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第3章 python实战例子 第一节

2016-02-15 18:23 721 查看


#Craps Roller


import random #载入随机数模块


die1 = random.randint(1,6) #randint()函数是用来产生随机数

die2 = random.randrange(6) + 1 #randrange()函数是用来产生一个随机整数,这里加1会得到die2的1-6正确值

total = die1 + die2

print("You rolled a",die1,"and a",die2, "for a total of",total)

print("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")




print("Welcome to System Security Inc.")

print("-- where security is our middle name\n")

password = input("Enter your password:")

if password == "secret":


print("Access Granted")

print("Welcome! You must be someone very important.")

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")




print("Welcome to System Security Inc.")

print("-- where security is our middle name\n")

password = input("Enter your password:")

if password == "secret":


print("Access Granted")

print("Welcome! You must be someone very important.")


print("Access Denied")

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


#Mood Computer


import random

print("I sense your energy. Your true emotions are coming across my screen.")

print("You are...")

mood = random.randint(1,3)

if mood == 1:






      ╚╝ ╚╝ ╚═╝


elif mood == 2:





╠╗║╚═╝╚╩╝╚═╝╚╝ ╚╩╝╚╝



elif mood == 3:





╚══╝╚═╝╚╝ ╚╝ ╠═║




print("Illegal mood value! (You must be in a really bad mood).")


input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


#Three Year-Old Simulator


print("\tWelcome to the 'three-Year-Old Simulator'\n")

print("This program simulates a conversation with a three-year-old child.")

print("Try to stop the madness.\n")

response = ""

while response != "Because.":

response = input("Why?\n")

print("Oh. Okay.")

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


#Losing Battle


print("Your lone hero is surrounded by a massive army of trolls. ")

print("Their decaying green bodies stretch out,melting into the horizon.")

print("Your hero unsheathes his sword for the last fight of his life.\n")

health = 10

trolls = 0

damage = 3

while health != 0:

trolls += 1

health -= damage

print("Your hero swings and defeats an evil troll,"\

"but takes",damage,"damage points.\n")

print("Your hero fought valiantly and defeated",trolls,"trolls.")

print("But alas,your hero is no more.")


#Losing Battle


print("Your lone hero is surrounded by a massive army of trolls. ")

print("Their decaying green bodies stretch out,melting into the horizon.")

print("Your hero unsheathes his sword for the last fight of his life.\n")

health = 10

trolls = 0

damage = 3

while health > 0:

trolls += 1

health -= damage

print("Your hero swings and defeats an evil troll,"\

"but takes",damage,"damage points.\n")

print("Your hero fought valiantly and defeated",trolls,"trolls.")

print("But alas,your hero is no more.")
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