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2015-11-28 20:07 1321 查看
<span style="font-size:18px;">/*!
The Keypoint Class

The class instance stores a keypoint, i.e. a point feature found by one of many available keypoint detectors, such as
Harris corner detector, cv::FAST, cv::StarDetector, cv::SURF, cv::SIFT, cv::LDetector etc.

The keypoint is characterized by the 2D position, scale
(proportional to the diameter of the neighborhood that needs to be taken into account),
orientation and some other parameters. The keypoint neighborhood is then analyzed by another algorithm that builds a descriptor
(usually represented as a feature vector). The keypoints representing the same object in different images can then be matched using
cv::KDTree or another method.
KeyPoint 类
特征检测器有:Harris corner detector, cv::FAST, cv::StarDetector, cv::SURF, cv::SIFT, cv::LDetector等。


//在更新的编译器版本中,可以使用 __declspec(dllexport) 关键字从 DLL 导出数据、函数、类或类成员函数。
//__declspec(dllexport) 会将导出指令添加到对象文件中,当试图导出 C++ 修饰函数名时,这种便利最明显。

#if (defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 || defined WINCE) && defined CVAPI_EXPORTS
#  define CV_EXPORTS __declspec(dllexport)
#  define CV_EXPORTS


//! the default constructor
CV_WRAP KeyPoint() : pt(0,0), size(0), angle(-1), response(0), octave(0), class_id(-1) {}
//! the full constructor
KeyPoint(Point2f _pt, float _size, float _angle=-1,
float _response=0, int _octave=0, int _class_id=-1)
: pt(_pt), size(_size), angle(_angle),
response(_response), octave(_octave), class_id(_class_id) {}
//! another form of the full constructor
CV_WRAP KeyPoint(float x, float y, float _size, float _angle=-1,
float _response=0, int _octave=0, int _class_id=-1)
: pt(x, y), size(_size), angle(_angle),
response(_response), octave(_octave), class_id(_class_id) {}

size_t hash() const;

//! converts vector of keypoints to vector of points
static void convert(const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
CV_OUT vector<Point2f>& points2f,
const vector<int>& keypointIndexes=vector<int>());
//! converts vector of points to the vector of keypoints, where each keypoint is assigned the same size and the same orientation
static void convert(const vector<Point2f>& points2f,
CV_OUT vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
float size=1, float response=1, int octave=0, int class_id=-1);

//! computes overlap for pair of keypoints;
//! overlap is a ratio between area of keypoint regions intersection and
//! area of keypoint regions union (now keypoint region is circle)
static float overlap(const KeyPoint& kp1, const KeyPoint& kp2);

// CV_PROP_RW  特别的信息宏的标志
CV_PROP_RW Point2f pt; //!< coordinates of the keypoints
CV_PROP_RW float size; //!< diameter of the meaningful keypoint neighborhood
CV_PROP_RW float angle; //!< computed orientation of the keypoint (-1 if not applicable);
//!< it's in [0,360) degrees and measured relative to
//!< image coordinate system, ie in clockwise.
CV_PROP_RW float response; //!< the response by which the most strong keypoints have been selected. Can be used for the further sorting or subsampling
CV_PROP_RW int octave; //!< octave (pyramid layer) from which the keypoint has been extracted
//class_id 若关键点被聚类的话,class_id是关键点所在聚类的id
CV_PROP_RW int class_id; //!< object class (if the keypoints need to be clustered by an object they belong to)
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