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2015-09-23 16:08 471 查看
Lookup在Netbeans IDE中可以说是整个软件架构系统的灵魂。从本质上讲就是以apdatable模式实现的一个Map,其主要功能体现以下几个方面:

提供一个Context 可以想象Lookup是一个magic bag可以在运行时(runtime)方便的在bag中添加、删除对象 而这些对象恰好可以组织成系统当前的context get it?
Map内部的监听机制 可以实现热插拔 动态更新的功能
基于Lookup这样令人兴奋的功能,我实在忍不住想用它来实现一个消息系统。于是我突然面临两个选择 用publisher/subscriber? 还是IOC的? 两者的代码量都不大,但是我更青睐IOC 虽然有悖“开 闭”原则但对于一个小的系统还是足够了 毕竟300行代码 我相信它的成长空间还是巨大的。多说无益直接上代码

* @author Vijay
* of course  you can say Callback itself is one of subscribers
public interface Subscriber {

* the smaller priority will get done earlier
* @return
Integer priority(Message msg);


* All callbacks have to extends this ifc thanks for your cooperation
* @author Vijay
public interface Callback extends Subscriber {

final static Integer DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 0;
final static Integer HIGH_PRIORITY = 1;
final static Integer MEDIUM_PRIORITY = 10;
final static Integer LOW_PRIORITY = 100;

* The <code>call</code> method is called when required, and is given a
* single argument of type P, with a requirement that an object of type R is
* returned.
* @param param The single argument upon which the returned value should be
* determined.
* @return An object of type R that may be determined based on the provided
* parameter value.
public void call(Message msg);

we only broadcast abstract message
public abstract class Message {

final private Param param;

protected Message(Param param) {
this.param = param;

public Param getParam() {
return param;

public abstract Class<? extends Callback> getRelatedCallback();

public static Message createLocate(Param param) {
Message message = new Locate(param);
return message;

* concrete built-in message here and always come with Operation(Callback)
private static class Locate extends Message {

private Locate(Param param) {

public Class getRelatedCallback() {
return Moveable.class;


public interface Moveable extends Callback {

private static class Add extends Message {

private Add(Param param) {

public Class getRelatedCallback() {
return Addable.class;

public interface Addable extends Callback {


//delete ....   continue


* @author Vijay
public interface Context {
Lookup getBusContext();

* @author Vijay
public class DefaultContext implements Context{

public Lookup getBusContext() {
return  Utilities.actionsGlobalContext();

import java.util.Map;

* Sometimes we needs to define data structure to get parameter
public final class Param {

final Map<String, Object> attachments;
final Integer priority;

private Param(Integer priority, Map<String, Object> attachments) {
this.priority = priority;
this.attachments = attachments;

public static Param empty() {
return new Param(Callback.DEFAULT_PRIORITY, null);

public final Param priority(Integer priority) {
return new Param(priority, this.attachments);

public final Param attachments(Map<String, Object> attachments) {
return new Param(this.priority, attachments);

public Integer getPriority() {
return priority;

public Map<String, Object> getAttachments() {
return attachments;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;

* Treat Context as a System Bus
* @author Vijay
public final class BusEngine {

private static final BusEngine instance = new BusEngine();
private final ExecutorService executor;

static {

private BusEngine() {
executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

public void broadcast(final Callback.Message msg) {
executor.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
doSyncCallback(msg,new DefaultContext().getBusContext());

void broadcast(final Callback.Message msg,final Lookup lkp) {
executor.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {

public static BusEngine getDefault() {
return instance;

static void refreshAllInContext(Callback.Message msg,Context cxt) {

static void doSyncCallback(final Callback.Message msg,Lookup lkp) {
Lookup.Template template = new Lookup.Template(msg.getRelatedCallback());
Lookup.Result result = lkp.lookup(template);
Collection c = result.allInstances();
List<Callback> callbacks = new ArrayList();
Collections.sort(callbacks, new Comparator<Callback>() {
public int compare(Callback o1, Callback o2) {
return o1.priority(msg)-o2.priority(msg);
for (Callback cb : callbacks) {
processMsg(cb, msg);

static void processMsg(Callback cb, final Callback.Message msg) {


以上代码需要依赖org.openide.util.jar 和org.openide.util.lookup.jar  由于测试需要有些方法开放为包可见

为了说明其用例 请参考以下测试代码

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

* @author Vijay
public class BusEngineNGTest {

* use list to test priority
static List<Callback> GLOBAL_TEST_LIST;

public BusEngineNGTest() {

public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {

public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {

public void setUpMethod() throws Exception {
GLOBAL_TEST_LIST = new ArrayList();

c void tearDownMethod() throws Exception {

public void testBasicFunctionMsg1() throws InterruptedException {
BusEngine.getDefault().broadcast(new CBMsg1(Param.empty()), new TestContext().getBusContext());
Assert.assertEquals(GLOBAL_TEST_LIST.size(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(GLOBAL_TEST_LIST.get(0).priority(null),new Integer(1));


public void testBasicFunctionMsg2() throws InterruptedException {
BusEngine.getDefault().broadcast(new CBMsg2(Param.empty()), new TestContext().getBusContext());
Assert.assertEquals(GLOBAL_TEST_LIST.size(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(GLOBAL_TEST_LIST.get(0).priority(null),new Integer(1));
Assert.assertEquals(GLOBAL_TEST_LIST.get(1).priority(null),new Integer(10));

* @author Vijay
public interface CB1 extends Callback{

* @author Vijay
public interface CB2 extends Callback{

* @author Vijay
public class CBMsg1 extends Message{

public CBMsg1(Param param) {

public  Class<? extends Callback> getRelatedCallback() {
return CB1.class;
* @author Vijay
public class CBMsg2 extends Message {

public CBMsg2(Param param) {

public Class getRelatedCallback() {
return CB2.class;
* @author Vijay
public class Subscriber1 implements CB1, CB2 {

public void call(Message msg) {
final String CBName = msg.getRelatedCallback().getSimpleName();
if ("CB1".equals(CBName)) {
Assert.assertEquals(CBName, "CB1");
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(CBName, "CB2");

public Integer priority(Message msg) {
return 1;
* @author Vijay
public class Subscriber2 implements CB2{

public void call(Message msg) {
final String simpleName = msg.getRelatedCallback().getSimpleName();

public Integer priority(Message msg) {
return 10;

* @author Vijay
public class TestContext implements Context{

public Lookup getBusContext() {
return Lookups.fixed(new Subscriber1(),new Subscriber2());

我所说的有悖“开闭”原则 是指我们必须实现Callback的call方法 这样如果Subscriber实现多个Callback 不得不以Message来区分。目前我还没有想到解决的办法... 望各位看官不吝指教
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