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2016-01-24 10:13 232 查看


Estimating variance

Suppose X1, ..., Xn are independent and identically distributed random variables with expectation μ and variance
σ? Let

be the "sample average", and let

be a "sample variance". Then S?is a "biased estimator" of σ?because

Note that when a transformation is applied to an unbiased estimator, the result is not necessarily itself an unbiased estimate of its corresponding population
statistic. That is, for a non-linear functionf and an unbiased estimator U of a parameter p, f(U) is usually not an unbiased estimator of f(p). For example the square
root of the unbiased estimator of the population variance is
not an unbiased estimator of the population standard

Bias is not the only consideration when choosing a statistic, however. Bias refers to the central tendency of the sampling distribution of a statistic, but the
variance of the sampling distribution can also be an important consideration. Specifically, statistics with smaller sampling variances will yield greater statistical
power. For example, while S?above is more biased than the traditional sample calculation

S?has a lower estimation variability than S?sub>sample because the denominator dividing the sum of squares is larger in the calculation
of S? resulting in a smaller scale of final values, and therefore lower estimation variability, than that of S?sub>sample. Practically, this demonstrates that for some applications (where the amount of bias can be equated between groups/conditions)
it is possible that a biased estimator can prove to be a more powerful, and therefore useful, statistic.

自由度(degree of freedom, df)是指当以样本的统计量来估计总体的参数时,样本中独立或能自由变化的数据的个数称为该统计量的自由度。



s2= å(X-m)2/n



Xm=å X/n=(10+20)/2=15

现在假设我们已知Xm=15,X1=10,根据公式Xm=å X/n,则有:


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