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《深入理解计算机系统》Tiny Web服务器实验

2016-01-26 21:31 302 查看
#include "csapp.h"
* 必须表示请求url的原始服务器或网关的位置。
* HTTP/1.1请求必须包含主机头域,否则系统会以400状态码返回。

void handler(int sig);
void doit(int fd);
void read_requesthdrs(rio_t *rp, int *length, int is_post_method);
int parse_uri(char *uri, char *filename, char *cgiargs);
void serve_static(int fd, char *filename, int filesize, int is_head_method);
void get_filetype(char *filename, char *filetype);
void serve_dynamic(int fd, char *filename, char *cgiargs, int is_head_method);
void post_dynamic(int fd, char *filename, int contentLength,rio_t *rp);
void clienterror(int fd, char *cause, char *errnum, char *shortmsg, char *longmsg);

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **environ)
int listenfd, connfd, port, clientlen;
struct sockaddr_in clientaddr;

/* 检查命令行参数 */
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <port>\n", argv[0]);
port = atoi(argv[1]);

listenfd = Open_listenfd(port);
printf("Tiny Web Server...\n");
while (1) {
clientlen = sizeof(clientaddr);
connfd = Accept(listenfd, (SA *)&clientaddr, &clientlen);

Signal(SIGCHLD, handler);

/* fork子进程处理请求 */
if (Fork() == 0) {
Close(listenfd);  /* 关闭监听描述符 */
Close(connfd);    /* 关闭已连接描述符 */
Close(connfd);   /* 父进程关闭已连接描述符,此时文件表项的引用计数为0,到客户端的连接终止 */


void handler(int sig)
pid_t pid;

if ((pid = waitpid(-1, NULL, 0)) < 0)
unix_error("waitpid error");
//printf("Handler reaped child %d\n", (int)pid);

void doit(int fd)
int is_static, head = 0, post = 0, contentLength = 0;
struct stat sbuf;
char buf[MAXLINE], method[MAXLINE], uri[MAXLINE], version[MAXLINE];
char filename[MAXLINE], cgiargs[MAXLINE];
rio_t rio;

Rio_readinitb(&rio, fd); /* 初始化缓冲区 */
Rio_readlineb(&rio, buf, MAXLINE); /* 将缓冲区内的请求行(一行)内容读到buf里 */

/* 读请求行 */
sscanf(buf, "%s %s %s", method, uri, version);
printf("%s %s %s\r\n", method, uri, version);                  //11.6题扩展A

if (!strcasecmp(method, "HEAD")) {
head = 1;
else if (!strcasecmp(method, "POST")) {   /* 忽略大小写比较字符串 */
post = 1;

else if (!strcasecmp(method, "GET"));
else {
clienterror(fd, method, "501", "Not Implemented", "Tiny does not implement this method");

read_requesthdrs(&rio, &contentLength, post);   /* 读取并忽略请求报头 */

/* 解析来自GET请求的URI */
is_static = parse_uri(uri, filename, cgiargs);   /* is_static判断请求的文件是否为静态文件 */
if (stat(filename, &sbuf) < 0) {
clienterror(fd, filename, "404", "Not found", "Tiny couldn't read the file");

if (is_static) {
if (!(S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) || !(S_IRUSR & sbuf.st_mode)) {
clienterror(fd, filename, "403", "Forbidden", "Tiny couldn't read the file");
serve_static(fd, filename, sbuf.st_size, head);    /* 处理静态内容 */
else {
if (!(S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) || !(S_IXUSR & sbuf.st_mode)) {
clienterror(fd, filename, "403", "Forbidden", "Tiny couldn't run the CGI program");
if (!post)
serve_dynamic(fd, filename, cgiargs, head);       /* 处理动态内容 */
post_dynamic(fd, filename, contentLength, &rio);

void clienterror(int fd, char *cause, char *errnum, char *shortmsg, char *longmsg)
char buf[MAXLINE], body[MAXLINE];

/* 生成HTTP响应主体 */
sprintf(body, "<html><head><meta charset='UTF-8'><title>Tiny Error</title></head>");
sprintf(body, "%s<body bgcolor='#ffffff'>\r\n", body);
sprintf(body, "%s<h2>%s: %s</h2>\r\n", body, errnum, shortmsg);
sprintf(body, "%s<p>%s: %s</p>\r\n", body, longmsg, cause);
sprintf(body, "%s<hr><em>The Tiny Web server</em></body></html>\r\n", body);  /* <hr>标签是水平分割线 */

/* 打印HTTP响应 */
sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 %s %s\r\n", errnum, shortmsg);
Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
sprintf(buf, "Content-type: text/html\r\n");
Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
sprintf(buf, "Content-length: %d\r\n\r\n", (int)strlen(body));
Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
Rio_writen(fd, body, strlen(body));

void read_requesthdrs(rio_t *rp, int *length, int is_post_method) {
char buf[MAXLINE];
char *p;

Rio_readlineb(rp, buf, MAXLINE);
while (strcmp(buf, "\r\n")) {    /* 如果读到\r\n则结束循环,因为请求头以单独的\r\n一行结束 */
Rio_readlineb(rp, buf, MAXLINE);
if (is_post_method){
if(strncasecmp(buf,"Content-Length:",15)==0) {
p+=strspn(p," \t");
printf("%s", buf);
//printf("%d", *length);
//Rio_readlineb(rp, buf, MAXLINE);
//Rio_readlineb(rp, buf, MAXLINE);


int parse_uri(char *uri, char *filename, char *cgiargs)
char *ptr;

/* 如果不是请求动态文件  */
if (!strstr(uri, "cgi-bin")) {
strcpy(cgiargs, "");
strcpy(filename, ".");
strcat(filename, uri);   /* 将filename和uri连接起来,结果保存在filename里,即将uri转化为相对路径 */
if (uri[strlen(uri)-1] == '/')
strcat(filename, "index.html");  /* 如果uri以"/"结尾,把默认的文件名加载后面 */
return 1;
else {
ptr = index(uri, '?');
if (ptr) {
strcpy(cgiargs, ptr+1); /* 抽取出参数 */
*ptr = '\0';
else {
strcpy(cgiargs, "");
strcpy(filename, ".");
strcat(filename, uri); /* 将uri转化为相对路径 */
return 0;

void serve_static(int fd, char *filename, int filesize, int is_head_method)
int srcfd;
char *srcp, filetype[MAXLINE], buf[MAXLINE];

/* 发送响应报头给客户端 */
get_filetype(filename, filetype);
sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
sprintf(buf, "%sServer: Tiny Web Server\r\n",  buf);
sprintf(buf, "%sContent-length: %d\r\n", buf, filesize);
sprintf(buf, "%sContent-type: %s\r\n\r\n", buf, filetype);
//int fd2;                                                     11.6题扩展B
//fd2 = Open("test.txt", O_WRONLY, 0);                         11.6题扩展B
Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
//Rio_writen(fd2, buf, strlen(buf));                           11.6题扩展B
/* 发送响应主体给客户端 */
if (is_head_method)

srcfd = Open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
srcp = Mmap(0, filesize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, srcfd, 0);
Close(srcfd);  /* 分配了虚拟地址空间就不需要read/write了,也就不需要文件描述符 */

//srcp = (char *)Malloc(filesize * sizeof(char));              11.9题
//Rio_readn(srcfd, srcp, filesize);                            11.9题
Rio_writen(fd, srcp, filesize);
//free(srcp);                                                  11.9题

//Rio_writen(fd2, srcp, filesize);                             11.6题扩展B
Munmap(srcp, filesize);

void get_filetype(char *filename, char *filetype)
if (strstr(filename, ".html"))
strcpy(filetype, "text/html");
else if (strstr(filename, ".gif"))
strcpy(filetype, "image/gif");
else if (strstr(filename, ".jpg") || strstr(filename, ".jpeg"))
strcpy(filetype,  "image/jpeg");
else if (strstr(filename, ".mpg"))                        //11.6题扩展C
strcpy(filetype, "video/mpg");
strcpy(filetype, "text/plain");

void serve_dynamic(int fd, char *filename, char *cgiargs, int is_head_method)
char buf[MAXLINE], *emptylist[] = {NULL};

/* 打印一部分HTTP响应信息 */
sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
sprintf(buf, "%sServer: Tiny Web Server\r\n",  buf);
Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf));

if (is_head_method)

Signal(SIGCHLD, handler);

if (Fork() == 0) {
setenv("QUERY_STRING", cgiargs, 1);  /* 只对当前进程有效 */
Execve(filename, emptylist, environ);

//Wait(NULL);  /* 父进程监听子进程 */

/* 解决CGI读取POST参数的关键在于这个stdin该指向哪里呢,
* 首先Dup2(fd, 0)是错的,CGI程序不可能从套接字流中读取,
* 因为已经全部保存在rio缓冲区了,所以只能从缓冲区读取
* 剩下的请求主体,而CGI程序如何和原来的进程联系从而获
* 得请求主体呢?答案就是管道,利用dup2函数将标准输入流
* 重定向到管道的读端,而缓冲区的数据则写到管道写端.花
* 了我好长时间理解

void post_dynamic(int fd, char *filename, int contentLength,rio_t *rp)
char buf[MAXLINE], data[MAXLINE], length[32], *emptylist[] = {NULL};
int pipe_fd[2];


Signal(SIGCHLD, handler);

/* 创建管道 */
if (pipe(pipe_fd) < 0) {
perror("pipe failed\n");

if (Fork() == 0) {   /* 创建子进程 */
Close(pipe_fd[0]);  /* 关闭管道读端 */
Rio_readnb(rp, data, contentLength);  /* 从缓冲区中读取数据,此时缓冲区的内容中请求头已经
* 被read_requesthdrs函数读掉了,剩下的是请求主体内容
* 但是不要使用Rio_readlineb,因为这个函数一次只能一行
* 用Rio_readnb读取全部请求主体
Rio_writen(pipe_fd[1], data, contentLength); /* 将数据写进管道 */
exit(0); /* 第一个子进程完成任务,退出 */
else {
/* 打印一部分HTTP响应信息 */
sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
sprintf(buf, "%sServer: Tiny Web Server\r\n",  buf);
Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf));

if (Fork() == 0) {
Close(pipe_fd[1]);   /* 子进程关闭管道写端 */
Dup2(pipe_fd[0], STDIN_FILENO); /* 让子进程不再从标准输入读取,而是从管道读取 */
Close(pipe_fd[0]);  /* 关闭管道读端 */
setenv("CONTENT_LENGTH", length, 1);
Dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); /* 重定向标准输出到客户端,让输出指向已连接的描述符 */
Execve(filename, emptylist, environ);
else {
/* 父进程关闭读端和写端 */



#include "csapp.h"

int main(void)
char *buf, *query, *env, *p1, *p2, *p3;
char arg1[MAXLINE], arg2[MAXLINE], content[MAXLINE], postdata[MAXLINE], *lenstr;
int n1=0, n2=0;
long len=0;

/* 提取两个参数  */
query = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
if (query == NULL) {
if ((lenstr = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")) != NULL)
len = atol(lenstr);
fgets(postdata, len+1, stdin);
buf = postdata;
buf = query;

p1 = strchr(buf, '&');
*p1 = '\0';

/* 提取第一个参数 */
p2 = strchr(buf, '=');
*p2 = '\0';
strcpy(arg1, p2+1);

/* 提取第二个参数 */
p3 = strchr(p1+1, '=');
*p3 = '\0';
strcpy(arg2, p3+1);

n1 = atoi(arg1);
n2 = atoi(arg2);

/* 生成响应主体 */
sprintf(content, "%sTHE Internet addition portal,\r\n<p>", content);
sprintf(content, "%sThe answer is: %d + %d = %d</p>\r\n<p>",
content, n1, n2, n1+n2);
sprintf(content, "%sThanks for visiting!</p>\r\n", content);

/* 生成HTTP响应 */
printf("Content-length: %d\r\n", (int)strlen(content));
printf("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
printf("%s", content);


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