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TextBox 英文文档

2015-10-15 12:29 344 查看


Extend from $.fn.validatebox.defaults. Override defaults with $.fn.textbox.defaults.

The TextBox component is a enhanced input field that allows users build their form easily. It is the base component for building other complex components such as combo,datebox,spinner,etc.




Usage Example

Create textbox from markup.

<input class="easyui-textbox" data-options="iconCls:'icon-search'" style="width:300px">

Create textbox by using javascript.

<input id="tb" type="text" style="width:300px">







The properties extend from validatebox, below is the added properties for textbox:

widthnumberThe width of the component.auto
heightnumberThe height of the component.22
promptstringThe prompt message to be displayed in input box.''
valuestringThe default value.
typestringThe textbox type. Possible values are 'text' and 'password'.text
multilinebooleanDefines if this is a multiline textbox.false
editablebooleanDefines if user can type text directly into the field.true
disabledbooleanDefines if to disable the field.false
readonlybooleanDefines if the component is read-only.false
iconsarrayThe icons attached to the textbox. Each item has the following properties:
iconCls: string, the icon class.
disabled: boolean, indicate if the icon is disabled.
handler: function, the function to process the clicking action on this icon.
Code example:

icons: [{
handler: function(e){
$(e.data.target).textbox('setValue', 'Something added!');
handler: function(e){

iconClsstringThe background icon displayed on the textbox.null
iconAlignstringPosition of the icons. Possible values are 'left','right'.right
iconWidthnumberThe icon width.18
buttonTextstringThe displaying text of button that attached to the textbox.
buttonIconstringThe displaying icon of button that attached to the textbox.null
buttonAlignstringPosition of the button. Possible values are 'left','right'.right


The events extend from validatebox, below is the added events for textbox.

onChangenewValue,oldValueFires when the field value is changed.
onResizewidth,heightFires when the textbox is resized.
onClickButtonnoneFires when the user click the button.
onClickIconindexFires when the user click a icon.


The methods extend from validatebox, below is the added methods for textbox.

optionsnoneReturn the options object.
textboxnoneReturn the textbox object. The user can bind any events to this editing box.
Code example:

var t = $('#tt');
t.textbox('textbox').bind('keydown', function(e){
if (e.keyCode == 13){	// when press ENTER key, accept the inputed value.
t.textbox('setValue', $(this).val());

buttonnoneReturn the button object.
destroynoneDestroy the textbox component.
resizewidthResize the component width.
disablenoneDisable the component.
enablenoneEnable the component.
readonlymodeEnable/Disable readonly mode.
Code example:

$('#tb').textbox('readonly');	// enable readonly mode
$('#tb').textbox('readonly',true);	// eanble readonly mode
$('#tb').textbox('readonly',false);	// disable readonly mode

clearnoneClear the component value.
resetnoneReset the component value.
initValuevalueInitialize the component value. Calling this method does not trigger the 'onChange' event.
setTexttextSet the displaying text value.
getTextnoneGet the displaying text value.
setValuevalueSet the component value.
getValuenoneGet the component value.
getIconindexGet specified icon object.
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