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// rtc.h
// S3C2440 has rtc
// 2015.12.17 by Huangtao

#ifndef __RTC_H__
#define __RTC_H__

//#define __BIG_ENDIAN
// 测试发现是使用小端

// RTC
// 大端
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
#define rRTCCON    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000043)    //RTC control
#define rTICNT     (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000047)    //Tick time count
#define rRTCALM    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000053)    //RTC alarm control
#define rALMSEC    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000057)    //Alarm second
#define rALMMIN    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700005b)    //Alarm minute
#define rALMHOUR   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700005f)    //Alarm Hour
#define rALMDATE   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000063)    //Alarm date   //edited by junon
#define rALMMON    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000067)    //Alarm month
#define rALMYEAR   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700006b)    //Alarm year
#define rRTCRST    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700006f)    //RTC round reset
#define rBCDSEC    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000073)    //BCD second
#define rBCDMIN    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000077)    //BCD minute
#define rBCDHOUR   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700007b)    //BCD hour
#define rBCDDATE   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700007f)    //BCD date  //edited by junon
#define rBCDDAY    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000083)    //BCD day   //edited by junon
#define rBCDMON    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000087)    //BCD month
#define rBCDYEAR   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700008b)    //BCD year
#else //Little Endian
#define rRTCCON    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000040)    //RTC control
#define rTICNT     (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000044)    //Tick time count
#define rRTCALM    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000050)    //RTC alarm control
#define rALMSEC    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000054)    //Alarm second
#define rALMMIN    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000058)    //Alarm minute
#define rALMHOUR   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700005c)    //Alarm Hour
#define rALMDATE   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000060)    //Alarm date  // edited by junon
#define rALMMON    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000064)    //Alarm month
#define rALMYEAR   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000068)    //Alarm year
#define rRTCRST    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700006c)    //RTC round reset
#define rBCDSEC    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000070)    //BCD second
#define rBCDMIN    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000074)    //BCD minute
#define rBCDHOUR   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000078)    //BCD hour
#define rBCDDATE   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x5700007c)    //BCD date  //edited by junon
#define rBCDDAY    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000080)    //BCD day   //edited by junon
#define rBCDMON    (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000084)    //BCD month
#define rBCDYEAR   (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x57000088)    //BCD year

struct RTC_Date
unsigned short year;
unsigned char month, week, day;
unsigned char hour, minute, second;


void RTC_Time_Set(void);
// 获得时间,BCD16进制和转化成字符串
void RTC_Time_Get(struct RTC_Date *getDate, unsigned char dateString[]);


// rtc.c
// S3C2440 has rtc
// 2015.12.17 by Huangtao

#include "rtc.h"

//char *week_name[7]={ "Sun","Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thu","Fri", "Sat" };

void RTC_Time_Set(void)
struct RTC_Date setDate;

rRTCCON = 0x01 ;        //RTC read and write enable

rBCDYEAR = setDate.year;        // 年
rBCDMON  = setDate.month;        // 月
rBCDDATE = setDate.day;            // 日
rBCDDAY  = setDate.week;        // 星期
rBCDHOUR = setDate.hour;        // 小时
rBCDMIN  = setDate.minute;        // 分
rBCDSEC  = setDate.second;        // 秒

rRTCCON = 0x00 ;        //RTC read and write disable

void RTC_Time_Get(struct RTC_Date *getDate, unsigned char *dateString)
rRTCCON = 0x01;        //RTC read and write enable

getDate->year = 0x2000+rBCDYEAR;// 年
getDate->month = rBCDMON;        // 月
getDate->day = rBCDDATE;        // 日
getDate->week = rBCDDAY;        // 星期
getDate->hour = rBCDHOUR;        // 小时
getDate->minute = rBCDMIN;        // 分
getDate->second = rBCDSEC;        // 秒

rRTCCON = 0x00;        //RTC read and write disable

dateString[0] = ((getDate->year >> 12) & 0xf)%10 + '0';
dateString[1] = ((getDate->year >> 8) & 0x0f)%10 + '0';
dateString[2] = ((getDate->year >> 4) & 0x00f)%10 + '0';
dateString[3] = (getDate->year & 0x000f)%10 + '0';
dateString[4] = '/';
dateString[5] = (((getDate->month >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0') > '0' ?'1':' ';
dateString[6] = ((getDate->month >> 0) & 0x0f)%10 + '0';
dateString[7] = '/';
dateString[8] = (((getDate->day >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0') > '0' ?(((getDate->day >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0'):' ';
dateString[9] = ((getDate->day >> 0) & 0x0f)%10 + '0';
/*dateString[10] = ' ';
dateString[11] = (getDate->week & 0xf)%10 + '0';
dateString[12] = ' ';*/
dateString[10] = ' ';
dateString[11] = (((getDate->hour >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0') > '0' ?(((getDate->hour >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0'):' ';
dateString[12] = ((getDate->hour >> 0) & 0x0f)%10 + '0';
dateString[13] = ':';
dateString[14] = (((getDate->minute >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0') > '0' ?(((getDate->minute >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0'):' ';
dateString[15] = ((getDate->minute >> 0) & 0x0f)%10 + '0';
dateString[16] = ':';
dateString[17] = (((getDate->second >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0') > '0' ?(((getDate->second >> 4) & 0xf)%10 + '0'):' ';
dateString[18] = ((getDate->second >> 0) & 0x0f)%10 + '0';
dateString[19] = '\0';
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