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2015-10-05 10:39 218 查看

The DBA has chosen to manage SGA and PGA memory separately in an OLTP database because of his

unique knowledge of the application. Which of these are good starting points to use when configuring the

maximum values for SGA and PGA, based on the amount of memory available on the system?

A. 20% SGA, 80% PGA

B. 25% SGA, 75% PGA

C. 50% SGA, 50% PGA

D. 75% SGA, 25% PGA

E. 80% SGA, 20% PGA

Answer: E

DBA 已经选

择在 OLTP 数据库中分开管理 SGA 和 PGA 内存,因为他独特的应用知识。 基于系统上可用的内存量,当配

置 SGA 和 PGA 的最大值时, 这些良好的出发点中哪个可以利用?

E. 80% SGA, 20% PGA
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