooling_param {

pool: MAX

kernel_size: 2

stride: 2



layer {

name: "conv2"

type: "Convolution"

bottom: "pool1"

top: "conv2"

param {

lr_mult: 1


param {

lr_mult: 2


convolution_param {

num_output: 50

kernel_size: 5

stride: 1

weight_filler {

type: "xavier"


bias_filler {

type: "constant"




layer {

name: "pool2"

type: "Pooling"

bottom: "conv2"

top: "pool2"

pooling_param {

pool: MAX

kernel_size: 2

stride: 2



layer {

name: "ip1"

type: "InnerProduct"

bottom: "pool2"

top: "ip1"

param {

lr_mult: 1


param {

lr_mult: 2


inner_product_param {

num_output: 500

weight_filler {

type: "xavier"


bias_filler {

type: "constant"




layer {

name: "relu1"

type: "ReLU"

bottom: "ip1"

top: "ip1"


layer {

name: "ip2"

type: "InnerProduct"

bottom: "ip1"

top: "ip2"

param {

lr_mult: 1


param {

lr_mult: 2


inner_product_param {

num_output: 10

weight_filler {

type: "xavier"


bias_filler {

type: "constant"




layer {

name: "accuracy"

type: "Accuracy"

bottom: "ip2"

bottom: "label"

top: "accuracy"

include {

phase: TEST



layer {

name: "loss"

type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"

bottom: "ip2"

bottom: "label"

top: "loss"


I0223 14:55:42.932307 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer mnist

I0223 14:55:42.934370 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer mnist

I0223 14:55:42.934464 6406 net.cpp:411] mnist -> data

I0223 14:55:42.934545 6411 db_lmdb.cpp:38] Opened lmdb examples/mnist/mnist_test_lmdb

I0223 14:55:42.934552 6406 net.cpp:411] mnist -> label

I0223 14:55:42.934733 6406 data_layer.cpp:41] output data size: 100,1,28,28

I0223 14:55:42.935247 6406 base_data_layer.cpp:69] Initializing prefetch

I0223 14:55:42.935431 6406 base_data_layer.cpp:72] Prefetch initialized.

I0223 14:55:42.935503 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up mnist

I0223 14:55:42.935598 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 100 1 28 28 (78400)

I0223 14:55:42.935681 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 100 (100)

I0223 14:55:42.935739 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 314000

I0223 14:55:42.935811 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer label_mnist_1_split

I0223 14:55:42.935909 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer label_mnist_1_split

I0223 14:55:42.935940 6406 net.cpp:454] label_mnist_1_split <- label

I0223 14:55:42.935992 6406 net.cpp:411] label_mnist_1_split -> label_mnist_1_split_0

I0223 14:55:42.936048 6406 net.cpp:411] label_mnist_1_split -> label_mnist_1_split_1

I0223 14:55:42.936138 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up label_mnist_1_split

I0223 14:55:42.936182 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 100 (100)

I0223 14:55:42.936202 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 100 (100)

I0223 14:55:42.936223 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 314800

I0223 14:55:42.936246 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer conv1

I0223 14:55:42.936327 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer conv1

I0223 14:55:42.936350 6406 net.cpp:454] conv1 <- data

I0223 14:55:42.936396 6406 net.cpp:411] conv1 -> conv1

I0223 14:55:42.936653 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up conv1

I0223 14:55:42.936681 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 100 20 24 24 (1152000)

I0223 14:55:42.936693 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 4922800

I0223 14:55:42.936758 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer pool1

I0223 14:55:42.936802 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer pool1

I0223 14:55:42.936823 6406 net.cpp:454] pool1 <- conv1

I0223 14:55:42.936872 6406 net.cpp:411] pool1 -> pool1

I0223 14:55:42.936938 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up pool1

I0223 14:55:42.936962 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 100 20 12 12 (288000)

I0223 14:55:42.936975 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 6074800

I0223 14:55:42.936990 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer conv2

I0223 14:55:42.937044 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer conv2

I0223 14:55:42.937064 6406 net.cpp:454] conv2 <- pool1

I0223 14:55:42.937110 6406 net.cpp:411] conv2 -> conv2

I0223 14:55:42.940639 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up conv2

I0223 14:55:42.940696 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 100 50 8 8 (320000)

I0223 14:55:42.940711 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 7354800

I0223 14:55:42.940803 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer pool2

I0223 14:55:42.940876 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer pool2

I0223 14:55:42.940910 6406 net.cpp:454] pool2 <- conv2

I0223 14:55:42.940970 6406 net.cpp:411] pool2 -> pool2

I0223 14:55:42.941061 6406 net.cpp:150] Setting up pool2

I0223 14:55:42.941093 6406 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 100 50 4 4 (80000)

I0223 14:55:42.941108 6406 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 7674800

I0223 14:55:42.941131 6406 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer ip1

I0223 14:55:42.941184 6406 net.cpp:106] Creating Layer ip1

I0223 14:55:42.941210 6406 net.cpp:454] ip1 <- pool2

I0223 14:55:42.941262 6406 net.cpp:411] ip1 -> ip1



I0223 14:55:59.623518 6406 solver.cpp:408] Test net output #0: accuracy = 0.1309

I0223 14:55:59.623611 6406 solver.cpp:408] Test net output #1: loss = 2.31399 (* 1 = 2.31399 loss)

I0223 14:55:59.623705 6406 base_data_layer.cpp:115] Prefetch copied

I0223 14:55:59.625409 6410 data_layer.cpp:102] Prefetch batch: 1 ms.

I0223 14:55:59.625458 6410 data_layer.cpp:103] Read time: 0.188 ms.

I0223 14:55:59.625468 6410 data_layer.cpp:104] Transform time: 1.022 ms.

I0223 14:55:59.874915 6406 solver.cpp:229] Iteration 0, loss = 2.30499

I0223 14:55:59.874987 6406 solver.cpp:245] Train net output #0: loss = 2.30499 (* 1 = 2.30499 loss)

I0223 14:55:59.875026 6406 sgd_solver.cpp:106] Iteration 0, lr = 0.01

I0223 14:55:59.879196 6406 base_data_layer.cpp:115] Prefetch copied

I0223 14:55:59.881901 6410 data_layer.cpp:102] Prefetch batch: 2 ms.

I0223 14:55:59.881934 6410 data_layer.cpp:103] Read time: 0.413 ms.

I0223 14:55:59.881945 6410 data_layer.cpp:104] Transform time: 1.312 ms.

I0223 14:56:00.149636 6406 base_data_layer.cpp:115] Prefetch copied

I0223 14:56:00.151485 6410 data_layer.cpp:102] Prefetch batch: 1 ms.

I0223 14:56:00.151515 6410 data_layer.cpp:103] Read time: 0.195 ms.

I0223 14:56:00.151525 6410 data_layer.cpp:104] Transform time: 1.073 ms.

I0223 14:56:00.400404 6406 solver.cpp:458] Snapshotting to binary proto file examples/mnist/lenet_iter_3.caffemodel//保存当前训练模型快照

I0223 14:56:00.400461 6406 net.cpp:918] Serializing 9 layers


I0223 14:56:00.434458 6406 sgd_solver.cpp:273] Snapshotting solver state to binary proto file examples/mnist/lenet_iter_3.solverstate

I0223 14:56:00.455166 6406 solver.cpp:323] Optimization Done.

I0223 14:56:00.455202 6406 caffe.cpp:222] Optimization Done.//程序运行结束
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