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2015-10-27 09:38 756 查看
Setting up Eclipse to create and debug plugins for ImageJ


Alt-File –> New

Select the Java Project wizard and click Next

Project name: IJ. Check Create separate folders for sources and class files. Click Next

On the following panel, select Source tab and check if Default output folder is set to IJ/bin

On the Libraries tab click on Add external JARs, browse to your Java SDK library folder , select tools.jar, click Ok and click on Finish to create the project.

(on my computer the Java SDK library folder is located at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02\lib)

Finally, get the latest copy of ij here, extract the zip

Copy the ij folder and its subfolders into the source folder

Copy the images, macros and plugins folder and only IJ_Props.txt to the IJ project root.

Click on F5 to tell Eclipse to refresh its Package list

Create a new plugin (or import your previously developed plugins).

Alt-File –> New

Select the Java Project wizard and click Next

Give your plugin a name (don't forget to add an underscore if you want it to appear in the ImageJ menu!)

On the Source tab, check that the output folder is set TestPlugin_/bin

On the Project tab, click Add… and select your previously created IJ project containing the ImageJ source.

Click Finish

Create your Java plugin files. In our example, I created a sample TESTPlugin_.java with the following content:

import ij.IJ;

import ij.plugin.PlugIn;

public class TestPlugin_ implements PlugIn {

public void run(String arg) {

IJ.error("Hello world!");



Create a file called build.xml in the project root folder. A sample build.xml file follows, which you should adapt to your needs.

<project name="TESTPlugin_" default="" basedir=".">


TESTPlugin_ build file


<property name="src" location="src" />

<property name="build" location="bin" />

<property name="dist" location="dist" />

<property name="pluginsDir" location="$basedir/../../IJ/plugins/" />

<property name="user.name" value="Patrick Pirrotte" />

<target name="main" depends="compress" description="Main target">


Building the .jar file.



<target name="compress" depends="" description="generate the distribution">

<jar jarfile="TESTPlugin_.jar">

<fileset dir="." includes="plugins.config" />

<fileset dir="${build}" includes="**/*.*" />


<attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>



<copy file="TESTPlugin_.jar" toDir="${pluginsDir}" />



In the Package Explorer, right click on the TESTPlugin_ project, click on Properties, select Builders, click New… and select Ant Builder

In the Main Tab, click Browse workspace and select the build.xml from your TESTPlugin_ project.

In the Targets tab, click Set Targets for both After clean and Auto build targets, and select both main and compress.

Click Ok twice to keep your changes.

Goto Run→ Debug Configurations and create a new Java Application Debug Configuration. Fill in IJ In the field Project, and ij.ImageJ in the field Main class.

Select the Source tab, then in the Source lookup path, Add→Add Java Project. Select the TestPlugin_ project. This step is crucial if you want to step into your plugin source during the debug phase. Apply the changes.

If you select Debug, ImageJ will start and your TESTPlugin_ will show up in the Plugins menu…

Set breakpoints in plugins or in the ImageJ source, the debugger should break accordingly.

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