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2015年12月01日 每天半小时学英语

2015-12-05 10:35 381 查看


互联网公司的雇主倾向于招募更年轻、没有孩子的员工,认为他们效率更高。“年轻人的生活更简单,”Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)说,“生活简单能让人把注意力集中在重要的事情上。”

英语原文:from New York Times:

Employers of Internet companies prefer younger, childless employees who were presumed to be more productive. “Young people just have simpler lives,” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s co-founder said, “Simplicity in life allows you to focus on what’s important.”


1)互联网公司的雇主倾向于招募更年轻、没有孩子的员工,认为他们效率更高:Employers [后置定语of Internet companies] prefer younger, childless employees [定语从句who were presumed to be(被假定) more productive].

2)年轻人的生活更简单,Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格说:Young people just have simpler lives, Mark Zuckerberg [同位语Facebook’s co-founder] said

3)生活简单能让人把注意力集中在重要的事情上:Simplicity in life(对前面的变化) allows you to focus on [宾语从句what’s important]


1)后置定语/定从能让句子结构更紧凑、简洁:Employers [后定of Internet companies] prefer younger, childless employees [定从who were presumed to be more productive]

2)同位语:“…lives,” Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s co-founder said, “Simplicity…”;另,Mao Zedong, the founder of PRC, was once shrined by hundreds of millions of his fanatical followers.


1)be presumed to…:被推定、被假设…;例句:The earth which was once presumed to be the center of universe was later proven by science to orbit round the Sun.

2)…allow…to…:让(某人)做(某事);例句:Attending parties allows one to release all the pressure from work or life.

3)focus on:专注于;例句:He was focusing on writing the paper, which made him ignore what was happening around.
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