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AppleScript 笔记

2015-10-08 12:36 495 查看
1. 清空回收站

tell application "Finder"

    empty the trash

end tell

2. "咚" 一声儿


3. 可以执行shell代码

例如: do shell script "ls"


set n to "12" as number

set m to 12 as string

display dialog n

display dialog m


tell application "System Events"

    tell process "Firefox"

        set frontmost to true

    end tell

end tell

6.每隔0.1秒 按键Hi 当按下 com 键停止

use framework "Foundation"

tell application "System Events"

    tell process "TextEdit"

        set frontmost to true

    end tell


        keystroke "Hi"

        delay 0.1

        set flag to my BWAND((current application's NSEvent's modifierFlags()), (current application's NSCommandKeyMask)) > 0

        if flag is true then exit repeat

    end repeat

end tell

on BWAND(__int1, __int2)

    set theResult to 0

    repeat with bitOffset from 30 to 0 by -1

        if __int1 div (2 ^ bitOffset) = 1 and __int2 div (2 ^ bitOffset) = 1 then

            set theResult to theResult + 2 ^ bitOffset

        end if

        set __int1 to __int1 mod (2 ^ bitOffset)

        set __int2 to __int2 mod (2 ^ bitOffset)

    end repeat

    return theResult as integer

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标签:  appleScript