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2015-11-25 21:49 351 查看

Differences Between TDD, ATDD and BDD

Test-driven development (TDD) is a technique of using automated unit tests to drive the design
of software and force decoupling of dependencies. The result of using this practice is a comprehensive suite of unit tests that can be run at any time to provide feedback that the software is still working.

The concept is to “get something working now and perfect it later.” After each test, refactoring is done and then the same or a similar test is performed again. The process is iterated as many times as necessary until each unit is functioning according to the
desired specifications.

ATDD stands for Acceptance
Test Driven Development, it is also less commonly designated as Storytest Driven Development (STDD). It is a technique used to bring customers into the test design process before coding has begun. It is a collaborative practice where users, testers,
and developers define automated acceptance criteria. ATDD helps to ensure that all project members understand precisely what needs to be done and implemented. Failing tests provide quick feedback that the requirements are not being met. The tests are specified
in business domain terms. Each feature must deliver real and measurable business value: indeed, if your feature doesn’t trace back to at least one business goal, then you should be wondering why you are implementing it in the first place.

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) combines the general techniques and principles of TDD with
ideas from domain-driven design. BDD is a design activity where you build pieces of functionality incrementally guided by the expected behavior. The focus of BDD is the language and interactions used in the process of software development. Behavior-driven
developers use their native language in combination with the language of Domain Driven Design to describe the purpose and benefit of their code.

A team using BDD should be able to provide a significant portion of “functional documentation” in the form of User Stories augmented with executable scenarios or examples. BDD is usually done in very English-like language helps the Domain experts to understand
the implementation rather than exposing the code level tests. It’s usually defined in a GWT format: GIVEN WHEN & THEN.


TDD is rather a paradigm than a process. It describes the cycle of writing a test first, and application code afterwards – followed by an optional refactoring. But it doesn’t make any statements about: Where do I begin to develop? What exactly should I test?
How should tests be structured and named? .When your development is Behavior-Driven, you always start with the piece of functionality that’s most important to your user.

TDD and BDD have language differences, BDD tests are written in an english-like language.

BDD focuses on the behavioural aspect of the system unlike TDD that focuses on the implementation aspect of the system.

ATDD focuses on capturing requirements in acceptance tests and uses them to drive the development. (Does the system do what it is required to do?)

BDD is customer-focused while ATDD leans towards the developer-focused side of things like [Unit]TDD does. This allows much easier collaboration with non-techie stakeholders, than TDD.

TDD tools and techniques are usually much more techie in nature, requiring that you become familiar with the detailed object model (or in fact create the object model in the process, if doing true test-first canonical TDD). The typical non-programming executive
stakeholder would be utterly lost trying to follow along with TDD.

BDD gives a clearer understanding as to what the system should do from the perspective of the developer and the customer.

TDD allows a good and robust design, still, your tests can be very far away of the users requirements. BDD is a way to ensure consistency between requirements and the developer tests.
A question that we are often asked is: “What
is the difference between Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) and Test Driven Development (TDD)?” These
two activities are related by name but otherwise seem to have little to do with each other.

ATDD is a whole-team practice where the team members discuss a requirement and come to an agreement about the acceptance
criteria for that requirement. Through the process of accurately specifying the acceptance criteria -- the acceptance test -- the team fleshes out the requirement, discovering and corroborating the various assumptions made by the team members and identifying
and answering the various questions that, unanswered, would prevent the team from implementing or testing the system correctly.

word acceptance is used in a wide sense here:

The customer agrees that if the system, which the team is about to implement, fulfills the acceptance criteria then the work was done properly

The developers accept the responsibility for implementing the system

The testers accept the responsibility for testing the system

This is a human-oriented interaction that focuses on the customer, identifying their needs. These needs are specified
using the external, public interfaces of the system.

TDD, on the other hand is a developer-oriented activity designed to assist the developers in writing the code by
strict analysis of the requirements and the establishment of functional boundaries, work-flows, significant values, and initial states. TDD tests are written in the developer’s language and are not designed to be read by the customers. These tests can use
the public interfaces of the system, but are also used to test internal design elements.

We often see the developers take the tests written through the ATDD process and implement them with a unit testing

Requirements from the customer

Before we continue, we need to ask ourselves -- what is a requirement? It is something that the customer needs the
system to do. But who is the customer?

In truth, every system has more than one customer... dozens at times:


End users, of different types


Administrators (DB, network, user, storage)

Support (field, customer, technical)

Sales, marketing, legal, training

QA and developers (e.g., traces and logs, simulators for QA)


All requirements coming from all of these different customers must be addressed, identified and expressed through
the ATDD process. For example:

The legal department needs an End User Legal Agreement (EULA) to be displayed when the software is first run, and for the end user to check off the agreement before the system can be used.
This is of no interest to the end users (who we sometimes think of as ‘the customers’),
in fact might be an annoyance to them, but is required for the system to be acceptable to the lawyers.

The production support team needs all error messages in the system to be accompanied by error codes that can be reported along with the condition that caused the error. Here again, end users
are not interested in these codes, but they can be crucial for the system to be acceptably supported.

And let us not forget the the developers are customers too, who else do we build tracers and loggers for? This is
an obvious, publicly visible facet of the developer’s work. But when do we need these facilities? When we try to fix bugs. When we want to understand how the system works. When we work on the
system for any reason.

In other words, when we do maintenance to the system.

Maintainability is a requirement

We need our maintenance to be as easy as possible. No car owner would like to disassemble the car’s engine just
to change a windshield wiper; nor would they want to worry that by changing a tire they have damaged the car’s entertainment system.

Maintainability is a crucial requirement for any software system. Software system maintenance should be fast, safe
and predictable. You should be able to make a change fast, without breaking anything, and you need to be able to tell me reliably how long it will take. We expect this of our car mechanic as well as our software developer. So although maintainability is primarily
the concern of the developer it definitely affects the non-technical customers.

The way maintainability manifests itself in software is through design.
Design principles are to developers as mathematics is to physicists. It’s the basis of everything that we do. If we do not pay attention to the system’s design as it is developed,it will quickly become unmanageable.

How often, however, have you seen “maintainability” as a requirement? We’ve never seen it. We call it the “hidden
requirement.” It’s always there but no one talks about it. And because we don't talk about it, we forget it about it; we focus on fulfilling the written requirements thinking that we will be done when we complete them. And very quickly, the system turns very
hard and unsafe to change. We are accumulating technical debt, which
we could just call “the silent killer.”

If maintainability is such a crucial requirement, where is the acceptance criteria for it? Who is the customer for
this requirement? The development team.

We need to prove to the customer that the design as was perceived was implemented, and that this design is in fact
maintainable, that the correct abstractions exist, that object factories do what they are supposed to, that the functional units operate the way they should, etc...

Indeed there is something that we can do, in the developers’ own language -- code -- that does precisely these things.
It’s TDD.

One key purpose of TDD is to prove and document the design of
the system, hence proving and documenting its maintainability.

TDD is developer-facing ATDD

ATTD is about the acceptability of the system to its various customers. When the specific customer is the development
team then the tests are about the acceptability of the system’s design and resulting maintainability. Our focus in this work is acceptability in this sense: is the design acceptable? Is our domain understanding sufficient and correct? Have we asked enough
questions, and were they the right ones? A system that fails to meet these acceptance criteria will quickly become too expensive to maintain and thus will fail to meet the needs of those who use it.

Software that fails to meet a need is worthless. It dies. So, here again, failing to pass the “maintainability”
acceptance criteria is the silent killer. TDD is the answer to this ailment.

Note to readers: This was a philosophical treatise. Specific, practical examples abound and will constitute much of our work here, so, read on.
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