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Bubble_Sort & Select_Sort

2015-11-04 00:33 483 查看
Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1.

Bubble Sort: O(n2)





Select Sort: O(n2)



1. 初始时,数组全为无序区为a[0..n-1]。令i=0

2. 在无序区a[i…n-1]中选取一个最小的元素,将其与a[i]交换。交换之后a[0…i]就形成了一个有序区。

3. i++并重复第二步直到i==n-1。排序完成。


using namespace std;

void SelectSort(int sort_array[], int length);
void BubbleSort(int sort_array[], int length);

int main()
cout << "SelectSort:\n";
int test_array1[10] = {9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};
int test_array2[9] = {5, 0, -99, 3, 56, 7, 8, -55, 56};
int test_array3[10] = {-1, -8, 50, 4, 20, 0, 45, 9999, 520, 555555};
SelectSort(test_array1, 10);
SelectSort(test_array2, 9);
SelectSort(test_array3, 10);
cout << "test_array1:\n";
for(int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
cout << test_array1[index] << " ";
cout << "\ntest_array2:\n";
for(int index = 0; index < 9; index++)
cout << test_array2[index] << " ";
cout << "\ntest_array3:\n";
for(int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
cout << test_array3[index] << " ";
cout << endl;

cout << "BubbleSort:\n";
int test_array4[10] = {9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};
int test_array5[9] = {5, 0, -99, 3, 56, 7, 8, -55, 56};
int test_array6[10] = {-1, -8, 50, 4, 20, 0, 45, 9999, 520, 555555};
BubbleSort(test_array4, 10);
BubbleSort(test_array5, 9);
BubbleSort(test_array6, 10);
cout << "test_array4:\n";
for(int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
cout << test_array4[index] << " ";
cout << "\ntest_array5:\n";
for(int index = 0; index < 9; index++)
cout << test_array5[index] << " ";
cout << "\ntest_array6:\n";
for(int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
cout << test_array6[index] << " ";
cout << endl;

return 0;

void SelectSort(int sort_array[], int length)
for(int index1 = 0; index1 < length; index1++)
int min_index = index1;
for(int index2 = index1; index2 < length; index2++)  // find the minimum element's index
if(sort_array[min_index] > sort_array[index2])
min_index = index2;
swap(sort_array[min_index], sort_array[index1]);  // exchange element

void BubbleSort(int sort_array[], int length)
for(int cnt = 0; cnt < length; cnt++)
for(int index = 1; index < length - cnt; index++)
if(sort_array[index - 1] > sort_array[index])
swap(sort_array[index - 1], sort_array[index]);

Please indicate the source if you want to reprint: http://blog.csdn.net/gaoxiangnumber1.
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标签:  数据 数组 排序 遍历