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sqlzoo练习答案--SELECT from Nobel Tutorial/zh

2016-01-08 16:18 916 查看


我們繼續練習簡單的單一表格SQL查詢。這個教程是有關諾貝爾獎得獎者的:nobel(yr, subject, winner)
1960ChemistryWillard F. Libby
1960LiteratureSaint-John Perse
1960MedicineSir Frank Macfarlane Burnet
1960MedicinePeter Madawar
yr: 年份
subject: 獎項
winner: 得獎者
1、更改查詢以顯示1950年諾貝爾獎的獎項資料。SELECT yr, subject, winner
FROM nobel
WHERE yr = 1950
2、顯示誰贏得了1962年文學獎(Literature)。SELECT winner
FROM nobel
WHERE yr = 1962
AND subject = 'Literature'
3、顯示“愛因斯坦”('Albert Einstein') 的獲獎年份和獎項。select yr,subject from nobel where winner = 'Albert Einstein'
4、顯示2000年及以後的和平獎(‘Peace’)得獎者。select winner from nobel where yr>=2000 and subject='Peace'
5、顯示1980年至1989年(包含首尾)的文學獎(Literature)獲獎者所有細節(年,主題,獲獎者)。select * from nobel where yr between 1980 and 1989 and subject = 'Literature'
西奧多•羅斯福 Theodore Roosevelt
伍德羅•威爾遜 Woodrow Wilson
吉米•卡特 Jimmy Carter
WHERE winner IN ('Theodore Roosevelt',
'Woodrow Wilson',
'Jimmy Carter')

7、顯示名字為John 的得獎者。 (注意:外國人名字(First name)在前,姓氏(Last name)在後)
select winner from nobel where winner like 'John%'
8、顯示1980年物理學(physics)獲獎者,及1984年化學獎(chemistry)獲得者select * from nobel where (yr=1980 and subject='physics') or (yr=1984 and subject='chemistry')
9、查看1980年獲獎者,但不包括化學獎(Chemistry)和醫學獎(Medicine)。select * from nobel where subject not in('Chemistry','Medicine') and yr=1980
10、顯示早期的醫學獎(Medicine)得獎者(1910之前,不包括1910),及近年文學獎(Literature)得獎者(2004年以後,包括2004年)。select * from nobel where (yr<1910 and subject='Medicine') or (yr>=2004 and subject='Literature')
11、Find all details of the prize won by PETER GRÜNBERGselect * from nobel where winner = 'Peter Grünberg'
12、查找尤金•奧尼爾EUGENE O'NEILL得獎的所有細節 Find all details of the prize won by EUGENE O'NEILLselect * from nobel where winner = 'Eugene O\'Neill'
13、騎士列隊 Knights in order列出爵士的獲獎者、年份、獎頁(爵士的名字以Sir開始)。先顯示最新獲獎者,然後同年再按名稱順序排列。select winner,yr,subject from nobel where winner like 'Sir%' order by yr desc,winner asc
14、The expression subject IN ('Chemistry','Physics') can be used as a value - it will be 0 or 1.Show the 1984 winners and subject ordered by subject and winner name; but list Chemistry and Physics last.SELECT winner, subject FROM nobel where yr=1984 ORDER BY subject IN ('Physics','Chemistry'),subject asc,winner asc
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