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Unity3D之float Input.GetAxis(string axisname)

2016-01-02 12:05 573 查看

Input.GetAxis(string axisname)方法返回一个float 类型的数。范围在-1到1之间,如果获取的是鼠标的运动,则不再是-1到1之间,它会随你的鼠标速度变化。



MouseX 鼠标按着并沿着屏幕X轴方向滑动时触发


Mouse ScrollWheel 当鼠标滚动轮滚动时触发


1.Vertical 对应键盘上面的上下箭头,当按下上或下箭头时触发

2.Horizontal 对应键盘上面的左右箭头,当按下左或右箭头时触发

[code]	using UnityEngine;
	using System.Collections;

	public class example :Monobehaviour {
		public float speed = 10.0F;
		public float rotationSpeed = 100.0F;
		void Update() {
			float translation = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * speed;
			float rotation = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * rotationSpeed;
			translation *= Time.deltaTime;
			rotation *= Time.deltaTime;
			transform.Translate(0, 0, translation);
			transform.Rotate(0, rotation, 0);

[code]// A very simplistic car driving on the x-z plane.
// 一个十分简单的在x-z平面的驾车例子
var speed : float = 10.0;
var rotationSpeed : float = 100.0;

function Update () {
	// Get the horizontal and vertical axis.
	// By default they are mapped to the arrow keys.
	// The value is in the range -1 to 1
	var translation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * speed;
	var rotation : float = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotationSpeed;

	// Make it move 10 meters per second instead of 10 meters per frame...
	// 使它每帧移动10米变为每秒移动10米...
	translation *= Time.deltaTime;
	rotation *= Time.deltaTime;

	// Move translation along the object's z-axis
	transform.Translate (0, 0, translation);
	// Rotate around our y-axis
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