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[boost][caffe] boost::thread_specific_ptr

2016-01-19 15:51 288 查看


namespace caffe{

// Make sure each thread can have different values.

static boost::thread_specific_ptr<Caffe> thread_instance_;

Caffe& Caffe::Get() {

if (!thread_instance_.get()) {

thread_instance_.reset(new Caffe());


return *(thread_instance_.get());



class Caffe{


static bool root_solver() { return Get().root_solver_; }




solver.cpp uses "Caffe::root_solver()" a lot of times, and because of "static", so solver.cpp can use
"Caffe::root_solver()" without creating an instance of Caffe first.

Thread local storage allows multi-threaded applications to have a separate instance of a given data item for each thread. Where a single-threaded application would use static or global data, this could lead to contention, deadlock
or data corruption in a multi-threaded application. One example is the C errno variable, used for storing the error code related to functions from the Standard C library. It is common practice (and required by POSIX) for compilers that support multi-threaded
applications to provide a separate instance of errno for each thread, in order to avoid different threads competing to read or update the value.

boost::thread_specific_ptr provides a portable mechanism for thread-local storage that works on all compilers supported by Boost.Thread. Each instance of boost::thread_specific_ptr represents a pointer to an object (such as errno) where each thread must have
a distinct value. The value for the current thread can be obtained using the get() member function, or by using the * and -> pointer deference operators. Initially the pointer has a value of NULL in each thread, but the value for the current thread can be
set using the reset() member function.

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