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(1)确定最优解所在区间[a,b] (进退法)




(2)在[a, b]内,找到极小值(黄金分割法和平分法)



思考[/b]:如何在实际应用中,选择[a, b],函数f是什么样子的?这些问题需要讨论。整个优化的目标是:找到最优θ,使得代价CostJ最小。故此,f=CostJ。

拟牛顿法 – DFP法







拟牛顿法 – BFGS法






Python2.7需要安装pandas, numpy, scipy, matplotlib。


numpy–http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/ –这里面也可以找到较新的scipy –




# coding = utf-8
time: 2015.06.03
author: yujianmin
objection: BGD / SGD / mini-batch GD / QNGD / DFP / BFGS
实现了批量梯度下降、单个梯度下降; 最速下降法、牛顿下降法、阻尼牛顿法、拟牛顿DFP和BFGS
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\yujianmin\\Desktop\\python\\arraydataR.csv")
print(data.ix[1:5, :])
dataArray = np.array(data)
x = dataArray[:, 0]
y = dataArray[:, 1]
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
plt.title('data is like this')
plt.xlabel('x feature')
plt.ylabel('y label')
def Myfunction_BGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Batch Gradient Descent
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:
return theta, costJ
## update
theta = theta + alpha * Gradient
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_SGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Stochastic Gradient Descent
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Loop = 0
costJ = []
while Loop <numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = np.sum((y-H)**2)/(2*nRow)
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(Loop+1,J))
i = 0
while i <nRow:
Gradient = (y[i] - np.dot(x[i], theta)) * x[i]
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = theta + alpha * Gradient
i = i + 1
#eplise = 0.4
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:
return theta, costJ
Loop = Loop + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_NGD1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - alpha*[f'']^(-1)*f'
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:hessian = transpos(x) * x
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
while i < numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#eplise = 0.4
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<=eplise:
return theta, costJ
Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow
theta = theta + alpha * np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)
#theta = theta + np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_NGD2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - [f'']^(-1)*f'
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:hessian = transpos(x) * x
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
while i < numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#eplise = 0.4
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient)) <= eplise:
return theta, costJ
Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow
theta = theta + np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_QNGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - alpha* [f'']^(-1)*f'--
alpha is search by ForwardAndBack method and huang jin fen ge
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:hessian = transpos(x) * x
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:
return theta, costJ
Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow
Dk = - np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)
## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha
## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}
alpha0 = 0
h = np.random.random(1)
alpha1 = alpha0
alpha2 = alpha0 + h
theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
Loop = 1
a = 0
b = 0
while Loop >0:
print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)
Loop = Loop + 1
if f1 > f2:
h = 2*h
h = -h
(alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)
(f1, f2) = (f2, f1)
alpha3 = alpha2 + h
theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk
f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)
print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))
if f3 > f2:
a = min(alpha1, alpha3)
b = max(alpha1, alpha3)
if f3 <= f2:
alpha1 = alpha2
alpha2 = alpha3
f1 = f2
f2 = f3
## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa
e = 0.01
while Loop >0:
alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)
alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)
theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
if f1 > f2:
a = alpha1
if f1< f2:
b = alpha2
if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:
alpha = (a+b)/2
print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_DFP2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' DFP -- theta := theta + alpha * Dk
--alpha is searched by huangjin method
--satisfied argmin{f(theta+alpha*Dk)}##
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##
:hessian is estimated by DFP method.
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Dk = - Gradient
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##
return theta, costJ
## find alpha that min f(thetaK + alpha * Dk)
## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha
## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}
alpha0 = 0
h = np.random.random(1)
alpha1 = alpha0
alpha2 = alpha0 + h
theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
Loop = 1
a = 0
b = 0
while Loop >0:
print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)
Loop = Loop + 1
if f1 > f2:
h = 2*h
h = -h
(alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)
(f1, f2) = (f2, f1)
alpha3 = alpha2 + h
theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk
f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)
print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))
if f3 > f2:
a = min(alpha1, alpha3)
b = max(alpha1, alpha3)
if f3 <= f2:
alpha1 = alpha2
alpha2 = alpha3
f1 = f2
f2 = f3
## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa
e = 0.01
while Loop >0:
alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)
alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)
theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
if f1 > f2:
a = alpha1
if f1< f2:
b = alpha2
if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:
alpha = (a+b)/2
print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)

theta_old = theta
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
## update the Hessian matrix ##
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
# here to estimate Hessian'inv #
# sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient
sk = theta - theta_old
#yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)
DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow
DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow
yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#z1 = (sk * sk') # a matrix
#z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value
z1 = sk * np.transpose(sk)
z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)
#z3 = (H * yk * yk' * H) # a matrix
#z4 = (yk' * H * yk) # a value
z3 = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(Hessian, yk), np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)
z4 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian),yk)
DHessian = z1/z2 - z3/z4
Hessian = Hessian + DHessian
Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))

i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_DFP1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' DFP -- theta := theta + alpha * Dk
alpha is fixed ##
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##
:hessian is estimated by DFP method.
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Dk = - Gradient
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##
return theta, costJ
## find alpha that min f(thetaK + alpha * Dk)
## here for simple alpha is parameter 'alpha'
alpha = alpha
theta_old = theta
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
## update the Hessian matrix ##
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
# here to estimate Hessian'inv #
# sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient
sk = theta - theta_old
#yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)
DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow
DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow
yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#z1 = (sk * sk') # a matrix
#z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value
z1 = sk * np.transpose(sk)
z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)
#z3 = (H * yk * yk' * H) # a matrix
#z4 = (yk' * H * yk) # a value
z3 = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(Hessian, yk), np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)
z4 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian),yk)
DHessian = z1/z2 - z3/z4
Hessian = Hessian + DHessian
Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_BFGS1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' BFGS
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##
:hessian is estimated by BFGS method.
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Dk = - Gradient
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##
return theta, costJ
## find alpha that min J(thetaK + alpha * Dk)
## here for simple alpha is parameter 'alpha'
alpha = alpha
theta_old = theta
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
## update the Hessian matrix ##
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
# here to estimate Hessian #
# sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient
sk = theta - theta_old
#yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)
DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow
DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow
yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#z1 = yk' * H * yk # a value
#z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value
z1 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian), yk)
z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)
#z3 = sk * sk' # a matrix
#z4 = sk * yk' * H # a matrix
z3 = np.dot(sk, np.transpose(sk))
z4 = np.dot(np.dot(sk, np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)
DHessian = (1+z1/z2) * (z3/z2) - z4/z2
Hessian = Hessian + DHessian
Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_BFGS2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' BFGS
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##
:hessian is estimated by BFGS method.
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Dk = - Gradient
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##
return theta, costJ
## find alpha that min J(thetaK + alpha * Dk)
alpha = alpha
## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha
## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}
alpha0 = 0
h = np.random.random(1)
alpha1 = alpha0
alpha2 = alpha0 + h
theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
Loop = 1
a = 0
b = 0
while Loop >0:
print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)
Loop = Loop + 1
if f1 > f2:
h = 2*h
h = -h
(alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)
(f1, f2) = (f2, f1)
alpha3 = alpha2 + h
theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk
f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)
print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))
if f3 > f2:
a = min(alpha1, alpha3)
b = max(alpha1, alpha3)
if f3 <= f2:
alpha1 = alpha2
alpha2 = alpha3
f1 = f2
f2 = f3
## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa
e = 0.01
while Loop >0:
alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)
alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)
theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
if f1 > f2:
a = alpha1
if f1< f2:
b = alpha2
if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:
alpha = (a+b)/2
print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)
## Get Dk and update Hessian
theta_old = theta
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
## update the Hessian matrix ##
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
# here to estimate Hessian #
# sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient
sk = theta - theta_old
#yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)
DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow
DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow
yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#z1 = yk' * H * yk # a value
#z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value
z1 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian), yk)
z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)
#z3 = sk * sk' # a matrix
#z4 = sk * yk' * H # a matrix
z3 = np.dot(sk, np.transpose(sk))
z4 = np.dot(np.dot(sk, np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)
DHessian = (1+z1/z2) * (z3/z2) - z4/z2
Hessian = Hessian + DHessian
Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

## test ##

num = 10000
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_BGD(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_SGD(dataArray, alpha=0.00005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4)
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_NGD1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fixed ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_NGD2(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is 1 ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_QNGD(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is searched ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_DFP1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fixed ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_DFP2(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is searched ##
theta, costJ = Myfunction_BFGS1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fxied ##
print theta
klen = len(costJ)
leng = np.linspace(1, klen, klen)
plt.plot(leng, costJ)



0   28.22401669
1   33.24921693
2   35.82084277
3   36.87096878
4   30.98488531
5   38.78221296
6   38.46753324
7   41.96065845
8   36.82656413
9   35.5081121
10  35.74647181
11  36.17110987
12  37.51165999
13  41.27109257
14  44.03842677
15  48.03001705
16  45.50401843
17  45.02635608
18  51.70574034
19  46.76359881
20  52.6487595
21  48.81383593
22  50.69451254
23  55.54200403
24  54.55639586
25  53.19036223
26  58.89269091
27  54.78884251
28  57.9033951
29  62.21114967
30  64.51025468
31  62.20710537
32  62.94736304
33  60.30447933
34  65.32044406
35  65.82903452
36  66.37872216
37  69.75640553
38  66.02112594
39  65.87119039
40  74.27209751
41  67.57661628
42  73.19444088
43  69.4533117
44  74.91129817
45  71.21187609
46  77.0962545
47  81.95066837
48  78.04636838
49  83.42842526
50  80.40217563
51  78.68650206
52  82.91395215
53  85.09663115
54  88.71540907
55  87.73955
56  89.18654776
57  91.09337441
58  83.95614422
59  93.30683179
60  93.27618596
61  88.07859238
62  89.10667856
63  95.61443666
64  93.39899106
65  94.38258758
66  96.87641802
67  96.87896946
68  97.0094412
69  100.076115
70  104.7619905
71  100.7917093
72  99.85523362
73  106.9018494
74  103.6061063
75  103.4105058
76  106.4304576
77  110.7357249
78  107.0420455
79  107.2834221
80  113.9299496
81  111.2187627
82  116.4100596
83  108.0237256
84  112.7773592
85  117.3464957
86  117.1976807
87  120.0538521
88  114.4584964
89  122.2860022



Batch Gradient Descent- 批量梯度下降法

Stochastic Gradient Descent- 随机梯度下降法







































(1)确定最优解所在区间[a,b] (进退法)




(2)在[a, b]内,找到极小值(黄金分割法和平分法)



思考[/b]:如何在实际应用中,选择[a, b],函数f是什么样子的?这些问题需要讨论。整个优化的目标是:找到最优θ,使得代价CostJ最小。故此,f=CostJ。

拟牛顿法 – DFP法







拟牛顿法 – BFGS法






Python2.7需要安装pandas, numpy, scipy, matplotlib。


numpy–http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/ –这里面也可以找到较新的scipy –




# coding = utf-8
time: 2015.06.03
author: yujianmin
objection: BGD / SGD / mini-batch GD / QNGD / DFP / BFGS
实现了批量梯度下降、单个梯度下降; 最速下降法、牛顿下降法、阻尼牛顿法、拟牛顿DFP和BFGS
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\yujianmin\\Desktop\\python\\arraydataR.csv")
print(data.ix[1:5, :])
dataArray = np.array(data)
x = dataArray[:, 0]
y = dataArray[:, 1]
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
plt.title('data is like this')
plt.xlabel('x feature')
plt.ylabel('y label')
def Myfunction_BGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Batch Gradient Descent
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:
return theta, costJ
## update
theta = theta + alpha * Gradient
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_SGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Stochastic Gradient Descent
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Loop = 0
costJ = []
while Loop <numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = np.sum((y-H)**2)/(2*nRow)
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(Loop+1,J))
i = 0
while i <nRow:
Gradient = (y[i] - np.dot(x[i], theta)) * x[i]
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = theta + alpha * Gradient
i = i + 1
#eplise = 0.4
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:
return theta, costJ
Loop = Loop + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_NGD1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - alpha*[f'']^(-1)*f'
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:hessian = transpos(x) * x
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
while i < numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#eplise = 0.4
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<=eplise:
return theta, costJ
Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow
theta = theta + alpha * np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)
#theta = theta + np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_NGD2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - [f'']^(-1)*f'
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:hessian = transpos(x) * x
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
while i < numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#eplise = 0.4
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient)) <= eplise:
return theta, costJ
Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow
theta = theta + np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_QNGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - alpha* [f'']^(-1)*f'--
alpha is search by ForwardAndBack method and huang jin fen ge
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:hessian = transpos(x) * x
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:
return theta, costJ
Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow
Dk = - np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)
## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha
## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}
alpha0 = 0
h = np.random.random(1)
alpha1 = alpha0
alpha2 = alpha0 + h
theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
Loop = 1
a = 0
b = 0
while Loop >0:
print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)
Loop = Loop + 1
if f1 > f2:
h = 2*h
h = -h
(alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)
(f1, f2) = (f2, f1)
alpha3 = alpha2 + h
theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk
f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)
print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))
if f3 > f2:
a = min(alpha1, alpha3)
b = max(alpha1, alpha3)
if f3 <= f2:
alpha1 = alpha2
alpha2 = alpha3
f1 = f2
f2 = f3
## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa
e = 0.01
while Loop >0:
alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)
alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)
theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
if f1 > f2:
a = alpha1
if f1< f2:
b = alpha2
if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:
alpha = (a+b)/2
print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_DFP2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' DFP -- theta := theta + alpha * Dk
--alpha is searched by huangjin method
--satisfied argmin{f(theta+alpha*Dk)}##
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##
:hessian is estimated by DFP method.
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Dk = - Gradient
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##
return theta, costJ
## find alpha that min f(thetaK + alpha * Dk)
## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha
## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}
alpha0 = 0
h = np.random.random(1)
alpha1 = alpha0
alpha2 = alpha0 + h
theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
Loop = 1
a = 0
b = 0
while Loop >0:
print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)
Loop = Loop + 1
if f1 > f2:
h = 2*h
h = -h
(alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)
(f1, f2) = (f2, f1)
alpha3 = alpha2 + h
theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk
f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)
print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))
if f3 > f2:
a = min(alpha1, alpha3)
b = max(alpha1, alpha3)
if f3 <= f2:
alpha1 = alpha2
alpha2 = alpha3
f1 = f2
f2 = f3
## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa
e = 0.01
while Loop >0:
alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)
alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)
theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
if f1 > f2:
a = alpha1
if f1< f2:
b = alpha2
if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:
alpha = (a+b)/2
print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)

theta_old = theta
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
## update the Hessian matrix ##
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
# here to estimate Hessian'inv #
# sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient
sk = theta - theta_old
#yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)
DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow
DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow
yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#z1 = (sk * sk') # a matrix
#z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value
z1 = sk * np.transpose(sk)
z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)
#z3 = (H * yk * yk' * H) # a matrix
#z4 = (yk' * H * yk) # a value
z3 = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(Hessian, yk), np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)
z4 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian),yk)
DHessian = z1/z2 - z3/z4
Hessian = Hessian + DHessian
Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))

i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_DFP1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' DFP -- theta := theta + alpha * Dk
alpha is fixed ##
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##
:hessian is estimated by DFP method.
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Dk = - Gradient
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##
return theta, costJ
## find alpha that min f(thetaK + alpha * Dk)
## here for simple alpha is parameter 'alpha'
alpha = alpha
theta_old = theta
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
## update the Hessian matrix ##
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
# here to estimate Hessian'inv #
# sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient
sk = theta - theta_old
#yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)
DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow
DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow
yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#z1 = (sk * sk') # a matrix
#z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value
z1 = sk * np.transpose(sk)
z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)
#z3 = (H * yk * yk' * H) # a matrix
#z4 = (yk' * H * yk) # a value
z3 = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(Hessian, yk), np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)
z4 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian),yk)
DHessian = z1/z2 - z3/z4
Hessian = Hessian + DHessian
Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_BFGS1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' BFGS
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##
:hessian is estimated by BFGS method.
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Dk = - Gradient
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##
return theta, costJ
## find alpha that min J(thetaK + alpha * Dk)
## here for simple alpha is parameter 'alpha'
alpha = alpha
theta_old = theta
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
## update the Hessian matrix ##
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
# here to estimate Hessian #
# sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient
sk = theta - theta_old
#yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)
DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow
DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow
yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#z1 = yk' * H * yk # a value
#z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value
z1 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian), yk)
z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)
#z3 = sk * sk' # a matrix
#z4 = sk * yk' * H # a matrix
z3 = np.dot(sk, np.transpose(sk))
z4 = np.dot(np.dot(sk, np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)
DHessian = (1+z1/z2) * (z3/z2) - z4/z2
Hessian = Hessian + DHessian
Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

def Myfunction_BFGS2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):
''' BFGS
:type data: array
:param data: contain x and y(label)
:type step: int/float numeric
:param step: length of step when update the theta
:reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##
:hessian is estimated by BFGS method.
nCol = data.shape[1]-1
nRow = data.shape[0]
print nCol
print nRow
x = data[:, :nCol]
print x[1:5, :]
z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)
x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;
y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)
#theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
i = 0
costJ = []
Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow
Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)
Dk = - Gradient
#eplise = 0.4
while i < numIter:
if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##
return theta, costJ
## find alpha that min J(thetaK + alpha * Dk)
alpha = alpha
## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha
## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}
alpha0 = 0
h = np.random.random(1)
alpha1 = alpha0
alpha2 = alpha0 + h
theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
Loop = 1
a = 0
b = 0
while Loop >0:
print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)
Loop = Loop + 1
if f1 > f2:
h = 2*h
h = -h
(alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)
(f1, f2) = (f2, f1)
alpha3 = alpha2 + h
theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk
f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)
print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))
if f3 > f2:
a = min(alpha1, alpha3)
b = max(alpha1, alpha3)
if f3 <= f2:
alpha1 = alpha2
alpha2 = alpha3
f1 = f2
f2 = f3
## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa
e = 0.01
while Loop >0:
alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)
alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)
theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk
theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk
f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)
f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)
if f1 > f2:
a = alpha1
if f1< f2:
b = alpha2
if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:
alpha = (a+b)/2
print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)
## Get Dk and update Hessian
theta_old = theta
theta = theta + alpha * Dk
## update the Hessian matrix ##
H = np.dot(x,theta)
J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)
## update
print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))
# here to estimate Hessian #
# sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient
sk = theta - theta_old
#yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)
DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow
DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow
yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)
#z1 = yk' * H * yk # a value
#z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value
z1 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian), yk)
z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)
#z3 = sk * sk' # a matrix
#z4 = sk * yk' * H # a matrix
z3 = np.dot(sk, np.transpose(sk))
z4 = np.dot(np.dot(sk, np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)
DHessian = (1+z1/z2) * (z3/z2) - z4/z2
Hessian = Hessian + DHessian
Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))
i = i + 1
return theta, costJ

## test ##

num = 10000
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_BGD(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_SGD(dataArray, alpha=0.00005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4)
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_NGD1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fixed ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_NGD2(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is 1 ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_QNGD(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is searched ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_DFP1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fixed ##
#theta, costJ = Myfunction_DFP2(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is searched ##
theta, costJ = Myfunction_BFGS1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fxied ##
print theta
klen = len(costJ)
leng = np.linspace(1, klen, klen)
plt.plot(leng, costJ)



0   28.22401669
1   33.24921693
2   35.82084277
3   36.87096878
4   30.98488531
5   38.78221296
6   38.46753324
7   41.96065845
8   36.82656413
9   35.5081121
10  35.74647181
11  36.17110987
12  37.51165999
13  41.27109257
14  44.03842677
15  48.03001705
16  45.50401843
17  45.02635608
18  51.70574034
19  46.76359881
20  52.6487595
21  48.81383593
22  50.69451254
23  55.54200403
24  54.55639586
25  53.19036223
26  58.89269091
27  54.78884251
28  57.9033951
29  62.21114967
30  64.51025468
31  62.20710537
32  62.94736304
33  60.30447933
34  65.32044406
35  65.82903452
36  66.37872216
37  69.75640553
38  66.02112594
39  65.87119039
40  74.27209751
41  67.57661628
42  73.19444088
43  69.4533117
44  74.91129817
45  71.21187609
46  77.0962545
47  81.95066837
48  78.04636838
49  83.42842526
50  80.40217563
51  78.68650206
52  82.91395215
53  85.09663115
54  88.71540907
55  87.73955
56  89.18654776
57  91.09337441
58  83.95614422
59  93.30683179
60  93.27618596
61  88.07859238
62  89.10667856
63  95.61443666
64  93.39899106
65  94.38258758
66  96.87641802
67  96.87896946
68  97.0094412
69  100.076115
70  104.7619905
71  100.7917093
72  99.85523362
73  106.9018494
74  103.6061063
75  103.4105058
76  106.4304576
77  110.7357249
78  107.0420455
79  107.2834221
80  113.9299496
81  111.2187627
82  116.4100596
83  108.0237256
84  112.7773592
85  117.3464957
86  117.1976807
87  120.0538521
88  114.4584964
89  122.2860022



Batch Gradient Descent- 批量梯度下降法

Stochastic Gradient Descent- 随机梯度下降法






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