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Unity中使用Vertex Snapping(顶点捕捉)

2016-01-16 16:41 716 查看

Select the mesh you want to manipulate and make sure the Transform Tool is active. 
选择你想要操作的网格,并确保变换工具处于活动状态。 Press and hold the V key to activate the vertex snapping mode. 
Move your cursor over the vertex on your mesh that you want to use as the pivot point. 
移动你的光标到你想用作轴心的网格顶点上。 Hold down the left button once your cursor is over the desired vertex and drag your mesh next to any other vertex on another mesh. 
只要你的光标到了想要的顶点上,按住鼠标左键,拖动网格紧贴于另一网格的任意顶点。 Release your mouse button and the V key when you are happy with the results. 
当对结果满意时,松开鼠标按键和V键。 Shift-V acts as a toggle of this functionality. 
Shift- V作为这个功能的切换。 You can snap vertex to vertex, vertex to surface and pivot to vertex. 
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