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import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Properties;

* A class to simplify access to resources through the classloader.
* @author Clinton Begin
public class Resources {

private static ClassLoaderWrapper classLoaderWrapper = new ClassLoaderWrapper();

* Charset to use when calling getResourceAsReader.
* null means use the system default.
private static Charset charset;

Resources() {

* Returns the default classloader (may be null).
* @return The default classloader
public static ClassLoader getDefaultClassLoader() {
return classLoaderWrapper.defaultClassLoader;

* Sets the default classloader
* @param defaultClassLoader - the new default ClassLoader
public static void setDefaultClassLoader(ClassLoader defaultClassLoader) {
classLoaderWrapper.defaultClassLoader = defaultClassLoader;

* Returns the URL of the resource on the classpath
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static URL getResourceURL(String resource) throws IOException {
return getResourceURL(null, resource); // issue #625

* Returns the URL of the resource on the classpath
* @param loader   The classloader used to fetch the resource
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static URL getResourceURL(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {
URL url = classLoaderWrapper.getResourceAsURL(resource, loader);
if (url == null) throw new IOException("Could not find resource " + resource);
return url;

* Returns a resource on the classpath as a Stream object
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) throws IOException {
return getResourceAsStream(null, resource);

* Returns a resource on the classpath as a Stream object
* @param loader   The classloader used to fetch the resource
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {
InputStream in = classLoaderWrapper.getResourceAsStream(resource, loader);
if (in == null) throw new IOException("Could not find resource " + resource);
return in;

* Returns a resource on the classpath as a Properties object
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static Properties getResourceAsProperties(String resource) throws IOException {
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream in = getResourceAsStream(resource);
return props;

* Returns a resource on the classpath as a Properties object
* @param loader   The classloader used to fetch the resource
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static Properties getResourceAsProperties(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream in = getResourceAsStream(loader, resource);
return props;

* Returns a resource on the classpath as a Reader object
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static Reader getResourceAsReader(String resource) throws IOException {
Reader reader;
if (charset == null) {
reader = new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsStream(resource));
} else {
reader = new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsStream(resource), charset);
return reader;

* Returns a resource on the classpath as a Reader object
* @param loader   The classloader used to fetch the resource
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static Reader getResourceAsReader(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {
Reader reader;
if (charset == null) {
reader = new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsStream(loader, resource));
} else {
reader = new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsStream(loader, resource), charset);
return reader;

* Returns a resource on the classpath as a File object
* @param resource The resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static File getResourceAsFile(String resource) throws IOException {
return new File(getResourceURL(resource).getFile());

* Returns a resource on the classpath as a File object
* @param loader   - the classloader used to fetch the resource
* @param resource - the resource to find
* @return The resource
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static File getResourceAsFile(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {
return new File(getResourceURL(loader, resource).getFile());

* Gets a URL as an input stream
* @param urlString - the URL to get
* @return An input stream with the data from the URL
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static InputStream getUrlAsStream(String urlString) throws IOException {
URL url = new URL(urlString);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
return conn.getInputStream();

* Gets a URL as a Reader
* @param urlString - the URL to get
* @return A Reader with the data from the URL
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static Reader getUrlAsReader(String urlString) throws IOException {
Reader reader;
if (charset == null) {
reader = new InputStreamReader(getUrlAsStream(urlString));
} else {
reader = new InputStreamReader(getUrlAsStream(urlString), charset);
return reader;

* Gets a URL as a Properties object
* @param urlString - the URL to get
* @return A Properties object with the data from the URL
* @throws java.io.IOException If the resource cannot be found or read
public static Properties getUrlAsProperties(String urlString) throws IOException {
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream in = getUrlAsStream(urlString);
return props;

* Loads a class
* @param className - the class to fetch
* @return The loaded class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException If the class cannot be found (duh!)
public static Class<?> classForName(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return classLoaderWrapper.classForName(className);

public static Charset getCharset() {
return charset;

public static void setCharset(Charset charset) {
Resources.charset = charset;


import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;

* A class to wrap access to multiple class loaders making them work as one
* @author Clinton Begin
public class ClassLoaderWrapper {

ClassLoader defaultClassLoader;
ClassLoader systemClassLoader;

ClassLoaderWrapper() {
try {
systemClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
} catch (SecurityException ignored) {
// AccessControlException on Google App Engine

* Get a resource as a URL using the current class path
* @param resource - the resource to locate
* @return the resource or null
public URL getResourceAsURL(String resource) {
return getResourceAsURL(resource, getClassLoaders(null));

* Get a resource from the classpath, starting with a specific class loader
* @param resource    - the resource to find
* @param classLoader - the first classloader to try
* @return the stream or null
public URL getResourceAsURL(String resource, ClassLoader classLoader) {
return getResourceAsURL(resource, getClassLoaders(classLoader));

* Get a resource from the classpath
* @param resource - the resource to find
* @return the stream or null
public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) {
return getResourceAsStream(resource, getClassLoaders(null));

* Get a resource from the classpath, starting with a specific class loader
* @param resource    - the resource to find
* @param classLoader - the first class loader to try
* @return the stream or null
public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource, ClassLoader classLoader) {
return getResourceAsStream(resource, getClassLoaders(classLoader));

* Find a class on the classpath (or die trying)
* @param name - the class to look for
* @return - the class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException Duh.
public Class<?> classForName(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return classForName(name, getClassLoaders(null));

* Find a class on the classpath, starting with a specific classloader (or die trying)
* @param name        - the class to look for
* @param classLoader - the first classloader to try
* @return - the class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException Duh.
public Class<?> classForName(String name, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return classForName(name, getClassLoaders(classLoader));

* Try to get a resource from a group of classloaders
* @param resource    - the resource to get
* @param classLoader - the classloaders to examine
* @return the resource or null
InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource, ClassLoader[] classLoader) {
for (ClassLoader cl : classLoader) {
if (null != cl) {

// try to find the resource as passed
InputStream returnValue = cl.getResourceAsStream(resource);

// now, some class loaders want this leading "/", so we'll add it and try again if we didn't find the resource
if (null == returnValue) returnValue = cl.getResourceAsStream("/" + resource);

if (null != returnValue) return returnValue;
return null;

* Get a resource as a URL using the current class path
* @param resource    - the resource to locate
* @param classLoader - the class loaders to examine
* @return the resource or null
URL getResourceAsURL(String resource, ClassLoader[] classLoader) {

URL url;

for (ClassLoader cl : classLoader) {

if (null != cl) {

// look for the resource as passed in...
url = cl.getResource(resource);

// ...but some class loaders want this leading "/", so we'll add it
// and try again if we didn't find the resource
if (null == url) url = cl.getResource("/" + resource);

// "It's always in the last place I look for it!"
// ... because only an idiot would keep looking for it after finding it, so stop looking already.
if (null != url) return url;



// didn't find it anywhere.
return null;


* Attempt to load a class from a group of classloaders
* @param name        - the class to load
* @param classLoader - the group of classloaders to examine
* @return the class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException - Remember the wisdom of Judge Smails: Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too.
Class<?> classForName(String name, ClassLoader[] classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {

for (ClassLoader cl : classLoader) {

if (null != cl) {

try {

Class<?> c = Class.forName(name, true, cl);

if (null != c) return c;

} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// we'll ignore this until all classloaders fail to locate the class



throw new ClassNotFoundException("Cannot find class: " + name);


ClassLoader[] getClassLoaders(ClassLoader classLoader) {
return new ClassLoader[]{

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