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tmux 复制与粘贴

2016-01-06 08:22 309 查看


set-window-option -g mode-keys vi #可以设置为vi或emacs
set-window-option -g utf8 on #开启窗口的UTF-8支持

       Function                        vi             emacs
       Back to indentation     ^              M-m
       Clear selection            Escape         C-g
       Copy selection            Enter          M-w
       Cursor down                j              Down
       Cursor left                     h              Left
       Cursor right                  l              Right
       Cursor to bottom line  L
       Cursor to middle line  M              M-r
       Cursor to top line         H              M-R
       Cursor up                      k              Up
       Delete entire line         d              C-u
       Delete to end of line   D              C-k
       End of line                    $              C-e
       Goto line                       :              g
       Half page down          C-d            M-Down
       Half page up               C-u            M-Up
       Next page                    C-f            Page down
       Next word                     w              M-f
       Paste buffer                  p              C-y
       Previous page             C-b            Page up
       Previous word              b              M-b
       Quit mode                     q              Escape
       Scroll down                   C-Down or J    C-Down
       Scroll up                        C-Up or K      C-Up
       Search again                n              n
       Search backward         ?              C-r
       Search forward             /               C-s
       Start of line                    0              C-a
       Start selection              Space          C-Space
       Transpose chars                           C-t

1、 C-b [ 进入复制模式
2、 参考上表移动鼠标到要复制的区域,移动鼠标时可用vim的搜索功能"/","?"
3、 安空格键开始选择复制区域
4、    选择完成后安enter键退出
5、 C-b ] 粘贴

linux 终端下可以用 man tmux 查看更详细的说明。
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