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内核数据结构-----队列kfifo.h (4.0.8)较新的内核版本

2015-09-21 21:32 417 查看

队列这个东西其实以前也接触过,也写过一版通用的代码,其实一般的代码都是OK 的,但是最近开始我的内核之旅了,我还是想看看内核是如何实现队列的,从上次分析list.h 看来,内核的数据结构还是非常复杂的,复杂的看不懂,看懂了不会用,。。。。



我用的是4.0.8 的内核,它与之前2.6.* 版本的内核已经有了很大的区别。

* How to porting drivers to the new generic FIFO API:
* - Modify the declaration of the "struct kfifo *" object into a
*   in-place "struct kfifo" object
* - Init the in-place object with kfifo_alloc() or kfifo_init()
*   Note: The address of the in-place "struct kfifo" object must be
*   passed as the first argument to this functions
* - Replace the use of __kfifo_put into kfifo_in and __kfifo_get
*   into kfifo_out
* - Replace the use of kfifo_put into kfifo_in_spinlocked and kfifo_get
*   into kfifo_out_spinlocked
*   Note: the spinlock pointer formerly passed to kfifo_init/kfifo_alloc
*   must be passed now to the kfifo_in_spinlocked and kfifo_out_spinlocked
*   as the last parameter
* - The formerly __kfifo_* functions are renamed into kfifo_*


使用kfifo_alloc( ) 或者 kfifo_init( ) 函数初始化已经定义的对象,注意:结构体的私之必须经过函数的确定.

修改kfifo_put 为kfifo_in_spinlocked kfifo_get为 kfifo_out_spinlocked (spinlocked : 自旋锁)

__kfifo_ * 被修改为 kfifo_ *

* Note about locking : There is no locking required until only * one reader
* and one writer is using the fifo and no kfifo_reset() will be * called
*  kfifo_reset_out() can be safely used, until it will be only called
* in the reader thread.
*  For multiple writer and one reader there is only a need to lock the writer.
* And vice versa for only one writer and multiple reader there is only a need
* to lock the reader.

关于锁的注意:这里没有锁的要求,除非有一个读取的动作的同时还有一个写的动作在使用队列,并且没有调用kfifo_reset( ) 函数,这时候使用kfifo_reset_out ( )函数就是安全的,这个函数一般在读动作的线程中调用。



struct __kfifo {
unsigned int	in;
unsigned int	out;
unsigned int	mask;
unsigned int	esize;
void		*data;



@out :出队偏移量

@mask: 表示队列的总大小(静态分配时,队列的固定总长度)

@eszie: 数据域大小



struct kfifo {
unsigned char *buffer;	/* the buffer holding the data */
unsigned int size;	/* the size of the allocated buffer */
unsigned int in;	/* data is added at offset (in % size) */
unsigned int out;	/* data is extracted from off. (out % size) */
spinlock_t *lock;	/* protects concurrent modifications */



首先看kfifo 结构体。



* define compatibility "struct kfifo" for dynamic allocated fifos
struct kfifo __STRUCT_KFIFO_PTR(unsigned char, 0, void);

#define __STRUCT_KFIFO_PTR(type, recsize, ptrtype) \
{ \
__STRUCT_KFIFO_COMMON(type, recsize, ptrtype); \
type		buf[0]; \
@type : 元素类型;

@recsize: 队列长度

@ptrtype: 结构体指针类型

@buf[0] 中存储的就是一个队列的元素


#define __STRUCT_KFIFO_COMMON(datatype, recsize, ptrtype) \
union { \
struct __kfifo	kfifo; \
datatype	*type; \
const datatype	*const_type; \
char		(*rectype)[recsize]; \
ptrtype		*ptr; \
ptrtype const	*ptr_const; \


@datatype :数据元素类型

@recsize: 队列长度

@ptrtypr : 指针类型



* DECLARE_KFIFO - macro to declare a fifo object
* @fifo: name of the declared fifo
* @type: type of the fifo elements
* @size: the number of elements in the fifo, this must be a power of 2
#define DECLARE_KFIFO(fifo, type, size)	STRUCT_KFIFO(type, size) fifo


@fifo : 声明队列的对象;



* DECLARE_KFIFO_PTR - macro to declare a fifo pointer object
* @fifo: name of the declared fifo
* @type: type of the fifo elements
#define DECLARE_KFIFO_PTR(fifo, type)	STRUCT_KFIFO_PTR(type) fifo

#define STRUCT_KFIFO(type, size) \
struct __STRUCT_KFIFO(type, size, 0, type)
#define __STRUCT_KFIFO(type, size, recsize, ptrtype) \
{ \
__STRUCT_KFIFO_COMMON(type, recsize, ptrtype); \
type		buf[((size < 2) || (size & (size - 1))) ? -1 : size]; \
与是调用两个宏,同时定义了buf 队列的空间。并且调用了__STRUCT_KFIFO_COMMON(type, recsize, ptrtype); 初始化了详细的队列信息;



* INIT_KFIFO - Initialize a fifo declared by DECLARE_KFIFO
* @fifo: name of the declared fifo datatype

#define INIT_KFIFO(fifo) \
(void)({ \
typeof(&(fifo)) __tmp = &(fifo); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
__kfifo->in = 0; \
__kfifo->out = 0; \
__kfifo->mask = __is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ? 0 : ARRAY_SIZE(__tmp->buf) - 1;\
__kfifo->esize = sizeof(*__tmp->buf); \
__kfifo->data = __is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ?  NULL : __tmp->buf; \
* DEFINE_KFIFO - macro to define and initialize a fifo
* @fifo: name of the declared fifo datatype
* @type: type of the fifo elements
* @size: the number of elements in the fifo, this must be a power of 2
* Note: the macro can be used for global and local fifo data type variables.
#define DEFINE_KFIFO(fifo, type, size) \
DECLARE_KFIFO(fifo, type, size) = \
(typeof(fifo)) { \
{ \
{ \
.in	= 0, \
.out	= 0, \
.mask	= __is_kfifo_ptr(&(fifo)) ? \
0 : \
ARRAY_SIZE((fifo).buf) - 1, \
.esize	= sizeof(*(fifo).buf), \
.data	= __is_kfifo_ptr(&(fifo)) ? \
NULL : \
(fifo).buf, \
} \
} \



@size:队列中元素个数,必须是2 的幂;


* kfifo_initialized - Check if the fifo is initialized
* @fifo: address of the fifo to check
* Return %true if fifo is initialized, otherwise %false.
* Assumes the fifo was 0 before.
#define kfifo_initialized(fifo) ((fifo)->kfifo.mask)

* kfifo_esize - returns the size of the element managed by the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define kfifo_esize(fifo)	((fifo)->kfifo.esize)


* kfifo_recsize - returns the size of the record length field
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define kfifo_recsize(fifo)	(sizeof(*(fifo)->rectype))


* helper macro to distinguish between real in place fifo where the fifo
* array is a part of the structure and the fifo type where the array is
* outside of the fifo structure.
#define	__is_kfifo_ptr(fifo)	(sizeof(*fifo) == sizeof(struct __kfifo))

这个宏用来确定_kfifo 是这个结构体的一部分并且确定传进来的类型是外部的宿主类型。

* kfifo_size - returns the size of the fifo in elements
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define kfifo_size(fifo)	((fifo)->kfifo.mask + 1)


* kfifo_reset - removes the entire fifo content
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* Note: usage of kfifo_reset() is dangerous. It should be only called when the
* fifo is exclusived locked or when it is secured that no other thread is
* accessing the fifo.
#define kfifo_reset(fifo) \
(void)({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
__tmp->kfifo.in = __tmp->kfifo.out = 0; \

* kfifo_reset_out - skip fifo content
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* Note: The usage of kfifo_reset_out() is safe until it will be only called
* from the reader thread and there is only one concurrent reader. Otherwise
* it is dangerous and must be handled in the same way as kfifo_reset().
#define kfifo_reset_out(fifo)	\
(void)({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
__tmp->kfifo.out = __tmp->kfifo.in; \

* kfifo_len - returns the number of used elements in the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define kfifo_len(fifo) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmpl = (fifo); \
__tmpl->kfifo.in - __tmpl->kfifo.out; \

* kfifo_is_empty - returns true if the fifo is empty
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define	kfifo_is_empty(fifo) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmpq = (fifo); \
__tmpq->kfifo.in == __tmpq->kfifo.out; \



* kfifo_is_full - returns true if the fifo is full
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define	kfifo_is_full(fifo) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmpq = (fifo); \
kfifo_len(__tmpq) > __tmpq->kfifo.mask; \


* kfifo_avail - returns the number of unused elements in the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
#define	kfifo_avail(fifo) \
__kfifo_uint_must_check_helper( \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmpq = (fifo); \
const size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmpq->rectype); \
unsigned int __avail = kfifo_size(__tmpq) - kfifo_len(__tmpq); \
(__recsize) ? ((__avail <= __recsize) ? 0 : \
__kfifo_max_r(__avail - __recsize, __recsize)) : \
__avail; \
}) \


* kfifo_alloc - dynamically allocates a new fifo buffer
* @fifo: pointer to the fifo
* @size: the number of elements in the fifo, this must be a power of 2
* @gfp_mask: get_free_pages mask, passed to kmalloc()
* This macro dynamically allocates a new fifo buffer.
* The numer of elements will be rounded-up to a power of 2.
* The fifo will be release with kfifo_free().
* Return 0 if no error, otherwise an error code.
#define kfifo_alloc(fifo, size, gfp_mask) \
__kfifo_int_must_check_helper( \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
__is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ? \
__kfifo_alloc(__kfifo, size, sizeof(*__tmp->type), gfp_mask) : \
}) \



* kfifo_free - frees the fifo
* @fifo: the fifo to be freed
#define kfifo_free(fifo) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
if (__is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp)) \
__kfifo_free(__kfifo); \

* kfifo_init - initialize a fifo using a preallocated buffer
* @fifo: the fifo to assign the buffer
* @buffer: the preallocated buffer to be used
* @size: the size of the internal buffer, this have to be a power of 2
* This macro initialize a fifo using a preallocated buffer.
* The numer of elements will be rounded-up to a power of 2.
* Return 0 if no error, otherwise an error code.
#define kfifo_init(fifo, buffer, size) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
__is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ? \
__kfifo_init(__kfifo, buffer, size, sizeof(*__tmp->type)) : \

* kfifo_put - put data into the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @val: the data to be added
* This macro copies the given value into the fifo.
* It returns 0 if the fifo was full. Otherwise it returns the number
* processed elements.
* Note that with only one concurrent reader and one concurrent
* writer, you don't need extra locking to use these macro.
#define	kfifo_put(fifo, val) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
typeof(*__tmp->const_type) __val = (val); \
unsigned int __ret; \
size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmp->rectype); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
if (__recsize) \
__ret = __kfifo_in_r(__kfifo, &__val, sizeof(__val), \
__recsize); \
else { \
__ret = !kfifo_is_full(__tmp); \
if (__ret) { \
(__is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ? \
((typeof(__tmp->type))__kfifo->data) : \
(__tmp->buf) \
)[__kfifo->in & __tmp->kfifo.mask] = \     此处的这个与操作可以确定入队的位置。
(typeof(*__tmp->type))__val; \
smp_wmb(); \
__kfifo->in++; \
} \
} \
__ret; \





这一有一个smp_wmb ( ) 者是CPU的写内存屏障。这里写应当,必须是一个原子操作;

* kfifo_get - get data from the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @val: address where to store the data
* This macro reads the data from the fifo.
* It returns 0 if the fifo was empty. Otherwise it returns the number
* processed elements.
* Note that with only one concurrent reader and one concurrent
* writer, you don't need extra locking to use these macro.
#define	kfifo_get(fifo, val) \
__kfifo_uint_must_check_helper( \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
typeof(__tmp->ptr) __val = (val); \
unsigned int __ret; \
const size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmp->rectype); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
if (__recsize) \
__ret = __kfifo_out_r(__kfifo, __val, sizeof(*__val), \
__recsize); \
else { \
__ret = !kfifo_is_empty(__tmp); \
if (__ret) { \
*(typeof(__tmp->type))__val = \
(__is_kfifo_ptr(__tmp) ? \
((typeof(__tmp->type))__kfifo->data) : \
(__tmp->buf) \
)[__kfifo->out & __tmp->kfifo.mask]; \
smp_wmb(); \
__kfifo->out++; \
} \
} \
__ret; \
}) \


* kfifo_in - put data into the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @buf: the data to be added
* @n: number of elements to be added
* This macro copies the given buffer into the fifo and returns the
* number of copied elements.
* Note that with only one concurrent reader and one concurrent
* writer, you don't need extra locking to use these macro.
#define	kfifo_in(fifo, buf, n) \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
typeof(__tmp->ptr_const) __buf = (buf); \
unsigned long __n = (n); \
const size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmp->rectype); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
(__recsize) ?\
__kfifo_in_r(__kfifo, __buf, __n, __recsize) : \
__kfifo_in(__kfifo, __buf, __n); \


* kfifo_out - get data from the fifo
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @buf: pointer to the storage buffer
* @n: max. number of elements to get
* This macro get some data from the fifo and return the numbers of elements
* copied.
* Note that with only one concurrent reader and one concurrent
* writer, you don't need extra locking to use these macro.
#define	kfifo_out(fifo, buf, n) \
__kfifo_uint_must_check_helper( \
({ \
typeof((fifo) + 1) __tmp = (fifo); \
typeof(__tmp->ptr) __buf = (buf); \
unsigned long __n = (n); \
const size_t __recsize = sizeof(*__tmp->rectype); \
struct __kfifo *__kfifo = &__tmp->kfifo; \
(__recsize) ?\
__kfifo_out_r(__kfifo, __buf, __n, __recsize) : \
__kfifo_out(__kfifo, __buf, __n); \
}) \

* kfifo_in_spinlocked - put data into the fifo using a spinlock for locking
* @fifo: address of the fifo to be used
* @buf: the data to be added
* @n: number of elements to be added
* @lock: pointer to the spinlock to use for locking
* This macro copies the given values buffer into the fifo and returns the
* number of copied elements.
#define	kfifo_in_spinlocked(fifo, buf, n, lock) \
({ \
unsigned long __flags; \
unsigned int __ret; \
spin_lock_irqsave(lock, __flags); \
__ret = kfifo_in(fifo, buf, n); \
spin_unlock_irqrestore(lock, __flags); \
__ret; \
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息