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原型:xmlDocPtr xmlNewDoc (const xmlChar *version);

参数:version : xmlChar string giving the version of XML “1.0”

返回值:Returns : a new document



函数原型:xmlNodePtr xmlNewNode (xmlNsPtr ns, const xmlChar *name);

参数: ns : namespace if any

name : the node name

返回值:Returns : a pointer to the new node object.

功能:Creation of a new node element. ns is optional (NULL).

(3)xmlNodeSetContent ()

函数原型:void xmlNodeSetContent (xmlNodePtr cur, const xmlChar *content);

参数:cur : the node being modified

content : the new value of the content

功能:Replace the content of a node.

(4)xmlNewProp ()

函数原型:xmlAttrPtr xmlNewProp (xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *value);

参数:node : the holding node

name : the name of the attribute

value : the value of the attribute

返回值:Returns : a pointer to the attribute

功能:Create a new property carried by a node.

(5)xmlAddChild ()

xmlNodePtr xmlAddChild (xmlNodePtr parent, xmlNodePtr cur);

参数:parent : the parent node

cur : the child node

返回值:Returns : the child or NULL in case of error.


(6)xmlDocSetRootElement ()

函数原型:xmlNodePtr xmlDocSetRootElement (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr root);

参数:doc : the document

root : the new document root element

Returns : the old root element if any was found

功能:Set the root element of the document (doc->children is a list containing possibly comments, PIs, etc …).


(7)xmlDocDumpMemory ()

函数原型:void xmlDocDumpMemory (xmlDocPtr cur,xmlChar **mem,int *size);

参数:cur : the document

mem : OUT: the memory pointer

size : OUT: the memory length

功能:Dump an XML document in memory and return the xmlChar * and it’s size. It’s up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

将生成的xml DOM树保存到内存中(不是硬盘)

(8)xmlDocDumpFormatMemory ()

void xmlDocDumpFormatMemory (xmlDocPtr cur,xmlChar **mem, int *size,int format);

与xmlDocDumpMemory ()类似,区别在于可以选择保存的格式


xmlDocDump、xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc、 xmlDocDumpMemory、xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc、xmlDocFormatDump

(9)xmlSaveFormatFileEnc ()

函数原型:int xmlSaveFormatFileEnc (const char *filename,xmlDocPtr cur,const char *encoding,int format);

参数:filename : the filename or URL to output

cur : the document being saved

encoding : the name of the encoding to use or NULL.

format : should formatting spaces be added.

Returns : the number of bytes written or -1 in case of error.






(1)获得节点内容函数xmlNodeGetContent ()

函数原型:xmlChar* xmlNodeGetContent (xmlNodePtr cur);

参数: cur : the node being read

返回值:Returns : a new xmlChar * or NULL if no content is available. It’s up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

功能:Read the value of a node, this can be either the text carried directly by this node if it’s a TEXT node or the aggregate string of the values carried by this node child’s (TEXT and ENTITY_REF). Entity references are substituted.

(2)获得节点属性函数xmlGetProp ()

函数原型:xmlChar* xmlGetProp (xmlNodePtr node,const xmlChar *name);

参数:node : the node

name : the attribute name

返回值:Returns : the attribute value or NULL if not found. It’s up to the caller to free the memory with xmlFree().

功能:Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off.



xmlDocPtr doc=xmlReadFile(szDocname,”UTF-8”,XML_PARSE_RECOVER);

doc = xmlReadFile(szDocName, “GB2312”, XML_PARSE_RECOVER);//以GB2312的编码方式读入解析文件


xmlNodePtr xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlDocPtr doc)


context = xmlXPathNewContext(pdoc);


result = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpath, context);




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