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adb shell input中:

Usage: input [<source>] <command> [<arg>...]

The sources are:











The commands and default sources are:

text <string> (Default: touchscreen)

keyevent [--longpress] <key code number or name> ... (Default: keyboard)

tap <x> <y> (Default: touchscreen)

swipe <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [duration(ms)] (Default: touchscreen)

press (Default: trackball)

roll <dx> <dy> (Default: trackball)

tmode <tmode>


void press (string name, integer type)

void type (string message)


public boolean
pressKeyCode (int keyCode)

value: the key has been pressed down.
value: multiple duplicate key events have occurred in a row, or a complex string is
being delivered.
value: the key has been released.
intFLAG_CANCELEDWhen associated with up key events, this indicates that the key press has been canceled.
intFLAG_CANCELED_LONG_PRESSSet when a key event has
set because a long press action was executed while it was
intFLAG_EDITOR_ACTIONThis mask is used for compatibility, to identify enter keys that are coming from an IME whose enter key has been auto-labelled "next" or "done".
intFLAG_FALLBACKSet when a key event has been synthesized to implement default behavior for an event that the application did not handle.
intFLAG_FROM_SYSTEMThis mask is set if an event was known to come from a trusted part of the system.
intFLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODEThis mask is set if we don't want the key event to cause us to leave touch mode.
intFLAG_LONG_PRESSThis flag is set for the first key repeat that occurs after the long press timeout.
intFLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARDThis mask is set if the key event was generated by a software keyboard.
when this event's key code is still being tracked from its initial down.
intFLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEYThis key event was generated by a virtual (on-screen) hard key area.
intFLAG_WOKE_HEREThis constant was deprecated in API level 20. This flag will never be set by the system since the system consumes all wake keys itself.
intKEYCODE_0Key code constant: '0' key.
intKEYCODE_1Key code constant: '1' key.
intKEYCODE_11Key code constant: '11' key.
intKEYCODE_12Key code constant: '12' key.
intKEYCODE_2Key code constant: '2' key.
intKEYCODE_3Key code constant: '3' key.
intKEYCODE_3D_MODEKey code constant: 3D Mode key.
intKEYCODE_4Key code constant: '4' key.
intKEYCODE_5Key code constant: '5' key.
intKEYCODE_6Key code constant: '6' key.
intKEYCODE_7Key code constant: '7' key.
intKEYCODE_8Key code constant: '8' key.
intKEYCODE_9Key code constant: '9' key.
intKEYCODE_AKey code constant: 'A' key.
intKEYCODE_ALT_LEFTKey code constant: Left Alt modifier key.
intKEYCODE_ALT_RIGHTKey code constant: Right Alt modifier key.
intKEYCODE_APOSTROPHEKey code constant: ''' (apostrophe) key.
intKEYCODE_APP_SWITCHKey code constant: App switch key.
intKEYCODE_ASSISTKey code constant: Assist key.
intKEYCODE_ATKey code constant: '@' key.
intKEYCODE_AVR_INPUTKey code constant: A/V Receiver input key.
intKEYCODE_AVR_POWERKey code constant: A/V Receiver power key.
intKEYCODE_BKey code constant: 'B' key.
intKEYCODE_BACKKey code constant: Back key.
intKEYCODE_BACKSLASHKey code constant: '\' key.
intKEYCODE_BOOKMARKKey code constant: Bookmark key.
intKEYCODE_BREAKKey code constant: Break / Pause key.
intKEYCODE_BRIGHTNESS_DOWNKey code constant: Brightness Down key.
intKEYCODE_BRIGHTNESS_UPKey code constant: Brightness Up key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_1Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #1.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_10Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #10.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_11Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #11.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_12Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #12.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_13Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #13.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_14Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #14.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_15Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #15.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_16Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #16.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_2Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #2.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_3Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #3.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_4Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #4.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_5Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #5.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_6Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #6.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_7Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #7.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_8Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #8.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_9Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #9.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_AKey code constant: A Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_BKey code constant: B Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_CKey code constant: C Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_L1Key code constant: L1 Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_L2Key code constant: L2 Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_MODEKey code constant: Mode Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_R1Key code constant: R1 Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_R2Key code constant: R2 Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_SELECTKey code constant: Select Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_STARTKey code constant: Start Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBLKey code constant: Left Thumb Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBRKey code constant: Right Thumb Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_XKey code constant: X Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_YKey code constant: Y Button key.
intKEYCODE_BUTTON_ZKey code constant: Z Button key.
intKEYCODE_CKey code constant: 'C' key.
intKEYCODE_CALCULATORKey code constant: Calculator special function key.
intKEYCODE_CALENDARKey code constant: Calendar special function key.
intKEYCODE_CALLKey code constant: Call key.
intKEYCODE_CAMERAKey code constant: Camera key.
intKEYCODE_CAPS_LOCKKey code constant: Caps Lock key.
intKEYCODE_CAPTIONSKey code constant: Toggle captions key.
intKEYCODE_CHANNEL_DOWNKey code constant: Channel down key.
intKEYCODE_CHANNEL_UPKey code constant: Channel up key.
intKEYCODE_CLEARKey code constant: Clear key.
intKEYCODE_COMMAKey code constant: ',' key.
intKEYCODE_CONTACTSKey code constant: Contacts special function key.
intKEYCODE_CTRL_LEFTKey code constant: Left Control modifier key.
intKEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHTKey code constant: Right Control modifier key.
intKEYCODE_DKey code constant: 'D' key.
intKEYCODE_DELKey code constant: Backspace key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTERKey code constant: Directional Pad Center key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWNKey code constant: Directional Pad Down key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFTKey code constant: Directional Pad Left key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHTKey code constant: Directional Pad Right key.
intKEYCODE_DPAD_UPKey code constant: Directional Pad Up key.
intKEYCODE_DVRKey code constant: DVR key.
intKEYCODE_EKey code constant: 'E' key.
intKEYCODE_EISUKey code constant: Japanese alphanumeric key.
intKEYCODE_ENDCALLKey code constant: End Call key.
intKEYCODE_ENTERKey code constant: Enter key.
intKEYCODE_ENVELOPEKey code constant: Envelope special function key.
intKEYCODE_EQUALSKey code constant: '=' key.
intKEYCODE_ESCAPEKey code constant: Escape key.
intKEYCODE_EXPLORERKey code constant: Explorer special function key.
intKEYCODE_FKey code constant: 'F' key.
intKEYCODE_F1Key code constant: F1 key.
intKEYCODE_F10Key code constant: F10 key.
intKEYCODE_F11Key code constant: F11 key.
intKEYCODE_F12Key code constant: F12 key.
intKEYCODE_F2Key code constant: F2 key.
intKEYCODE_F3Key code constant: F3 key.
intKEYCODE_F4Key code constant: F4 key.
intKEYCODE_F5Key code constant: F5 key.
intKEYCODE_F6Key code constant: F6 key.
intKEYCODE_F7Key code constant: F7 key.
intKEYCODE_F8Key code constant: F8 key.
intKEYCODE_F9Key code constant: F9 key.
intKEYCODE_FOCUSKey code constant: Camera Focus key.
intKEYCODE_FORWARDKey code constant: Forward key.
intKEYCODE_FORWARD_DELKey code constant: Forward Delete key.
intKEYCODE_FUNCTIONKey code constant: Function modifier key.
intKEYCODE_GKey code constant: 'G' key.
intKEYCODE_GRAVEKey code constant: '`' (backtick) key.
intKEYCODE_GUIDEKey code constant: Guide key.
intKEYCODE_HKey code constant: 'H' key.
intKEYCODE_HEADSETHOOKKey code constant: Headset Hook key.
intKEYCODE_HELPKey code constant: Help key.
intKEYCODE_HENKANKey code constant: Japanese conversion key.
intKEYCODE_HOMEKey code constant: Home key.
intKEYCODE_IKey code constant: 'I' key.
intKEYCODE_INFOKey code constant: Info key.
intKEYCODE_INSERTKey code constant: Insert key.
intKEYCODE_JKey code constant: 'J' key.
intKEYCODE_KKey code constant: 'K' key.
intKEYCODE_KANAKey code constant: Japanese kana key.
intKEYCODE_KATAKANA_HIRAGANAKey code constant: Japanese katakana / hiragana key.
intKEYCODE_LKey code constant: 'L' key.
intKEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCHKey code constant: Language Switch key.
intKEYCODE_LAST_CHANNELKey code constant: Last Channel key.
intKEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKETKey code constant: '[' key.
intKEYCODE_MKey code constant: 'M' key.
intKEYCODE_MANNER_MODEKey code constant: Manner Mode key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_AUDIO_TRACKKey code constant: Audio Track key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_CLOSEKey code constant: Close media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_EJECTKey code constant: Eject media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARDKey code constant: Fast Forward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXTKey code constant: Play Next media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSEKey code constant: Pause media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAYKey code constant: Play media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSEKey code constant: Play/Pause media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUSKey code constant: Play Previous media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORDKey code constant: Record media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_REWINDKey code constant: Rewind media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_SKIP_BACKWARDKey code constant: Skip backward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_SKIP_FORWARDKey code constant: Skip forward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_STEP_BACKWARDKey code constant: Step backward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_STEP_FORWARDKey code constant: Step forward media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_STOPKey code constant: Stop media key.
intKEYCODE_MEDIA_TOP_MENUKey code constant: Media Top Menu key.
intKEYCODE_MENUKey code constant: Menu key.
intKEYCODE_META_LEFTKey code constant: Left Meta modifier key.
intKEYCODE_META_RIGHTKey code constant: Right Meta modifier key.
intKEYCODE_MINUSKey code constant: '-'.
intKEYCODE_MOVE_ENDKey code constant: End Movement key.
intKEYCODE_MOVE_HOMEKey code constant: Home Movement key.
intKEYCODE_MUHENKANKey code constant: Japanese non-conversion key.
intKEYCODE_MUSICKey code constant: Music special function key.
intKEYCODE_MUTEKey code constant: Mute key.
intKEYCODE_NKey code constant: 'N' key.
intKEYCODE_NAVIGATE_INKey code constant: Navigate in key.
intKEYCODE_NAVIGATE_NEXTKey code constant: Navigate to next key.
intKEYCODE_NAVIGATE_OUTKey code constant: Navigate out key.
intKEYCODE_NAVIGATE_PREVIOUSKey code constant: Navigate to previous key.
intKEYCODE_NOTIFICATIONKey code constant: Notification key.
intKEYCODE_NUMKey code constant: Number modifier key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_0Key code constant: Numeric keypad '0' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_1Key code constant: Numeric keypad '1' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_2Key code constant: Numeric keypad '2' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_3Key code constant: Numeric keypad '3' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_4Key code constant: Numeric keypad '4' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_5Key code constant: Numeric keypad '5' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_6Key code constant: Numeric keypad '6' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_7Key code constant: Numeric keypad '7' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_8Key code constant: Numeric keypad '8' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_9Key code constant: Numeric keypad '9' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_ADDKey code constant: Numeric keypad '+' key (for addition).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_COMMAKey code constant: Numeric keypad ',' key (for decimals or digit grouping).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_DIVIDEKey code constant: Numeric keypad '/' key (for division).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_DOTKey code constant: Numeric keypad '.' key (for decimals or digit grouping).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_ENTERKey code constant: Numeric keypad Enter key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_EQUALSKey code constant: Numeric keypad '=' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_LEFT_PARENKey code constant: Numeric keypad '(' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_MULTIPLYKey code constant: Numeric keypad '*' key (for multiplication).
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_RIGHT_PARENKey code constant: Numeric keypad ')' key.
intKEYCODE_NUMPAD_SUBTRACTKey code constant: Numeric keypad '-' key (for subtraction).
intKEYCODE_NUM_LOCKKey code constant: Num Lock key.
intKEYCODE_OKey code constant: 'O' key.
intKEYCODE_PKey code constant: 'P' key.
intKEYCODE_PAGE_DOWNKey code constant: Page Down key.
intKEYCODE_PAGE_UPKey code constant: Page Up key.
intKEYCODE_PAIRINGKey code constant: Pairing key.
intKEYCODE_PERIODKey code constant: '.' key.
intKEYCODE_PICTSYMBOLSKey code constant: Picture Symbols modifier key.
intKEYCODE_PLUSKey code constant: '+' key.
intKEYCODE_POUNDKey code constant: '#' key.
intKEYCODE_POWERKey code constant: Power key.
intKEYCODE_PROG_BLUEKey code constant: Blue "programmable" key.
intKEYCODE_PROG_GREENKey code constant: Green "programmable" key.
intKEYCODE_PROG_REDKey code constant: Red "programmable" key.
intKEYCODE_PROG_YELLOWKey code constant: Yellow "programmable" key.
intKEYCODE_QKey code constant: 'Q' key.
intKEYCODE_RKey code constant: 'R' key.
intKEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKETKey code constant: ']' key.
intKEYCODE_ROKey code constant: Japanese Ro key.
intKEYCODE_SKey code constant: 'S' key.
intKEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCKKey code constant: Scroll Lock key.
intKEYCODE_SEARCHKey code constant: Search key.
intKEYCODE_SEMICOLONKey code constant: ';' key.
intKEYCODE_SETTINGSKey code constant: Settings key.
intKEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFTKey code constant: Left Shift modifier key.
intKEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHTKey code constant: Right Shift modifier key.
intKEYCODE_SLASHKey code constant: '/' key.
intKEYCODE_SLEEPKey code constant: Sleep key.
intKEYCODE_SOFT_LEFTKey code constant: Soft Left key.
intKEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHTKey code constant: Soft Right key.
intKEYCODE_SPACEKey code constant: Space key.
intKEYCODE_STARKey code constant: '*' key.
intKEYCODE_STB_INPUTKey code constant: Set-top-box input key.
intKEYCODE_STB_POWERKey code constant: Set-top-box power key.
intKEYCODE_SWITCH_CHARSETKey code constant: Switch Charset modifier key.
intKEYCODE_SYMKey code constant: Symbol modifier key.
intKEYCODE_SYSRQKey code constant: System Request / Print Screen key.
intKEYCODE_TKey code constant: 'T' key.
intKEYCODE_TABKey code constant: Tab key.
intKEYCODE_TVKey code constant: TV key.
intKEYCODE_TV_ANTENNA_CABLEKey code constant: Antenna/Cable key.
intKEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTIONKey code constant: Audio description key.
intKEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION_MIX_DOWNKey code constant: Audio description mixing volume down key.
intKEYCODE_TV_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION_MIX_UPKey code constant: Audio description mixing volume up key.
intKEYCODE_TV_CONTENTS_MENUKey code constant: Contents menu key.
intKEYCODE_TV_DATA_SERVICEKey code constant: TV data service key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUTKey code constant: TV input key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPONENT_1Key code constant: Component #1 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPONENT_2Key code constant: Component #2 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPOSITE_1Key code constant: Composite #1 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_COMPOSITE_2Key code constant: Composite #2 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_1Key code constant: HDMI #1 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_2Key code constant: HDMI #2 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_3Key code constant: HDMI #3 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_HDMI_4Key code constant: HDMI #4 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_INPUT_VGA_1Key code constant: VGA #1 key.
intKEYCODE_TV_MEDIA_CONTEXT_MENUKey code constant: Media context menu key.
intKEYCODE_TV_NETWORKKey code constant: Toggle Network key.
intKEYCODE_TV_NUMBER_ENTRYKey code constant: Number entry key.
intKEYCODE_TV_POWERKey code constant: TV power key.
intKEYCODE_TV_RADIO_SERVICEKey code constant: Radio key.
intKEYCODE_TV_SATELLITEKey code constant: Satellite key.
intKEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_BSKey code constant: BS key.
intKEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_CSKey code constant: CS key.
intKEYCODE_TV_SATELLITE_SERVICEKey code constant: BS/CS key.
intKEYCODE_TV_TELETEXTKey code constant: Teletext key.
intKEYCODE_TV_TERRESTRIAL_ANALOGKey code constant: Analog Terrestrial key.
intKEYCODE_TV_TERRESTRIAL_DIGITALKey code constant: Digital Terrestrial key.
intKEYCODE_TV_TIMER_PROGRAMMINGKey code constant: Timer programming key.
intKEYCODE_TV_ZOOM_MODEKey code constant: Zoom mode key.
intKEYCODE_UKey code constant: 'U' key.
intKEYCODE_UNKNOWNKey code constant: Unknown key code.
intKEYCODE_VKey code constant: 'V' key.
intKEYCODE_VOICE_ASSISTKey code constant: Voice Assist key.
intKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWNKey code constant: Volume Down key.
intKEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTEKey code constant: Volume Mute key.
intKEYCODE_VOLUME_UPKey code constant: Volume Up key.
intKEYCODE_WKey code constant: 'W' key.
intKEYCODE_WAKEUPKey code constant: Wakeup key.
intKEYCODE_WINDOWKey code constant: Window key.
intKEYCODE_XKey code constant: 'X' key.
intKEYCODE_YKey code constant: 'Y' key.
intKEYCODE_YENKey code constant: Japanese Yen key.
intKEYCODE_ZKey code constant: 'Z' key.
intKEYCODE_ZENKAKU_HANKAKUKey code constant: Japanese full-width / half-width key.
intKEYCODE_ZOOM_INKey code constant: Zoom in key.
intKEYCODE_ZOOM_OUTKey code constant: Zoom out key.
intMAX_KEYCODEThis constant was deprecated in API level 3. There are now more than MAX_KEYCODE keycodes. Use
intMETA_ALT_LEFT_ONThis mask is used to check whether the left ALT meta key is pressed.

intMETA_ALT_MASKThis mask is a combination of
intMETA_ALT_ONThis mask is used to check whether one of the ALT meta keys is pressed.

intMETA_ALT_RIGHT_ONThis mask is used to check whether the right the ALT meta key is pressed.

intMETA_CAPS_LOCK_ONThis mask is used to check whether the CAPS LOCK meta key is on.

intMETA_CTRL_LEFT_ONThis mask is used to check whether the left CTRL meta key is pressed.

intMETA_CTRL_MASKThis mask is a combination of
intMETA_CTRL_ONThis mask is used to check whether one of the CTRL meta keys is pressed.

intMETA_CTRL_RIGHT_ONThis mask is used to check whether the right CTRL meta key is pressed.

intMETA_FUNCTION_ONThis mask is used to check whether the FUNCTION meta key is pressed.

intMETA_META_LEFT_ONThis mask is used to check whether the left META meta key is pressed.

intMETA_META_MASKThis mask is a combination of
intMETA_META_ONThis mask is used to check whether one of the META meta keys is pressed.

intMETA_META_RIGHT_ONThis mask is used to check whether the right META meta key is pressed.

intMETA_NUM_LOCK_ONThis mask is used to check whether the NUM LOCK meta key is on.

intMETA_SCROLL_LOCK_ONThis mask is used to check whether the SCROLL LOCK meta key is on.

intMETA_SHIFT_LEFT_ONThis mask is used to check whether the left SHIFT meta key is pressed.

intMETA_SHIFT_MASKThis mask is a combination of
intMETA_SHIFT_ONThis mask is used to check whether one of the SHIFT meta keys is pressed.

intMETA_SHIFT_RIGHT_ONThis mask is used to check whether the right SHIFT meta key is pressed.

intMETA_SYM_ONThis mask is used to check whether the SYM meta key is pressed.


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