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TableViewController for IOS8

2015-10-28 23:56 537 查看
some tricks about table view controller.

1.what you should do is to fist fo all

delete the old view and then create a new table view controller in the storyboard.

in the old version of the ios.

Letting storyboard know about the .m control file is to change the type 

@interface ViewController : ViewController


@interface ViewController: UITableViewController

However, it is not worked any more.

An evidence can prove is in the old version, you would have (ViewController and storyboard )the same name when you change ViewController.m.

But now, View controller is still Viewcontroller.
 what we should do is to creat another control file for the sotry board.
Create a Cocoa Touch Class file and You can choose the Class subclass and languate the file you create.
Now create an UITableViewController Then you would get another .h and .m file for your storyboard.

However, the new question is hwo can .m file and storyboard know each other.

we should set the customer class just as the name of the .m file.
Now we have the control file , we have sotryboard, and futurnatly then know each other.

What you should do is to write code in TableViewController.m
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