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2016-01-04 16:25 288 查看

[root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/6873/stat

6873 (a.out) R 6723 6873 6723 34819 6873 8388608 77 0 0 0 41958 31 0 0 25 0 3 0 5882654 1409024 56 4294967295 134512640 134513720 3215579040 0 2097798
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 [root@localhost ~]#


参数 解释

pid=6873 进程(包括轻量级进程,即线程)号

comm=a.out 应用程序或命令的名字

task_state=R 任务的状态,R:runnign, S:sleeping (TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE), D:disk sleep (TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE), T: stopped, T:tracing stop,Z:zombie, X:dead

ppid=6723 父进程ID

pgid=6873 线程组号

sid=6723 c该任务所在的会话组ID

tty_nr=34819(pts/3) 该任务的tty终端的设备号,INT(34817/256)=主设备号,(34817-主设备号)=次设备号

tty_pgrp=6873 终端的进程组号,当前运行在该任务所在终端的前台任务(包括shell 应用程序)的PID。

task->flags=8388608 进程标志位,查看该任务的特性

min_flt=77 该任务不需要从硬盘拷数据而发生的缺页(次缺页)的次数

cmin_flt=0 累计的该任务的所有的waited-for进程曾经发生的次缺页的次数目

maj_flt=0 该任务需要从硬盘拷数据而发生的缺页(主缺页)的次数

cmaj_flt=0 累计的该任务的所有的waited-for进程曾经发生的主缺页的次数目

utime=1587 该任务在用户态运行的时间,单位为jiffies

stime=1 该任务在核心态运行的时间,单位为jiffies

cutime=0 累计的该任务的所有的waited-for进程曾经在用户态运行的时间,单位为jiffies

cstime=0 累计的该任务的所有的waited-for进程曾经在核心态运行的时间,单位为jiffies

priority=25 任务的动态优先级

nice=0 任务的静态优先级

num_threads=3 该任务所在的线程组里线程的个数

it_real_value=0 由于计时间隔导致的下一个 SIGALRM 发送进程的时延,以 jiffy 为单位.

start_time=5882654 该任务启动的时间,单位为jiffies

vsize=1409024(B) 该任务的虚拟地址空间大小(很多说明上在此误导为vsize的单位为page实际是不正确的)

rss=56(page) 该任务当前驻留物理地址空间的大小

Number of pages the process has in real memory,minu 3 for administrative purpose.


rlim=4294967295(bytes) 该任务能驻留物理地址空间的最大值

start_code=134512640 该任务在虚拟地址空间的代码段的起始地址

end_code=134513720 该任务在虚拟地址空间的代码段的结束地址

start_stack=3215579040 该任务在虚拟地址空间的栈的结束地址

kstkesp=0 esp(32 位堆栈指针) 的当前值, 与在进程的内核堆栈页得到的一致.

kstkeip=2097798 指向将要执行的指令的指针, EIP(32 位指令指针)的当前值.

pendingsig=0 待处理信号的位图,记录发送给进程的普通信号

block_sig=0 阻塞信号的位图

sigign=0 忽略的信号的位图

sigcatch=082985 被俘获的信号的位图

wchan=0 如果该进程是睡眠状态,该值给出调度的调用点

nswap 被swapped的页数,当前没用

cnswap 所有子进程被swapped的页数的和,当前没用

exit_signal=17 该进程结束时,向父进程所发送的信号

task_cpu(task)=0 运行在哪个CPU上

task_rt_priority=0 实时进程的相对优先级别

task_policy=0 进程的调度策略,0=非实时进程,1=FIFO实时进程;2=RR实时进程



able 1-4: Contents of the stat files (as of 2.6.30-rc7) .............................................................................. Field Content pid process id

tcomm filename of the executable

state state (R is running, S is sleeping, D is sleeping in an uninterruptible wait, Z is zombie, T is traced or stopped) ppid process id of the parent process

pgrp pgrp of the process

sid session id

tty_nr tty the process uses

tty_pgrp pgrp of the tty

flags task flags

min_flt number of minor faults

cmin_flt number of minor faults with child's

maj_flt number of major faults

cmaj_flt number of major faults with child's

utime user mode jiffies

stime kernel mode jiffies

cutime user mode jiffies with child's

cstime kernel mode jiffies with child's

priority priority level

nice nice level

num_threads number of threads

it_real_value (obsolete, always 0)

start_time time the process started after system boot

vsize virtual memory size

rss resident set memory size

rsslim current limit in bytes on the rss

start_code address above which program text can run

end_code address below which program text can run

start_stack address of the start of the stack

esp current value of ESP

eip current value of EIP

pending bitmap of pending signals

blocked bitmap of blocked signals

sigign bitmap of ignored signals

sigcatch bitmap of catched signals

wchan address where process went to sleep 0 (place holder) 0 (place holder)

exit_signal signal to send to parent thread on exit

task_cpu which CPU the task is scheduled on

rt_priority realtime priority

policy scheduling policy (man sched_setscheduler)

blkio_ticks time spent waiting for block IO

gtime guest time of the task in jiffies

cgtime guest time of the task children in jiffies
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