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Xcode 蓝色文件夹和黄色文件夹的区别

2015-11-30 15:46 351 查看
Copy items into destination group’s folder: Select this option to create a copy of the selected file or folder in the workspace. Do this if you want to delete, move, or rename files or folders in the workspace without altering
the original versions on disk.

Create groups for any added folders: Select this option to create a group named after the folder. The new group contains the items in the selected folder.

Create folder references for any added folders: Select this option to create a folder reference named after the folder. The files that appear in the new folder reference are not part of your project unless you add them to
the project explicitly.

Add to targets: Select the destination targets for your selected files or folder references. New folder references and files that can participate in the build process become members of the selected targets.

Note: If
you want to add a folder reference to a folder that doesn’t exist, you can create the folder by clicking New Folder.
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