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2015-12-03 17:19 274 查看


JSM上统计界的老帮主Stephen Stigler做了一个主题演讲,讲“统计学的七大支柱”,好心又认真的Rick Wicklin同学记了笔记,彼时估计还在中国城吃饭的我才得以了解SS大人到底讲了什么。回头看看笔记,我觉得SS大人有点吹嘘统计学之嫌。所谓支柱,就是没了它咱就垮了。七大支柱为

At the 2014 Joint Statistical Meetings in Boston, Stephen Stigler gave the ASA President's Invited Address. In forty short minutes, Stigler laid out his response to the age-old question "What is statistics?" His answer was not a pithy aphorism, but rather a presentation of seven principles that form the foundation of statistical thought. Here are Stigler's seven pillars, with a few of my own thoughts thrown in:


Aggregation: It sounds like an oxymoron that you can gain knowledge by discarding information, yet that is what happens when you replace a long list of numbers by a sum or mean. Every day the news media reports a summary of billions of stock market transactions by reporting a single a weighted average of stock prices: the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Statisticians aggregate, and policy makers and business leaders use these aggregated values to make complex decisions.


The law of diminishing information: If 10 pieces of data are good, are 20 pieces twice as good? No, the value of additional information diminishes like the square root of the number of observations, which is why Stigler nicknamed this pillar the "root n rule." The square root appears in formulas such as the standard error of the mean, which describes the probability that the mean of a sample will be close to the mean of a population.


Likelihood: Some people say that statistics is "the science of uncertainty." One of the pillars of statistics is being able to confidently state how good a statistical estimate is. Hypothesis tests and p-values are examples of how statisticians use probability to carry out statistical inference.


Intercomparisons: When analyzing data, statisticians usually make comparisons that are based on differences among the data. This is different than in some fields, where comparisons are made against some ideal "gold standard." Well-known analyses such as ANOVA and t-tests utilize this pillar.


Regression and multivariate analysis: Children that are born to two extraordinarily tall parents tend to be shorter than their parents. Similarly, if both parents are shorter than average, the children tend to be taller than the parents. This is known as regression to the mean. Regression is the best known example of multivariate analysis, which also includes dimension-reduction techniques and latent factor models.


Design: R. A. Fisher, in an address to the Indian Statistical Congress (1938) said "To consult the statistician after an experiment is finished is often merely to ask him to conduct a post mortem examination. He can perhaps say what the experiment died of." A pillar of statistics is the design of experiments, and—by extension—all data collection and planning that leads to good data. Included in this pillar is the idea that random assignment of subjects to design cells improves the analysis. This pillar is the basis for agricultural experiments and clinical trials, just to name two examples.


Models and Residuals: This pillar enables you to examine shortcomings of a model by examining the difference between the observed data and the model. If the residuals have a systematic pattern, you can revise your model to explain the data better. You can continue this process until the residuals show no pattern. This pillar is used by statistical practitioners every time that they look at a diagnostic residual plot for a regression model.


I agree with Stigler's choice of the seven pillars. If someone asks, "What is statistics?" I sometimes replay "It is what statisticians do!" But what do statisticians do? They apply these seven pillars of thought to convert measurements to information. They aggregate. They glean information from small samples. They use probability to report confidence in their estimates. They create ways to quantify data differences. They analyze multivariate data. They design experiments. They build and refine models.

谢益辉 / 2014-09-21 Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA
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