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Insert a node in a sorted linked list.

2016-01-30 18:34 756 查看

 * Created by qjb on 2016/1/30.


 * Insert a node in a sorted linked list.


 * Example

 * Given list = 1->4->6->8 and val = 5.

 * Return 1->4->5->6->8.


 * 1、插入Node的核心代码很简单:node.next = head.next;   head.next = node;这个脑袋里有图,理解了先指向哪个,后指向哪个就可以了

 * 2、head是reference,这样随着遍历,head会变化,但题目要求不只是插入节点,而且要返回链表,所以必须在head变化前保存head的值,

 * 以便最后返回;

 * 3、head.next!=null判断,这个必须有;因为要处理链表的内容,必须要拿到处理位置的上一个节点,这样才能获得head,head.next两个

 * 节点,也就是上下文,才能做插入处理;


 * 总结:

 * 1、链表遍历模板:

 * while (condition) {

 *     head = head.next;



 * 2、链表插入模板:

 *  node.next = head.next;

 *  head.next = node;



class ListNode {

     int val;

     ListNode next;

     ListNode(int x) {

         val = x;

         next = null;



public class Solution {

    public ListNode insertNode(ListNode head, int val) {

        ListNode node = new ListNode(val);

        ListNode dummy = new ListNode(0);

        dummy.next = head;

        head = dummy;

        // find the last element <= val

        while (head.next != null && head.next.val <= val) {

            head = head.next;


        node.next = head.next;

        head.next = node;

        return dummy.next;


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标签:  算法初级