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Metasploit 实战第1章

2015-11-13 21:21 591 查看
MetaSploit 安全


root@strom-virtual-machine:~# apt-get install ruby


wget http://downloads.metasploit.com/data/releases/metasploit-latest-linux-x64-installer.run



data:包含meterpreter,pssiveX,VNC DLLs 还有一些用户接口的代码如msfwe,和一些插件



external:包含emterpreter,vnc和passiveX payloads的源码





杀死目标系统AntiVirus和把meterpreter server实例移到其他进程的脚本









切换到交互式ruby shell,session和Framework使低层交换成为可能


msf > help

Core Commands


Command Description

------- -----------

? Help menu

back Move back from the current context

banner Display an awesome metasploit banner

cd Change the current working directory

color Toggle color

connect Communicate with a host

edit Edit the current module with $VISUAL or $EDITOR

exit Exit the console

get Gets the value of a context-specific variable

getg Gets the value of a global variable

go_pro Launch Metasploit web GUI

grep Grep the output of another command

help Help menu

info Displays information about one or more module

irb Drop into irb scripting mode

jobs Displays and manages jobs

kill Kill a job

load Load a framework plugin

loadpath Searches for and loads modules from a path

makerc Save commands entered since start to a file

popm Pops the latest module off the stack and makes it active

previous Sets the previously loaded module as the current module

pushm Pushes the active or list of modules onto the module stack

quit Exit the console

reload_all Reloads all modules from all defined module paths

rename_job Rename a job

resource Run the commands stored in a file

route Route traffic through a session

save Saves the active datastores

search Searches module names and descriptions

sessions Dump session listings and display information about sessions

set Sets a context-specific variable to a value

setg Sets a global variable to a value

show Displays modules of a given type, or all modules

sleep Do nothing for the specified number of seconds

spool Write console output into a file as well the screen

threads View and manipulate background threads

unload Unload a framework plugin

unset Unsets one or more context-specific variables

unsetg Unsets one or more global variables

use Selects a module by name

version Show the framework and console library version numbers

Database Backend Commands


Command Description

------- -----------

creds List all credentials in the database

db_connect Connect to an existing database

db_disconnect Disconnect from the current database instance

db_export Export a file containing the contents of the database

db_import Import a scan result file (filetype will be auto-detected)

db_nmap Executes nmap and records the output automatically

db_rebuild_cache Rebuilds the database-stored module cache

db_status Show the current database status

hosts List all hosts in the database

loot List all loot in the database

notes List all notes in the database

services List all services in the database

vulns List all vulnerabilities in the database

workspace Switch between database workspaces

6、启动 Metasploit请参考如下章节

Metasploit工具 第一节
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息