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Unable to create a constant value of type 'Closure type'

2015-11-12 20:33 639 查看
使用Linq to Entities的时候发生如下异常:

Unable to create a constant value of type 'Closure type'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context.

var histroyList = data.TransMemoryHistory.Where(c => c.TransMemorys.TMID == tmid && c.UsedType != (int)usedType);


这是因为Linq to Entities根据Where中的委托生成SQL语句,所以对里面的复杂程度(方法)有一定的限制,其中的(int)s就无法被正确翻译。但是也不完全会出现此错误。

要解 决这个问题,需要把这个(int)s过程放到外面来:

int usedType = (int)termUsedType; var histroyList = data.TransMemoryHistory.Where(c => c.TransMemorys.TMID == tmid && c.UsedType != usedType);
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