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RH033读书笔记(17) - Summary

2015-11-22 19:56 309 查看
End of Unit 1

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Open source and the right to modify

• The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation

• Linus Torvalds and the Linux kernel

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Fedora Project

• Basic Linux Principles

End of Unit 2

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Login name and password






End of Unit 3

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Running Commands

• Getting Help

End of Unit 4

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• The Linux filesystem hierarchy

• Command-line file management tools

• The Nautilus file manager

End of Unit 5

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• All files are owned by one user and one group

• The mode of a file is made up of three permissions: those of the user, the

group and all others

• Three permissions may be granted or denied: read, write and execute

End of Unit 6

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Command expansion: $()

• History recall: !string, !num

• Inhibition: '', \

End of Unit 7

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Standard I/O channels

• File redirection

• Standard input (<)

• Standard Output (>)

• Standard Error (2>)

• Pipes redirect standard output to standard input

for loops can perform commands on items from a program's standard output

or an explicit list

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Unit 8 Page 151

End of Unit 8

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Extracting Text

cat, less, head, tail, grep, cut

• Analyzing Text

wc, sort, uniq, diff, patch

• Manipulating Text

tr, sed

• Special Search Characters

^, $, [abc], [^abc], [[:alpha:]], [^[:alpha:]], etc

End of Unit 9

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Use the three primary modes of vi and vim

• Move the cursor and enter Insert mode

• Change, delete, yank, and put text

• Undo changes

• Search a document

• Save and exit

End of Unit 10

• Questions and Answers

• Summary


• /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/*

ifup, ifdown

lpr sends text to the printer

date configures date/time from CLI

system-config-date configures date/time from GUI

read VAR sets variable from STDIN

$1, $2, etc map to command-line arguments

$# represents the number of arguments to a script

End of Unit 11

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• A process is any set of instructions in memory

• Processes are managed with: ps, kill, top, gnome-system-monitor

• Suspend jobs with Ctrl-z, manage with fg, bg

End of Unit 12

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• local and environment variables

• command line parsing

• configuring the shell environment

• positional parameters and the read command

End of Unit 13

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Use locate to quickly find files that are not new

• Use find to search based on very specific criteria and optionally run

commands on matching files

• Use the Gnome Search Tool for an intuitive, but powerful GUI search tool.

End of Unit 14

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Firefox, Evolution and Mutt

• Basic network diagnostic tools

• The importance of secure network clients

End of Unit 15

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• User information is stored in /etc/passwd

• Group information is stored in /etc/group

• Special Permissions: Sticky Bit, SetUID, SetGID

End of Unit 16

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• Linux filesystem structure

• Using removable media

• Using unformatted floppies

• Archiving and compression

End of Unit 17

• Questions and Answers

• Summary

• System Installation Process

• Managing Services

• Software Installation Tools

• System Security
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