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2015-12-08 17:12 573 查看

string sql = string.Empty;

string sqlSelect = "SELECT cc.ClassId,cc.ClassName,cp.CourseName,pp.Title,pp.ReleaseTime,pp.IsPublic,pp.id as preparationId,cu.id as UnitId,cp.id as PackId,pp.ExamId,pp.IsPractice,pp.ExamId ";//查询列


string sqlFrom = @"from yk_preparation pp -- 课程备课

join yk_courseunit cu on pp.CoureUnitId=cu.id -- 课程单元

join yk_coursepack cp on cu.CoursePackId=cp.id -- 课程包

left join yk_courseclass cc on cc.CoursePackId=cp.Id ";

StringBuilder sqlWhere = new StringBuilder();//查询条件

string sqlOrder = string.Empty;//排序

string sqlCount = string.Empty;//查询总记录数

sqlWhere.Append("where pp.`Status` = 0 and cu.`Status` = 0 ");

sqlWhere.Append("and cp.TeacherId = @0 ");//当前老师

sqlWhere.Append("and cp.Term = @8 ");//当前学期



sqlWhere.Append("and cp.id =@1 ");


if (unitId>0)

sqlWhere.Append("and cu.id =@2 ");

//是否分享 (-1:全部,0:不共享,1:共享)

//if(isPublic >=0)

// sqlWhere.Append("and pp.IsPublic = @3 ");


sqlWhere.Append("and pp.ReleaseTime between @4 and @5 ");

sqlOrder="ORDER BY pp.ReleaseTime DESC ";

sql = sqlSelect + sqlFrom + sqlWhere.ToString() + sqlOrder + "limit @6,@7 ";

sqlCount = @"select count(pp.id) "+sqlFrom+sqlWhere.ToString();

int pageStart = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;

List<PreparationModel> list = _content.FindPage<PreparationModel>(sql, sqlCount, pageIndex, pageSize, out totalCount, teacherId, coursePackId, unitId, isPublic, publishDateStart, publishDateEnd, pageStart, pageSize,termId);

return list;
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