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2016-02-01 21:32 537 查看
包含两部份,”head.c” and “sqList.c”



* author : tiaoyu
* datetime : 16:22 2016/1/11
* desc : List
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAIL 0
#define INFEASIBLE -1
#define OVERFLOW -2

typedef int Status;
typedef int ElemType;

int max(int a, int b){return a>b?a:b;}
int min(int a, int b){return a<b?a:b;}
//is or not a is equal b
Status compare(ElemType a, ElemType b){return a==b?TRUE:FALSE;}
//print e
Status visit(ElemType e) {printf("%d | ", e);}


* author : tiaoyuyu
* datatime: 14:30 2016/1/14
* dec: LinkList
#include "head.h"

typedef int ElemType;

//LinkList's node
typedef struct LNode{
ElemType data;
struct LNode *next;
}*Link, *Position;

//LinkList struct
typedef struct {
//List's head and tail (LNode)
Link head, tail;
//List's length (int)
int len;

//create Node and data is e
Status MakeNode(Link &p, ElemType e){
//malloc memory for LNode
p = (Link)malloc(sizeof(LNode));
if(!p) exit(ERROR);
p->data = e;
return SUCCESS;
//free Node
void FreeNode(Link &p){

/*Must set p as NULL, just in case p become being wild pointer(Dangerous)*/
p = NULL;
pointer use "->"
struct  use "."
so LinkList L; L use ".", L.head...
and Link pHead; pHead use "->", pHead->data...
*init LinkList
creat a head and a tail
length is zero
head --> tail
Status InitList(LinkList &L){
Link head, tail;

head = (Link)malloc(sizeof(LNode));
if(!head) exit(ERROR);
head->data = 0;
tail = (Link)malloc(sizeof(LNode));
if(!tail) exit(ERROR);
tail->data = 0;

L.head = head;
L.tail = tail;
L.head->next = L.tail;
L.tail->next = NULL;

L.len = 2;

destroy LinkList
form head to tail
destroy all node;
Status DestroyList(LinkList &L){

Link p = L.head;
while(NULL != L.head){

L.head = L.head->next;


p = L.head;
L.head = NULL;
L.tail = NULL;
L.len = 0;
return SUCCESS;

clear LinkList
keep head and tail ,
clear (head, tail);
Status ClearList(LinkList &L){
if(0 == L.len) return SUCCESS;

Link p = L.head->next;
L.head->next = L.tail;
while(NULL != p){
Link q = p;
p = q->next;
L.len --;

return SUCCESS;


insert Node to first
h is head, s is insert-node
Status InsFirst(Link h, Link s){

Link p = h->next;
h->next = s;
s->next = p;

return OK;

//delete head Node and return it to q
Status DelFirst(Link h, Link &q){
q = (Link)malloc(sizeof(LNode));
q->data = h->data;
q->next = h->next;

h = NULL;

return OK;

//append LinkList L to Node s
Status Append(LinkList &L, Link s){
Link p = L.head;
while(p->next != L.tail){
p = p->next;

p->next = s;
s->next = L.tail;

return OK;

//delete tail Node and return it to q
Status DelLast(LinkList &L, Link &q){
q = (Link)malloc(sizeof(LNode));

q->data = L.tail->data;
q->next = NULL;

L.tail = NULL;

return OK;

//insert Node  s before Node p in LinkList L
Status InsBefore(LinkList &L, Link &p, Link s){
Link q = L.head;

while(q->next != p){
q = q->next;
q->next = s;
s->next = p;

return OK;

//insert Node s after Node p in LinkList LNode
Status InsAfter (LinkList &L, Link &p, Link s){
Link q = p->next;

p->next = s;
s->next = q;

//change data of Node p to e
Status SetCurElem(Link &p, ElemType e){
p->data = e;
return OK;

//get data to Node p
ElemType GetCurElem(Link p){
return p->data;

//judge LinkList if empty
Status ListEmpty(LinkList L){
return (L.head->next == L.tail);

//get length of Node in LinkList
int ListLength(LinkList L){
return L.len;

//get position of Head Node
Position GetHead (LinkList L){
return L.head;

//get position of tail Node
Position GetLast(LinkList L){
return L.tail;

//get priority Node
Position PriorPos(LinkList L, Link p){
Link q = L.head;
while(q->next != p){
q = q->next;

return q;

//get next Node
Position NextPos(LinkList L, Link p){
Link q = L.head;
while(q->next != p){
q = q->next;

return q->next->next;

//get Node of index i, and return p
Status LocatePos(LinkList L, int i, Link &p){
p = L.head;
p = p->next;
return OK;

//get data equal to e
Position LocateElem(LinkList L, ElemType e, Status (*compare)(ElemType, ElemType)){
Link p = L.head;
if(compare(e, p->data)){
return p;
p = p->next;
return p;

//print LinkList L
Status ListTraverse(LinkList L, Status(*visit)(ElemType e)){
Link p;
p = L.head;
p = p->next;

int main(){
LinkList L;
//init List

printf("head = %p, tail = %p, len = %d\n", L.head, L.tail, L.len);
printf("head = %p, tail = %p, len = %d\n", L.head, L.tail, L.len);
Link q;
DelFirst(L.head, q);
printf("%d", q->data);
Link q;
DelFirst(L.head, q);
printf("%d", q->data);
return 0;
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