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05 简易计算器

2015-12-14 22:11 423 查看

1 仅仅支持两个操作数一个操作符的计算

2 输入为十进制, 输出为十六进制


assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack

data segment
notice  db 'please input a plus/subtract/multiply/divide expression : $ '      ; notice information
buffer  db 16                               ; the buffer to saved the information user inputed, and result show information
db 0
db 32 dup (0), ' $ '
operand dw 4 dup (0)                        ; save the operand and operator and calcute result
; result db 32 dup (0)
errInfo db 0aH, 0dH, 'have no operator.... $ ' ; save the error information
tmp     dw 2 dup (0)                        ; the temp memory for save offset

data ends

stack segment
db 128 dup (0)

stack ends

code segment

mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov ax, stack
mov ss, ax      ; initilization ds, ss

lea dx, notice
mov ah, 9
int 21H         ; output notice information

lea dx, buffer
mov ah, 10
int 21H         ; let user to input

mov cl, buffer[1]
mov ch, 0       ; get the length of user inputed

call getOperator    ; get operator, and offset saved in si, and save it into 'operand[1]'

; call getNumValue

call getOperand     ; get the operand, save it into 'operand', 'operand[2]'

call calcuteIt      ; to calcute the expression

call putResultIntoMemory    ; put the information into specified memory

lea dx, buffer+2    ; show the result information
mov ah, 9
int 21H

mov ax, 4c00H       ; return to cmd
int 21H

; getNumValue proc near

; getNumValueLoop1:

; loop getNumValueLoop1

; getNumValue endp

putResultIntoMemory proc near           ; put the result into memory for show
push di
push bx

mov di, cx
add di, 2
mov buffer[di], '='
mov bx, operand[6]
call calcOneWord

pop bx
pop di


putResultIntoMemory endp

calcHalfByte    proc near   ; calc the bl [----just judge lower four bit----]' s corresponding ascii code, save in bl
; push bx           ; bl record the data[need to be transfer]
push cx         ; record the offset to save in exp data segment

cmp bl, 9
ja abc
; bl not bigger than 9
; mov [exp+cx], bl+48       ; 1 ~ 8
add bl, 48
jmp calcHalfByteEnd

abc:            ; bl bigger than 9
; mov [exp+cx], bl+87       ; A ~ F
add bl, 87

pop cx


calcHalfByte endp

calcHalfWord proc               ; to calcute two hexadecimal number, number saved in bl, need to push two offset relative exp flag to save data
push bx
push di
push dx
push cx

; add sp, 4                 ; mov stack pointer to save data offset, why there need just add 2 bit ? it just push ip in stack ?

mov dx, bx
mov cl, 4                   ; calc the upper 4 bit
shr bl, cl
call calcHalfByte
; pop di
mov di, ds:[tmp]            ; the segment of tmp must match the left value[cx], use dw to define data
mov ds:[buffer+di], bl

mov bx, dx                  ; calc the lower 5 bit
and bl, 15
call calcHalfByte
; pop di
mov di, ds:[tmp+2]
mov ds:[buffer+di], bl

; sub sp, 6                 ; mov stack pointer to the real stack top
; why the value in stack changed ???        --2014.07.25

pop cx
pop dx
pop di
pop bx


calcHalfWord endp

calcOneWord proc near           ; to calcute two hexadecimal number, number saved in 'bx', 'di' saved the memory offset,
push dx
push di

mov dx, bx

mov cl, 8                   ; calc the upper 8 bit of bx
shr bx, cl
inc di
mov ds:[tmp], di
inc di
mov ds:[tmp+2], di
call calcHalfWord

mov bx, dx                  ; calc the lower 8 bit of bx
mov bh, 0
inc di
mov ds:[tmp], di
inc di
mov ds:[tmp+2], di
call calcHalfWord

pop di
pop dx


calcOneWord endp

calcuteIt proc near             ; to calcute the value of expression, and save it to specified memory
push bx
push ax
push dx

mov bx, operand[2]
cmp bx, 1
jz opePlus2
cmp bx, 2
jz opeSub2
cmp bx, 3
jz opeMul2
cmp bx, 4
jz opeDiv2

jmp calcuteItEnd

mov ax, ds:[operand]
add ax, operand[4]
mov operand[6], ax

jmp calcuteItEnd

mov ax, ds:[operand]
sub ax, operand[4]
mov operand[6], ax

jmp calcuteItEnd

mov ax, ds:[operand]
mul  operand[4]
mov operand[6], ax              ; for simple, ignore dx

jmp calcuteItEnd

mov ax, ds:[operand]
div  operand[4]
mov operand[6], ax              ;

jmp calcuteItEnd


pop dx
pop ax
pop bx


calcuteIt endp

getOperand proc near                ; to get two operand, and put them into specified meomry
push di
push si
push dx
push cx

cmp operand[1], 0
jz getOperandOnError

; mov cx, si-2              ; error
; mov di, si-1

mov cx, si
sub cx, 2
mov di, si
dec di
mov al, 1
mov dx, 0

call getOperandValue
mov ds:[operand], dx

pop cx
push cx
; mov cx, dx+1-si           ; error
; mov di, dx+1

sub cx, si
inc cx

mov di, cx
add di, si

mov al, 1
mov dx, 0
call getOperandValue
mov ds:[operand+4], dx

jmp getOperandEnd

getOperandOnError:          ; address flag can't duplicated with others flag
call onError


pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di


getOperand endp

getOperandValue proc near               ; get operand NumberValue by the number string in memory 1 2 3 -> 123
push di
push ax

mov ah, buffer[di]
call getNumValue

push ax
mul ah
add dx, ax
pop ax
mov ah, 10
mul ah

dec di
loop getOperandValueLoop1

pop ax
pop di


getOperandValue endp

getNumValue proc near                   ; get NumberValue by ascii

cmp ah, 48
jae numFlag1
jmp getNumValueEnd

cmp ah, 57
jbe numFlag2
jmp alphaFlag1

sub ah, 48
jmp getNumValueEnd

cmp ah, 97
jae alphaFlag2
jmp getNumValueEnd

cmp ah, 102
ja getNumValueEnd
sub aH, 87



getNumValue endp

onError proc near               ; deal while error happened
push dx
push ax

lea dx, errInfo
mov ah, 9
int 21H

pop ax
pop dx


onError endp

getOperator proc near           ; get the operator in expression, the offset of operator saved in 'si'
push cx
push bx

mov si, 2

mov bl, buffer[si]
call ifIsOperator

jc getOperatorEnd
inc si
loop getOperatorLoop1


pop bx
pop cx


getOperator endp

ifIsOperator proc near              ; to judge if 'bl' is a operator

cmp bl, 43
jz opePlus
cmp bl, 45
jz opeSub
cmp bl, 42
jz opeMul
cmp bl, 47
jz opeDiv

jmp ifIsOperatorEnd

mov operand[2], 1
jmp ifIsOperatorBeforeEnd

mov operand[2], 2
jmp ifIsOperatorBeforeEnd

mov operand[2], 3
jmp ifIsOperatorBeforeEnd

mov operand[2], 4
jmp ifIsOperatorBeforeEnd




ifIsOperator endp

code ends

end start

; made by 970655147         2014.07.27

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