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2015-12-03 14:46 197 查看
Password security is still a hotly debated topic with the UK government advocating technical controls that let users remember simpler passwords and Edward Snowden’s password advice being described as only ‘borderline secure’. Passwords are generally one of the weakest links in the security chain, so we recommend employing two-factor authentication, which can significantly improve security. Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) is the standard algorithm in this space, with straightforward server-side implementations and free smartphone authenticator apps from Google and Microsoft.、


Mesos is a platform that abstracts out underlying computing resources to make it easier to build massively scalable distributed systems. It can be used to provide a scheduling layer for Docker, or to act as an abstraction layer to things like AWS. Twitter has used it to great effect to help it scale its infrastructure. Tools built on top of Mesos are starting to appear, such as Chronos, which is a distributed, fault-tolerant cron replacement. Prominent success stories are appearing, such as Apple’s Siri rearchitecting to use Mesos.


AWS releases a huge number of new features on what seems like a monthly basis, so it can sometimes be hard for any new service offering to rise above the noise, but Lambda certainly manages to attract notice. Initially just supporting JavaScript, but now adding support for JVM-based applications (with more no doubt to follow), Lambda allows you to fire up very short-lived processes either in reaction to an event, or via a call from the related API Gateway. For stateless services, this means you don’t need to worry about running any long-lived machines, potentially reducing costs and improving security. Despite other forays into the PaaS space by AWS, Lambda looks the closest to getting this right.


Fastly, one of a number of CDNs on the market, has a large and growing following on ThoughtWorks projects and is used by many web-scale household names, such as GitHub and Twitter. Its feature set, speed and price point combine to make it a very attractive option when you’re looking for an edge caching solution. We have also seen significant cost savings on projects that move to this platform from another CDN. If you are in the market for a CDN, you could do worse than investigate this one.


Predictive analytics are used in more and more products, often directly in end user-facing functionality. H2O is an interesting open source package (with a startup behind it) that makes predictive analytics accessible to development teams, offering straightforward use of a wide variety of analytics, great performance and easy integration on JVM-based platforms. At the same time it integrates with the data scientists’ favorite tools, R and Python, as well as Hadoop and Spark.


HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a now widely supported policy that allows websites to protect themselves from downgrade attacks. A downgrade attack in the context of HTTPS is one that can cause users of your site to fall back to HTTP rather than HTTPS, allowing for further attacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks. By using the server header, you inform browsers that they should only use HTTPS to access your website, and should ignore downgrade attempts to contact the site via HTTP. Browser support is now widespread enough that this easy-to-implement feature should be considered for any site using HTTPS.


The Elastic Container Service (ECS) is AWS’ entry into the multihost Docker space. Although there is a lot of competition in this area, there aren’t many off-premises managed solutions out there yet. Although ECS seems like a good first step, we are worried that it is overly complicated at the moment and lacks a good abstraction layer. If you want to run Docker on AWS, though, this tool should certainly be high on your list. Just don’t expect it to be easy to get started with.


Ceph is a storage platform that can be used as object storage, as block storage, and as a file system, typically running on a cluster of commodity servers. With its first major release having been in July 2012, Ceph is certainly not a new product. We do want to highlight it on this Technology Radar as an important building block for private clouds. It is particularly attractive because its RADOS Gateway component can expose the object store through a RESTful interface that is compatible with Amazon S3 and the OpenStack Swift APIs.

Ceph是一款可以运行在普通服务器集群上的用作对象存储,块存储和文件系统的存储平台。我们想在技术雷达中强调其为私有云的重要构件的作用。另外,Ceph还提供了一个非常用吸引力的组件RADOS Gateway, 将对象存储中的数据通过与Amazon S3和OpenStack Swift APIs相兼容的RESTful接口的方式暴露出去。

Kubernetes is Google’s answer to the problem of deploying containers into a cluster of machines, which is becoming an increasingly common scenario. It is not the solution used by Google internally, but an opensource project that originated at Google and has seen a fair share of external contributions. Docker and Rocket are supported as container formats and services offered include health management, replication, and discovery. A similar solution in this space is Rancher, an open-source solution that also allows deployment of containers into a cluster of machines. It provides services such lifecycle management, monitoring, health checks, and discovery. Also included is a completely containerized operating system based on Docker. The broad focus on containerization and very small footprint are key advantages for Rancher.


Mesosphere DCOS is a platform built on top of Mesos. It provides an abstraction over underling machines, giving you a pool of storage and compute that allows services built for DCOS to operate at massive scale (Support is already there for Hadoop, Spark and Cassandra, among others). This is probably overkill for more modest workloads at the moment (where plain old Mesos could still be a good fit), but it will be interesting to see if Mesosphere starts trying to position DCOS as a general-purpose system.

Mesosphere DCOS(数据中心操作系统)是建立在Mesos内核之上的统一资源调度平台。它在虚拟机集群的基础上提供了存储和计算资源池的抽象,以便能够在数据中心上运行极大规模的服务集群(已支持包括Hadoop、Spark和Cassandra在内的许多框架)。目前看来,这个平台对于那些负载不高的任务来说有些大材小用(这些场景下原始的Mesos也许更加合适),然而依然值得观察Mesosphere是否会在将来使得DCOS(数据中心操作系统)发展成为一个通用功能的系统。

In contrast to modern cloud and container solutions based on Linux, even Windows Server Core is large and unwieldy. Microsoft is reacting and has provided the first previews of Nano Server, a further-strippeddown version of Windows Server that drops the GUI stack, 32-bit Win32 support, local logins and remote desktop support, resulting in an on-disk size of about 400MB. The early previews are difficult to work with, and the final solution will be restricted to using the CoreCLR, but for companies that are interested in running .NET-based solutions, Nano Server is definitely worth a look at this stage.

与现代的基于Linux的云和容器解决方案相比,即使是Windows Server Core也显得大而笨重。微软刚推出了第一版预览版的Nano Server作为对策。Nano Server是一款只有400MB大小,移除了图形用户界面,32位支持,本地登录及远程桌面的裁剪版Windows Server。虽然早期预览版很难使用,而最终版也将被限制只使用CoreCLR,但对有兴趣运行.Net应用的公司来说,现阶段的Nano Server极值得考虑。

Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine designed and optimized for running interactive analytics workloads. Presto’s massively parallel processing architecture - combined with advanced code-generation techniques and in-memory processing pipelines - makes it highly scalable. It supports a large subset of ANSI SQL including complex queries, joins, aggregations and window functions. Presto comes with support for a wide range of data sources including Hive, Cassandra, MySQL and PostgreSQL, thereby unifying the interactive analytics interface across data stores of an organization. Applications can connect to Presto using its JDBC interface.

Prestro是一个开源的分布式SQL查询引擎,这个工具是为了运行交互式分析负载进行设计和优化的。Presto的大规模并行运算架构,结合了先进的代码生成技术和基于内存的数据处理流水线,使其具备极高的可扩展性。它支持ANSI SQL的一个大子集,包括复杂查询,联结、聚合以及窗口函数。同时Presto支持包括Hive, Cassandra, MySQL和PostgreSQL在内的各种数据源,从而可以针对一个组织内各种数据存储提供统一的交互式分析接口。应用程序可以使用JDBC接口来连接Presto.
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