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2015-11-30 13:51 141 查看
1::Scope resolution-范围解析Left-to-right
2++ --Suffix/postfix increment and decrement-前缀/后缀递增和递减
()Function call-函数调用
[]Array subscripting-数组下标
.Element selection by reference-引用元素选择器
−>Element selection through pointer-指针元素选择器
3++ --Prefix increment and decrement--前缀递增和递减Right-to-left
+ −Unary plus and minus-运算符
! ~Logical NOT and bitwise NOT-逻辑不是和逐位
(type)Type cast-类型转换
*Indirection (dereference)--间接(废弃)
new, new[]Dynamic memory allocation-动态内存分配
delete, delete[]Dynamic memory deallocation-释放动态内存分配
4.* ->*Pointer to member-指针成员Left-to-right
5* / %Multiplication, division, and remainder-乘、除、余
6+ −Addition and subtraction-加减
7<< >>Bitwise left shift and right shift-位左移和右移
8< <=For relational operators < and ≤ respectively-关系运算符
> >=For relational operators > and ≥ respectively-关系运算符
9== !=For relational = and ≠ respectively-关系运算符
10&Bitwise AND-位和
11^Bitwise XOR (exclusive or)-位XOR(异或)
12|Bitwise OR (inclusive or)-按位或(包括)
13&&Logical AND-逻辑和
14||Logical OR-逻辑或
15?:Ternary conditional-三元运算符Right-to-Left
16=Direct assignment (provided by default for C++ classes)=赋值
+= −=Assignment by sum and difference-赋值运算符
*= /= %=Assignment by product, quotient, and remainder-赋值运算符
<<= >>=Assignment by bitwise left shift and right shift-赋值运算符
&= ^= |=Assignment by bitwise AND, XOR, and OR-赋值运算符
17throwThrow operator (for exceptions)-异常操作符
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