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IEEE Std 802.11™-2012 1. Overview

2015-12-01 23:50 246 查看
1. Overview
1.1 Scope

The scope of this standard is to define one mediumaccess control (MAC) and several physical layer (PHY)
specifications for wireless connectivity for fixed,portable, and moving stations (STAs) within a local area.
1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this standard is to provide wirelessconnectivity for fixed, portable, and moving stations
within a local area. This standard also offersregulatory bodies a means of standardizing access to one or
more frequency bands for the purpose of local areacommunication.
1.3 Supplementary information on purpose

Specifically, this standard
— Describes the functions and services required by anIEEE 802.11™-compliant device to operate
within independent and infrastructure networks aswell as the aspects of STA mobility (transition)
within those networks.

介绍了IEEE 802.11™所需要的功能和服务-在独立和基础设施网络中兼容设备的运转以及在这些网络中设备的移动性(过渡:不同网络之间的切换)特征。
— Describes the functions and services that allow anIEEE 802.11-compliant device to communicate
directly with another such device outside of anindependent or infrastructure network.

介绍了IEEE 802.11™所允许的功能和服务-在独立或竞争式网络之外兼容设备之间的直接通信。
— Defines the MAC procedures to support the MACservice data unit (MSDU) delivery services.
— Defines several PHY signaling techniques andinterface functions that are controlled by the
IEEE 802.11 MAC.
—定义了受控于IEEE802.11 MAC的一些PHY信号技术和接口功能
— Permits the operation of an IEEE 802.11-conformantdevice within a wireless local area network
(WLAN) that may coexist with multiple overlappingIEEE 802.11 WLANs.
IEEE 802.11 Wlan 共存
— Describes the requirements and procedures toprovide data confidentiality of user information and
MAC management information being transferred over thewireless medium (WM) and
authentication of IEEE 802.11-conformant devices.
— Defines mechanisms for dynamic frequency selection(DFS) and transmit power control (TPC) that
may be used to satisfy regulatory requirements foroperation in any band.
— Defines the MAC procedures to support local areanetwork (LAN) applications with quality-of-
service (QoS) requirements, including the transportof voice, audio, and video.
— Defines mechanisms and services for wirelessnetwork management of STAs that include BSS
transition management, channel usage and coexistence,collocated interference reporting,
diagnostic, multicast diagnostic and event reporting,flexible multicast, efficient beacon
mechanisms, proxy ARP advertisement, location, timingmeasurement, directed multicast, extended
sleep modes, traffic filtering, and managementnotification.
诊断、 多播诊断和事件报告、 灵活的多播、 高效beacon机制、 代理 ARP
广告、位置、 定时测量、 定向的多播、 扩展的睡眠模式、 流量筛选和管理通知。
— Defines functions and procedures aiding networkdiscovery and selection by STAs, information
transfer from external networks using QoS mapping,and a general mechanism for the provision of
emergency services.
— Defines the MAC procedures that are necessary forwireless multi-hop communication to support
wireless LAN mesh topologies.
—为了支持无线LAN MESH技术,定义了无线多跃点通信所必需的MAC层程序。
1.4 Word Usage
In this document, the word shall is used to indicatea mandatory requirement. The word should is used to
indicate a recommendation. The word may is used toindicate a permissible action. The word can is used for
statements of possibility and capability.
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