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show databases;


use mysql;


show tables;


create database c58 charset utf8;


drop database c57;


use c58;


create table stu(sid tinyint);


insert into stu set sid=1;

insert into stu set sid=2;


select * from stu;


| sid |


| 1 |

| 2 |



drop table stu;


create table stu(sid tinyint,money decimal(5,2));


insert into stu set sid=1,money=2000;

insert into stu set sid=1,money=10;

insert into stu set sid=1,money=100.235;


drop table stu;

create table stu(sid tinyint(1),money decimal(5,2));

insert into stu set sid=100;

select * from stu;


| sid | money |


| 100 | NULL |


//字符串类型 char(5),只能存5个字符

drop table stu;

create table stu(sid tinyint,sname char(5));


insert into stu set sid=1,sname=”;

insert into stu set sid=1,sname=”;





//char(5) 存一个字符串,那么也是占5个,定长

//varchar(5) 存一个字符,就占一个,变长

//前导零 zerofill 也会把类型变为正数范围

//tinyint(10) 如果存1位数字,那么会补充9个零

create table stu(sid tinyint(10) zerofill);

insert into stu set sid=1;

select * from stu;


| sid |


| 0000000001 |

| 0000000002 |

| 0000000200 |


//非负 unsigned,把类型变为正数范围

create table stu(sid tinyint unsigned);

//enum 枚举(类似于单选)

create table stu(sid tinyint unsigned,sname char(20),sex enum(‘男’,’女’));


insert into stu set sid=1,sname=’小明’,sex=’女’;

//set (类似于多选)

create table stu(

sid tinyint unsigned,

sname char(20),

sex enum(‘男’,’女’),

hobby set(‘篮球’,’排球’,’乒乓球’,’PHP’)


insert into stu set sid=1,sname=’伊’,sex=1,hobby=’篮球,排球,PHP’;



desc stu;

//default 字段修饰,默认值

//not null 和 default 和结合起来使用的

create table user(

uid smallint unsigned not null default 0,

name char(20) not null default ”


//unique 非重

create table user(

uid int unsigned,

username char(20) not null default ” unique,

password char(32) not null default ”


//主键 primary key

//自增 auto_increment

create table arc(

aid int unsigned primary key auto_increment,

title char(120) not null default ”,

content text,

click smallint unsigned not null default 0



delete from arc where aid=2;



create table user_bak like user;


insert into user_bak select * from user;


create table user_bak1 select * from user;


select * from arc;


select aid from arc;


select aid,title from arc;

//别名 as

select aid,title as t from arc;

//where 代表条件

select * from arc where aid>1 and click>100;


select concat(title,’-‘,click) as c from arc;


| c |


| 今天有雾霾,北京还能不能待了-10000 |

| 今天有雾霾-1000 |

| 今天有雾霾-1000 |



select click,click>5000 as c from arc;


| click | c |


| 10000 | 1 |

| 1000 | 0 |

| 1000 | 0 |



select distinct(click) from arc;


create table stu(

sid int unsigned primary key auto_increment,

sname char(20) not null default ”,

hobby set(‘篮球’,’足球’,’PHP’,’JS’)


select * from stu;


| sid | sname | hobby |


| 1 | 小明 | 篮球,PHP |

| 2 | 小王 | PHP |

| 3 | 小红 | PHP,JS |



//1.find_in_set() 不推荐

select * from stu where find_in_set(‘篮球’,hobby);


| sid | sname | hobby |


| 1 | 小明 | 篮球,PHP |

| 4 | 瑶瑶 | 篮球 |


//2. &1 不推荐

select * from stu where hobby &1;


| sid | sname | hobby |


| 1 | 小明 | 篮球,PHP |

| 4 | 瑶瑶 | 篮球 |


//3. like 模糊匹配 推荐

select * from stu where hobby like ‘%篮球%’;


| sid | sname | hobby |


| 1 | 小明 | 篮球,PHP |

| 4 | 瑶瑶 | 篮球 |


//查询uid 为null的数据

select * from user where uid is null;


select click,if(click>5000,’多’,’少’) as i from arc;


| click | i |


| 10000 | 多 |

| 1000 | 少 |

| 1000 | 少 |


//order 排序

//desc 降序 asc 升序


create table baidu(

bid int unsigned primary key auto_increment,

name char(100) not null default ”,

sort smallint unsigned not null default 0


insert into baidu set name=’腾讯搜索’,sort=98;

insert into baidu set name=’360搜索’,sort=100;

insert into baidu set name=’google搜索’,sort=99;


update baidu set sort=101 where bid=1;


select * from baidu order by sort asc;


select * from baidu order by sort desc;


| bid | name | sort |


| 2 | 360搜索 | 100 |

| 1 | 腾讯搜索 | 101 |

| 3 | google搜索 | 200 |


//limit 截取

//limit 1 从开始截取1条

select * from baidu limit 1;[]

//limit 1,2 从1开始截取2条

select * from baidu limit 1,2;

//between 101 and 200


select * from baidu where sort between 101 and 200;


| bid | name | sort |


| 1 | 腾讯搜索 | 101 |

| 3 | google搜索 | 200 |

| 4 | | 150 |



select * from baidu where sort in(100,150);


| bid | name | sort |


| 2 | 360搜索 | 100 |

| 4 | | 150 |



select * from stu where sname like “小%”;


select * from stu where sname like “%小%”;


select * from stu where sname like “%小”;


select * from stu where sname like ‘小_’;


select left(sname,1) from stu;


select mid(sname,2,1) from stu;


select right(sname,1) from stu;


select * from baidu order by rand() limit 1;



set names utf8;


show variables like “%character%”;


character_set_client | gbk //客户端

character_set_connection | gbk //连接端

character_set_results | gbk //结果端


insert into arc set title=’今天是得跳舞’;


select * from arc;



insert into stu (sname,hobby) values (‘小绿’,’PHP’),(‘小黄’,’JS’);


truncate stu;


replace into stu (sid,sname,hobby) values (1,’小粉’,’PHP’);


update stu set sname=’小白’ where sid=1;


delete from stu where sid=4;


alter table stu rename student;

//change 改名同时改类型


alter table student change sname name char(15) not null default ”;

//modify 改类型

alter table student modify name char(30) not null default ” first;


alter table student modify name char(30) not null default ” after sid;



alter table student add sex enum(‘男’,’女’) not null default ‘男’ after name;



alter table student drop hobby;


alter table stu add primary key(sid);


alter table stu modify sid int unsigned auto_increment;


alter table stu modify sid int unsigned;


alter table stu drop primary key;


create table member(

mid int unsigned primary key auto_increment,

name char(20) not null default ”,

birthday date



insert into member (name,birthday) values (‘小红’,’1990-1-1’),(‘小绿’,19901001);


select now();


| now() |


| 2015-12-10 12:05:27 |



select count(*) from member;

select * from member;


| mid | name | birthday | click |


| 1 | 小红 | 1990-01-01 | 200 |

| 2 | 小绿 | 1990-10-01 | 0 |



select min(click) from member;


select max(click) from member;


select sum(click) from member;


select avg(click) from member;


//group by 和 having组合使用的

select * from member group by sex having sex=’女’;




城市表 city

cid name

1 北京

2 上海

3 杭州

区号表 code

coid num cid

1 020 2

2 010 1

3 0571 3




分类表 category

cid cname

1 新闻

2 娱乐

3 体育

文章表 arc

aid title cid

1 虚拟现实2016年将首先在游戏中实现 1

2 ab怀孕了 2

3 科比下个赛季将要退役了 3

4 马唱了一首歌 2

5 在纳斯达克上市了 1


create table cate(

cid int unsigned primary key auto_increment,

cname char(20) not null default ”



create table arc(

aid int unsigned primary key auto_increment,

title char(120) not null default ”,

cid int unsigned not null default 0



select * from arc,cate;


| aid | title | cid | cid | cname |


| 1 | 虚拟现实2016年将首先在游戏中实现 | 1 | 1 | 新闻 |

| 1 | 虚拟现实2016年将首先在游戏中实现 | 1 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 1 | 虚拟现实2016年将首先在游戏中实现 | 1 | 3 | 体育 |

| 2 | ab怀孕了 | 2 | 1 | 新闻 |

| 2 | ab怀孕了 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 2 | ab怀孕了 | 2 | 3 | 体育 |

| 3 | 科比下个赛季将要退役了 | 3 | 1 | 新闻 |

| 3 | 科比下个赛季将要退役了 | 3 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 3 | 科比下个赛季将要退役了 | 3 | 3 | 体育 |

| 4 | 马唱了一首歌 | 2 | 1 | 新闻 |

| 4 | 马唱了一首歌 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 4 | 马唱了一首歌 | 2 | 3 | 体育 |

| 5 | 在纳斯达克上市了 | 1 | 1 | 新闻 |

| 5 | 在纳斯达克上市了 | 1 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 5 | 在纳斯达克上市了 | 1 | 3 | 体育 |


//加完限制条的 笛卡尔积(有意义的)

select * from arc as a,cate as c where a.cid=c.cid;


| aid | title | cid | cid | cname |


| 1 | 虚拟现实2016年将首先在游戏中实现 | 1 | 1 | 新闻 |

| 2 | ab怀孕了 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 3 | 科比下个赛季将要退役了 | 3 | 3 | 体育 |

| 4 | 马唱了一首歌 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 5 | 在纳斯达克上市了 | 1 | 1 | 新闻 |



select aid,title,cname from arc as a,cate as c where a.cid=c.cid;


| aid | title | cname |


| 1 | 虚拟现实2016年将首先在游戏中实现 | 新闻 |

| 2 | ab怀孕了 | 娱乐 |

| 3 | 科比下个赛季将要退役了 | 体育 |

| 4 | 马唱了一首歌 | 娱乐 |

| 5 | 在纳斯达克上市了 | 新闻 |


//内部连接 inner join(和上面的写法比起来,推荐写法)

//join 关联

//on 关联的条件

select * from arc as a join cate as c on a.cid=c.cid;


| aid | title | cid | cid | cname |


| 1 | 虚拟现实2016年将首先在游戏中实现 | 1 | 1 | 新闻 |

| 2 | ab怀孕了 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 3 | 科比下个赛季将要退役了 | 3 | 3 | 体育 |

| 4 | 马唱了一首歌 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 5 | 在纳斯达克上市了 | 1 | 1 | 新闻 |



select * from arc as a join cate as c on a.cid=c.cid where a.cid=2;


| aid | title | cid | cid | cname |


| 2 | ab怀孕了 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 4 | 马唱了一首歌 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |


//右连接 right join,偏向右边的表,无论条件是否成立,数据都会出来

select * from arc as a right join cate as c on a.cid=c.cid;


| aid | title | cid | cid | cname |


| 1 | 虚拟现实2016年将首先在游戏中实现 | 1 | 1 | 新闻 |

| 2 | ab怀孕了 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 3 | 科比下个赛季将要退役了 | 3 | 3 | 体育 |

| 4 | 马唱了一首歌 | 2 | 2 | 娱乐 |

| 5 | 在纳斯达克上市了 | 1 | 1 | 新闻 |

| NULL | NULL | NULL | 4 | 军事 |



select * from arc as a right join cate as c on a.cid=c.cid where aid is null;


| aid | title | cid | cid | cname |


| NULL | NULL | NULL | 4 | 军事 |



select cname,count(*) from cate as c join arc as a on a.cid=c.cid group by cname;


| cname | count(*) |


| 体育 | 1 |

| 娱乐 | 2 |

| 新闻 | 2 |

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