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QxOrm is a new
open source ORM (Object Relational Mapping) C++ library designed to provide :

* Persistence (based
on QtSql Qt module)

* Serialization (xml
and binary, based on boost::serialization)

* Reflection (invoke
class methods and access to properties)

QxOrm has been tested on Windows
(Visual C++ 2008 and 2010) and Linux (GCC 4.4.1).

QxOrm is based on a simple and non intrusive 'setting function'
(that can be compared with Hibernate Xml Mapping file).

A quick sample (and a tutorial) is avaible on this web site (only in french, an english translation is in progress...) : http://www.qxorm.com


ORM之硬伤 http://www.cnblogs.com/barton131420/archive/2007/01/07/613955.html

ORM到底是用还是不用 http://www.pureweber.com/article/orm


3.1 has been releaseed and available for download!


Qt Media Encoding Library 1.0 alpha1

QtMEL is
a Qt library
that wraps Libav, OpenCV and RtAudio libraries
and allows you easily grab your desktop screen, your cameras, your audio input devices and finally encode audio/video streams.

Platform: currently
only Windows (Linux version is partially done)

License: LGPL

Current version: 1.0

Website: http://kibsoft.ru

Source code: Here

Issue tracker: Here

Ready to use build: Here

Examples(binaries): Here

Key features

desktop screen capture with variable frame rate
web-cameras capture with variable frame rate
changing the image source on the fly (screen<->camera) while recording a video
audio input devices capture
video encoding with variable and fixed frame rate
audio encoding

Tulip 4.0: A Qt-based software for graph visualization


Tulip is an information visualization framework dedicated to the analysis and visualization of relational data. Tulip aims to provide the developer/user with a complete
library/software, supporting the design of interactive information visualization

Qtilities v1.4 released! Now also available under LGPL

Qtilities v1.4
is now available.

The main reason for the release is to add LGPL v2.1 to the list of licenses under which Qtilities is available.
The project also underwent some additional changes, described on the "What's
New" documentation page.

In addition, a handful of code changes were introduced. For details please see the detailed

As always, make sure the get in touch if you have problems or suggestions:

- Issue List: https://github.com/JPNaude/Qtilities/issues

- Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/qtilities?hl=en?hl=en/





Qt Chart Library










Fervor is a software library that you include into your own Qt-based application in order to
enable the application to automatically check for updates and suggest to install them.

When installed and enabled, Fervor downloads a "flavoured" RSS feed (dubbed "appcast") and checks whether an update to the application
is available. The RSS feed ("appcast") lists various versions of the application ("1.0", "1.1", "2.0", ...) that are available for download.

When a newer version of the application is found in the "appcast" (e.g. the user is using 1.0, and 1.1 is available), a dialog is presented
to the user (see below for example) that allows the user to choose whether he/she wants to install the update, be reminded about the update later, or skip a particular proposed version altogether. A dialog also shows some release notes about the proposed update
that help the user to choose whether or not to install an update.

At the moment, Fervor is not as cool as Sparkle -- it is not able to install the actual update
automatically (the user is given an option to download and install the update manually). Pull requests with unattended install modules for
OS X),
are welcome!


Yet another Unit Converter












is a complete application for Communication over IP, including instant messaging, voice and video telephony. QuteCom uses the standard SIP protocol and supports all common audio codecs for VoIP. QuteCom is Free Software, released under the terms of the GNU
General Public Licence.

can find more information about QuteCom, and the QuteCom community at http://www.qutecom.org


It's my project: https://github.com/wang-bin/qdevicewatcher
It works fine on linux and windows. I have tested on my ubuntu and win7. Usually you just need the signals deviceAdded(const
QString& device) and deviceRemoved(const QString& device) in QDeviceWatcher.

To detect the device changes, i use netlink in linux(kernel 2.6) and internel window in windows.

In windows, I tried two method, QCoreApplication::winEventFilter(MSG* msg, long* result) and QWidget::winEvent(MSG*
msg, long* result). I hope my class is just a subclass of QObject, and do not use GUI module, so I started to find other ways. At last I refer to qdrive project: https://gitorious.org/qdrive/qdrive.

Hierarchical TreeView


- QIODevice



QSint Widgets Library

QSint contains high-quality widgets for using in Qt applications, such as color pickers, Windows Vista/7-styled
action boxes, recent files menus etc.

You can find it at: http://sintegrial.com/qsint

Version 0.2.beta contains following widgets:


The distribution contains source codes, examples and documentation. Also, Qt Desinger plugin is available.

Screenshot of QSint::ActionPanel:

VistaGlassButton widget for Qt 4

For a current project I subclassed a QPushButton and re-painted it to look like a Vista
Aero glass button. You use it like a normal QPushButton, except there are two public methods - setColor(QColor color) and setShadow(QColor shadow). Color is the red area in the image below, Shadow is the black center. Anyway, I thought it might come in handy
for people wanting a look like this or for anyone wondering how to go about redrawing a widget:

You can download the class here:


Qt application settings in JSON

Based on QLALR-based JSON parser by Girish Ramakrishnan. Many thanks to him for it.

QLALR JSON parser:


Download from gitorious

git clone --depth 1 http://git.gitorious.org/qtjsonsetti...onsettings.git



Compiled as static library

add_subdirectory(~/projects/qtjsonsettings ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qtjsonsettings)


target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${QT_LIBRARIES}



Included as sources


Frameless Window Helper

This class can be used to give move and resize ability to any top level QWidget with
Qt::FramelessWindowHint flag set.

No need to change your existing code.

Its very easy to use. Just two lines of code.

Qt Code:

Switch view

<pre class="qt" name="code" style="white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px;"><ol style="margin: 0px 40px; padding: 0px;"><li style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style: decimal outside; vertical-align: top;"><div style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;"><a target=_blank target="_blank" href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwidget.html" style="color: rgb(86, 110, 25); text-decoration: none;">QWidget</a><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">*</span> myWidget <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">=</span> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">new</span> <a target=_blank target="_blank" href="http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwidget.html" style="color: rgb(86, 110, 25); text-decoration: none;">QWidget</a>;</div></li><li style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style: decimal outside; vertical-align: top;"><div style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;">FramelessHelper fh;</div></li><li style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style: decimal outside; vertical-align: top;"><div style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.2em; vertical-align: top;">fh.<span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">activateOn</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">(</span>myWidget<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">)</span>;</div></li></ol>

To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode

Only tested on Ubuntu 10.10.

source http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php?content=138161

GICS - Graphical Instruments and Components Solution

Tegeosft is
proud to release its first public version (beta) of GICS,
a library offering a set of vectorial graphical instruments. A framework allowing to build other instruments easily (with the help of base components) is part of the library too.

GICS, which stands for "Graphical Instruments and Components Solution", is based
on Qt's GraphicsView and is available under two licenses : either the GNU/GPLv3 or a Commercial one.

This first version, which acts more or less like a technological preview, provides
a gauge, a level indicator, a LCD, a LED, a button and a slider. These instruments use SVG skins for their graphical appearance.

To be noted that in a near future, the skin system will be reworked

To be noted too that a
little demo of GICS is available.


QVision is
a library for computer vision, image/video processing, and scientific computing.

It is based on (or extends) the Qt library. It offers wrapper classes and functions for BLAS, LAPACK, MKL, Octave, and GSL functionallity (matrices, vectors, etc...).

It also offers wrappers for OpenCV and IPP image libraries functionallity.

We have released version 0.5.2, which is already stable enough to be used.

You can check the documentation here.

Conan 1.0.0

Conan v1.0.0 - Connection analyzer for Qt has been released! Conan is a C++ library
that provides a single widget that can be used to track down problems related to signal/slot connections. It is real easy to use and has helped me locate multiple duplicate signal connection in Qt's own libraries. So if you ever need some signal-slot introspection,
try Conan. I hope you will find it usefull!

This release consists of a source code package and a win32 demo application. It is available under GPL at SourceForge.

Here is a small excerpt from the readme:

Conan 1.0.0 - Connection analyzer for Qt 4.6.0 - Qt 4.7.0


Conan is a C++ library that provides run-time introspection of object

hierarchies, object inheritance, signal/slot connections, and signal


Conan contains a single widget (conan::ConanWidget) that provides the

following functionality:

-object hierarchies can be added, discovered, browsed and exported to XML

-signals/slots, including active connections, can be examined

-any signal/slot connection can be disconnected

-duplicate connections can be found

-signal emissions can be monitored and logged

See /doc/html/index.html for detailed information.

Conan has been used to identify multiple duplicate connections in the source code of Qt!

Contact - edekoning@gmail.com

Website - http://sourceforge.net/projects/conanforqt

License - GPL - source code -> see ./GPL.txt

CCL - icons -> see ./icons/CCL.txt

Q7Goodies - Windows 7 features for Qt

I'd like to introduce you Q7Goodies: a new Qt add-on, that adds Windows 7 features to your application. It
integrates seamlessly with existing applications by encapsulating complexity and using Qt design patterns and API style. You can use: jump list, taskbar thumbnails, thumbnail toolbar and more in a Qt way with just a few additional lines of code.

Jump List - Your application's own start menu.

Tabbed Thumbnails - Any widget displayed as a separate thumbnail.

Thumbnail Toolbar - Quick access to key commands.

Thumbnail Progress Bar - Progress information that's always visible.

Overlay Icon - Status or notifications directly on the taskbar.

It doesn't add runtime dependency on Windows 7 libraries (DLLs), so software incorporating Q7Goodies can be
run on older Windows version. Q7Goodies comes with the full source code and a commercial royalty-free

Last edited by wysota; 17th August 2010 at 02:23. Reason: user request

QComboBox with multipe selection via tree




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