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19. Remove Nth Node From End of List

2016-01-26 20:47 561 查看
Given a linked list, remove the nth node from the end of list and return its head.

For example,

Given linked list: 1->2->3->4->5, and n = 2.

After removing the second node from the end, the linked list becomes 1->2->3->5.
Given n will always be valid.
Try to do this in one pass.


ListNode fast = head, slow = head;
if(head == null){          //链表中两个指针的思想灰常重要,一定要掌握!
return null;
while(n != 0){
fast = fast.next;
if(fast == null ){   element is the head  //注意特殊情况!!好好想想什么时候要考虑这些边界值
return head.next;
while(fast.next != null){
slow = slow.next;
fast = fast.next;
slow.next = slow.next.next;        //被删的节点不用清除么?为什么=null会有错

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