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asterisk 队列策略

2015-11-17 10:29 267 查看
; A strategy may be specified. Valid strategies include:


; ringall - ring all available channels until one answers (default)


; leastrecent - ring interface which was least recently hung up by this queue


; fewestcalls - ring the one with fewest completed calls from this queue


; random - ring random interface


; rrmemory - round robin with memory, remember where we left off last ring pass


; rrordered - same as rrmemory, except the queue member order from config file

; is preserved


; linear - rings interfaces in the order specified in this configuration file.

; If you use dynamic members, the members will be rung in the order in

; which they were added


; wrandom - rings random interface, but uses the member's penalty as a weight

; when calculating their metric. So a member with penalty 0 will have

; a metric somewhere between 0 and 1000, and a member with penalty 1 will

; have a metric between 0 and 2000, and a member with penalty 2 will have

; a metric between 0 and 3000. Please note, if using this strategy, the member

; penalty is not the same as when using other queue strategies. It is ONLY used

; as a weight for calculating metric.



roundrobin和rrmemory看起来好像并没有什么不同,但它们之间还是有区别。最大的区别在于roundrobin记住上次开始的分机,然后从下一个开始。假设有1,2,3三个分机,如果第1个电话是1->2->3的顺序呼叫队列的话,第2个电话将会是 2->3->1的顺序呼叫队列,第3个电话就是3->1->2。而rrmemory记住上次最后呼叫的分机,然后从下一个开始。假设还是有1,2,3三个分机,第1个电话呼叫顺序是1->2,分机2接了或者电话挂断;那么第2个电话来将是按3->1->2的顺序来呼叫,如果是roundrobin,第2个电话进来应该是按2->3->1的顺序呼叫
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