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> str(iris)
'data.frame':	150 obs. of  5 variables:
$ Sepal.Length: num  5.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 5 5.4 4.6 5 4.4 4.9 ...
$ Sepal.Width : num  3.5 3 3.2 3.1 3.6 3.9 3.4 3.4 2.9 3.1 ...
$ Petal.Length: num  1.4 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 ...
$ Petal.Width : num  0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 ...
$ Species     : Factor w/ 3 levels "setosa","versicolor",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
> set.seed(1234)
> ind <- sample(2, nrow(iris), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.7, 0.3))
> trainData <- iris[ind==1,]
> testData <- iris[ind==2,]

> library(party)
> myFormula <- Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width
> iris_ctree <- ctree(myFormula, data=trainData)
> # check the prediction
> table(predict(iris_ctree), trainData$Species)

setosa versicolor virginica
setosa         40          0         0
versicolor      0         37         3
virginica       0          1        31

> print(iris_ctree)

Conditional inference tree with 4 terminal nodes

Response:  Species
Inputs:  Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width
Number of observations:  112

1) Petal.Length <= 1.9; criterion = 1, statistic = 104.643
2)*  weights = 40
1) Petal.Length > 1.9
3) Petal.Width <= 1.7; criterion = 1, statistic = 48.939
4) Petal.Length <= 4.4; criterion = 0.974, statistic = 7.397
5)*  weights = 21
4) Petal.Length > 4.4
6)*  weights = 19
3) Petal.Width > 1.7
7)*  weights = 32
> plot(iris_ctree)
> # 图略
> plot(iris_ctree, type="simple")
> #图略

> # predict on test data
> testPred <- predict(iris_ctree, newdata = testData)
> table(testPred, testData$Species)

testPred     setosa versicolor virginica
setosa         10          0         0
versicolor      0         12         2
virginica       0          0        14

① ctree()不能很好地处理缺失值,含有缺失值的观测有时被划分到左子树,有时划到右子树,这是由缺失值的替代规则决定的。

② 训练集和测试集需出自同一个数据集,即它们的表结构、含有的变量要一致,无论决策树最终是否用到了全部的变量。

③ 如果训练集和测试集的分类变量的水平值不一致,对测试集的预测会识别。解决此问题的方法是根据测试集中的分类变量的水平值显式地设置训练数据。




> data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data")
> dim(bodyfat)
[1] 71 10
> attributes(bodyfat)
[1] "age"          "DEXfat"       "waistcirc"    "hipcirc"      "elbowbreadth"
[6] "kneebreadth"  "anthro3a"     "anthro3b"     "anthro3c"     "anthro4"

[1] "47"  "48"  "49"  "50"  "51"  "52"  "53"  "54"  "55"  "56"  "57"  "58"  "59"  "60"
[15] "61"  "62"  "63"  "64"  "65"  "66"  "67"  "68"  "69"  "70"  "71"  "72"  "73"  "74"
[29] "75"  "76"  "77"  "78"  "79"  "80"  "81"  "82"  "83"  "84"  "85"  "86"  "87"  "88"
[43] "89"  "90"  "91"  "92"  "93"  "94"  "95"  "96"  "97"  "98"  "99"  "100" "101" "102"
[57] "103" "104" "105" "106" "107" "108" "109" "110" "111" "112" "113" "114" "115" "116"
[71] "117"

[1] "data.frame"

> bodyfat[1:5,]
age DEXfat waistcirc hipcirc elbowbreadth kneebreadth anthro3a anthro3b anthro3c
47  57  41.68     100.0   112.0          7.1         9.4     4.42     4.95     4.50
48  65  43.29      99.5   116.5          6.5         8.9     4.63     5.01     4.48
49  59  35.41      96.0   108.5          6.2         8.9     4.12     4.74     4.60
50  58  22.79      72.0    96.5          6.1         9.2     4.03     4.48     3.91
51  60  36.42      89.5   100.5          7.1        10.0     4.24     4.68     4.15
47    6.13
48    6.37
49    5.82
50    5.66
51    5.91

> set.seed(1234)
> ind <- sample(2, nrow(bodyfat), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.7, 0.3))
> bodyfat.train <- bodyfat[ind==1,]
> bodyfat.test <- bodyfat[ind==2,]
> # train a decision tree
> library(rpart)
> myFormula <- DEXfat ~ age + waistcirc + hipcirc + elbowbreadth + kneebreadth
> bodyfat_rpart <- rpart(myFormula, data = bodyfat.train,
+ control = rpart.control(minsplit = 10))
> attributes(bodyfat_rpart)
[1] "frame"               "where"               "call"
[4] "terms"               "cptable"             "method"
[7] "parms"               "control"             "functions"
[10] "numresp"             "splits"              "variable.importance"
[13] "y"                   "ordered"

named list()

[1] "rpart"

> print(bodyfat_rpart$cptable)
CP nsplit  rel error    xerror       xstd
1 0.67272638      0 1.00000000 1.0194546 0.18724382
2 0.09390665      1 0.32727362 0.4415438 0.10853044
3 0.06037503      2 0.23336696 0.4271241 0.09362895
4 0.03420446      3 0.17299193 0.3842206 0.09030539
5 0.01708278      4 0.13878747 0.3038187 0.07295556
6 0.01695763      5 0.12170469 0.2739808 0.06599642
7 0.01007079      6 0.10474706 0.2693702 0.06613618
8 0.01000000      7 0.09467627 0.2695358 0.06620732
> print(bodyfat_rpart)
n= 56

node), split, n, deviance, yval
* denotes terminal node

1) root 56 7265.0290000 30.94589
2) waistcirc< 88.4 31  960.5381000 22.55645
4) hipcirc< 96.25 14  222.2648000 18.41143
8) age< 60.5 9   66.8809600 16.19222 *
9) age>=60.5 5   31.2769200 22.40600 *
5) hipcirc>=96.25 17  299.6470000 25.97000
10) waistcirc< 77.75 6   30.7345500 22.32500 *
11) waistcirc>=77.75 11  145.7148000 27.95818
22) hipcirc< 99.5 3    0.2568667 23.74667 *
23) hipcirc>=99.5 8   72.2933500 29.53750 *
3) waistcirc>=88.4 25 1417.1140000 41.34880
6) waistcirc< 104.75 18  330.5792000 38.09111
12) hipcirc< 109.9 9   68.9996200 34.37556 *
13) hipcirc>=109.9 9   13.0832000 41.80667 *
7) waistcirc>=104.75 7  404.3004000 49.72571 *

> plot(bodyfat_rpart)
> text(bodyfat_rpart, use.n=T)
> #图略

> opt <- which.min(bodyfat_rpart$cptable[,"xerror"])
> cp <- bodyfat_rpart$cptable[opt, "CP"]
> bodyfat_prune <- prune(bodyfat_rpart, cp = cp)
> print(bodyfat_prune)
n= 56

node), split, n, deviance, yval
* denotes terminal node

1) root 56 7265.02900 30.94589
2) waistcirc< 88.4 31  960.53810 22.55645
4) hipcirc< 96.25 14  222.26480 18.41143
8) age< 60.5 9   66.88096 16.19222 *
9) age>=60.5 5   31.27692 22.40600 *
5) hipcirc>=96.25 17  299.64700 25.97000
10) waistcirc< 77.75 6   30.73455 22.32500 *
11) waistcirc>=77.75 11  145.71480 27.95818 *
3) waistcirc>=88.4 25 1417.11400 41.34880
6) waistcirc< 104.75 18  330.57920 38.09111
12) hipcirc< 109.9 9   68.99962 34.37556 *
13) hipcirc>=109.9 9   13.08320 41.80667 *
7) waistcirc>=104.75 7  404.30040 49.72571 *
> plot(bodyfat_prune)
> text(bodyfat_prune, use.n=T)
> #图略

> DEXfat_pred <- predict(bodyfat_prune, newdata=bodyfat.test)
> xlim <- range(bodyfat$DEXfat)
> plot(DEXfat_pred ~ DEXfat, data=bodyfat.test, xlab="Observed",
+ ylab="Predicted", ylim=xlim, xlim=xlim)
> abline(a=0, b=1)
> #图略





> ind <- sample(2, nrow(iris), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.7, 0.3))
> trainData <- iris[ind==1,]
> testData <- iris[ind==2,]

> library(randomForest)
> rf <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data=trainData, ntree=100, proximity=TRUE)
> table(predict(rf), trainData$Species)

setosa versicolor virginica
setosa         36          0         0
versicolor      0
31         1
virginica       0          1        35
> print(rf)

randomForest(formula = Species ~ ., data = trainData, ntree = 100,      proximity = TRUE)
Type of random forest: classification
Number of trees: 100
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

OOB estimate of  error rate: 1.92%
Confusion matrix:
setosa versicolor virginica class.error
setosa         36          0         0  0.00000000
versicolor      0         31         1  0.03125000
virginica       0          1        35  0.02777778
> attributes(rf)
[1] "call"            "type"            "predicted"       "err.rate"
[5] "confusion"       "votes"           "oob.times"       "classes"
[9] "importance"      "importanceSD"    "localImportance" "proximity"
[13] "ntree"           "mtry"            "forest"          "y"
[17] "test"            "inbag"           "terms"

[1] "randomForest.formula" "randomForest"

> plot(rf)
> #图略

> importance(rf)
Sepal.Length         6.485090
Sepal.Width          1.380624
Petal.Length        32.498074
Petal.Width         28.250058
> varImpPlot(rf)
> #图略

> irisPred <- predict(rf, newdata=testData)
> table(irisPred, testData$Species)

irisPred     setosa versicolor virginica
setosa         14          0         0
versicolor      0         17         3
virginica       0          1        11
> plot(margin(rf, testData$Species))
> #图略
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