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Shuriken Particle System Properties

2015-12-21 12:34 337 查看
Shuriken Property Names

Anything marked Generic type can have these params
scalar : Float
maxCurve : AnimationCurve
minCurve : AnimationCurve
minMaxState : Integer

Base properties (no prefix, "m_LocalRotation")
m_LocalRotation : Quaternion
m_LocalPosition : Vector3
m_LocalScale : Vector3
lengthInSec : Float
startDelay : Float
speed : Float
randomSeed : Integer
looping : Boolean
prewarm : Boolean
playOnAwake : Boolean
moveWithTransform : Boolean

Submodules accessed via SubmoduleName.propertyName (ie InitialModule.startLifetime)
enabled : Boolean
startLifetime : Generic
startSpeed : Generic
startColor : Generic
minMaxState : Integer
startSize : Generic
startRotation : Generic
gravityModifier : Float
inheritVelocity : Float
maxNumParticles : Integer

enabled : Boolean
type : Integer
radius : Float
angle : Float
length : Float
boxX : Float
boxY : Float
boxZ : Float
placementMode : Integer
m_Mesh : ObjectReference
randomDirection : Boolean

enabled : Boolean
m_Type : Integer
rate : Generic
cnt0 : Integer
cnt1 : Integer
cnt2 : Integer
cnt3 : Integer
time0 : Float
time1 : Float
time2 : Float
time3 : Float
m_BurstCount : Integer

enabled : Boolean
curve : Generic

enabled : Boolean
curve : Generic

enabled : Boolean
gradient : Generic
maxGradient : Gradient
minGradient : Gradient
minColor : Color
maxColor : Color
minMaxState : Integer

enabled : Boolean
frameOverTime : Generic
tilesX : Integer
tilesY : Integer
animationType : Integer
rowIndex : Integer
cycles : Float
randomRow : Boolean

enabled : Boolean
x : Generic
y : Generic
z : Generic
inWorldSpace : Boolean

enabled : Boolean
x : Generic
y : Generic
z : Generic
inWorldSpace : Boolean
randomizePerFrame : Boolean

enabled : Boolean
multiplier : Float
ClampVelocityModule : Generic
enabled : Boolean
x : Generic
y : Generic
z : Generic
magnitude : Generic
separateAxis : Boolean
inWorldSpace : Boolean
dampen : Float

enabled : Boolean
curve : Generic
range : Vector2

enabled : Boolean
curve : Generic
range : Vector2

enabled : Boolean
gradient : Generic
maxGradient : Gradient
minGradient : Gradient
minColor : Color
maxColor : Color
minMaxState : Integer
range : Vector2

enabled : Boolean
type : Integer
plane0 : ObjectReference
plane1 : ObjectReference
plane2 : ObjectReference
plane3 : ObjectReference
plane4 : ObjectReference
plane5 : ObjectReference
dampen : Float
bounce : Float
energyLossOnCollision : Float
minKillSpeed : Float
particleRadius : Float
collidesWith : LayerMask
quality : Integer
voxelSize : Float
collisionMessages : Boolean

enabled : Boolean
subEmitterBirth : ObjectReference
subEmitterBirth1 : ObjectReference
subEmitterCollision : ObjectReference
subEmitterCollision1 : ObjectReference
subEmitterDeath : ObjectReference
subEmitterDeath1 : ObjectReference
m_CastShadows : Boolean
m_ReceiveShadows : Boolean
m_Materials : Generic
size : ArraySize
data : ObjectReference
m_UseLightProbes : Boolean
m_LightProbeAnchor : ObjectReference
m_RenderMode : Integer
m_MaxParticleSize : Float
m_CameraVelocityScale : Float
m_VelocityScale : Float
m_LengthScale : Float
m_SortingFudge : Float
m_NormalDirection : Float
m_SortMode : Integer
m_Mesh : ObjectReference
m_Mesh1 : ObjectReference
m_Mesh2 : ObjectReference
m_Mesh3 : ObjectReference
m_Avatar : ObjectReference
m_Controller : ObjectReference
m_CullingMode : Enum
m_UpdateMode : Enum
m_ApplyRootMotion : Boolean
m_HasTransformHierarchy : Boolean
m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization : Boolean

After that you will notice that ParticleSystem has a bunch of properties like InitialModule, SizeModule, etc. Each sub-property like InitialModule.startLifetime
has a property minMaxState (int value from 0 to 3) representing 4 states:



Random between two constants

Random between two curves

There are three properties to store these values: scalar, minCurve, maxCurve. Note that minCurve/maxCurve.keys[0].value is used for storing extra
data for "Random between two constants".
You can access the mesh component of the Shuriken Renderer section by accessing the ParticleSystemRenderer component like this (c#)

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