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CUDA核函数share memory

2015-10-14 19:07 246 查看
标签: CUDAExample



__global__ void kernel(param list){  }


Kernel<<<Dg,Db, Ns, S>>>(param list);

其中,参数Ns是一个可选参数,用于设置kernel函数中动态分配shared memory大小,动态分配shared memory应小于每个块允许的最大share memory大小,单位为byte。不需要动态分配时该值为0或省略不写。

share memory

share memory的分配方式分为静态分配和动态分配,静态分配指的是在核函数中申请固定大小的share memory,动态分配指的是在核函数运行过程中设置share memory的大小。两者可以单独存在与核函数中,也可以共同存在核函数中,但是必须保证总大小不大于每一块中share memory的大小。在核函数调用是在<<<>>>中第三个参数就是用来设置动态申请share memory最大尺寸的允许值,也就是说,核函数中使用的动态share memory应该小于设置的大小,即第三个参数的大小。以下例子说明此问题:


cpu Intel 至强四核E3-1231 V3 @ 3.40GHz

显卡 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980

vs2013 x64


// This example shows how to use the share memory

// System includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

* gtx 980 每一块中允许最大share memory是48k
* 12288 = 48 * 1024 / 4;
* 11776 = 46 * 1024 / 4;
* 程序中改变静态share mem的大小测试,静态,动态,最大share memory之间的关系
__global__ static void timedReduction(const float *input, float *output)
const int staticShareMem = 11776; //测试值 11776, 11778, 12288, 12289
__shared__ float staticShared[staticShareMem];
extern __shared__ float shared[];

const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int bid = blockIdx.x;
if (tid == 1) //给静态内存赋值,防止被优化掉
for (int i = 0; i < staticShareMem ; i++)
staticShared[i] = i * 2.0f;

// 动态显存进行简单计算
shared[tid] = input[tid]*3.0f + input[tid + blockDim.x]*2.0f;
shared[tid + blockDim.x] = input[tid + blockDim.x] + input[tid]*2;

// Write result.每个block输出一个参数
if (tid == 0) output[bid] = shared[0];

#define NUM_BLOCKS    64
#define NUM_THREADS   256

// Start the main CUDA Sample here
int main(int argc, char **argv)

float *dinput = NULL;
float *doutput = NULL;

float input[NUM_THREADS * 2];
float output[NUM_BLOCKS];

//动态share mem输入值大小为2kB
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS * 2; i++)
input[i] = (float)i;

cudaMalloc((void **)&dinput, sizeof(float) * NUM_THREADS * 2);
cudaMalloc((void **)&doutput, sizeof(float) * NUM_BLOCKS);

cudaMemcpy(dinput, input, sizeof(float) * NUM_THREADS * 2, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

timedReduction << <NUM_BLOCKS, NUM_THREADS, sizeof(float) * 2 * NUM_THREADS >> >(dinput, doutput);

cudaMemcpy(output, doutput, sizeof(float) * NUM_BLOCKS, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);


float temp, sumall = 0;
temp = input[0]*3.0 + input[256]*2.0;
printf("the set result = %f\n", temp);

for (int i = 1; i < NUM_BLOCKS; i++)
sumall += temp - output[i];
//printf("out = %f\n", output[i]);
//输出对比结果,0 - 核函数运行正确,其他值 - 错误
printf("result = %f\n", sumall);


return 1;


const int staticShareMem = 11775;

the set result = 512.000000

result = 0.000000

const int staticShareMem = 11776;

the set result = 512.000000

result = 0.000000

const int staticShareMem = 11778;

the set result = 512.000000

result = 30240.000000

const int staticShareMem = 12288;

the set result = 512.000000

result = 30240.000000

const int staticShareMem = 12289;

报错,超出share memory总尺寸


share memory的静态分配和动态分配可以单独存在于核函数中,也可以共同存在核函数中,但是必须保证总大小不大于每一块中share memory的总大小。
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