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 * @addtogroup _2d
 * @{

 * @brief Possible GlyphCollection used by Label.
 * Specify a collections of characters to be load when Label created.
 * Consider using DYNAMIC.
enum class GlyphCollection {

 * @struct TTFConfig
 * @see `GlyphCollection`
 // ttf配置信息
typedef struct _ttfConfig
    std::string fontFilePath;
    int fontSize;

    GlyphCollection glyphs;
    const char *customGlyphs;

    bool distanceFieldEnabled;
    int outlineSize;

    _ttfConfig(const char* filePath = "",int size = 12, const GlyphCollection& glyphCollection = GlyphCollection::DYNAMIC,
        const char *customGlyphCollection = nullptr,bool useDistanceField = false,int outline = 0)
        if(outline > 0)
            distanceFieldEnabled = false;

 * @brief Label is a subclass of SpriteBatchNode that knows how to render text labels.
 * Label can be created with:Label可以通过如下方式创建
 * - A true type font file.一个确定类型的文本文件
 * - A bitmap font file.一个位图文本文件
 * - A char map file.一个字符映射文件
 * - The built in system font.通过系统字体创建
 * Bitmap Font supported editors:
 * - http://glyphdesigner.71squared.com/ (Commercial, Mac OS X)
 * - http://www.n4te.com/hiero/hiero.jnlp (Free, Java)
 * - http://slick.cokeandcode.com/demos/hiero.jnlp (Free, Java)
 * - http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/ (Free, Windows only)
 * @js NA
class CC_DLL Label : public SpriteBatchNode, public LabelProtocol
    static const int DistanceFieldFontSize;

    /// @name Creators
    /// @{

    * Allocates and initializes a Label, with default settings.
    * @return An automatically released Label object.
    static Label* create();

     * Allocates and initializes a Label, base on platform-dependent API.
     * @param text The initial text.
     * @param font A font file or a font family name.
     * @param fontSize The font size. This value must be > 0.
     * @param dimensions
     * @param hAlignment The text horizontal alignment.
     * @param vAlignment The text vertical alignment.
     * @warning It will generate texture by the platform-dependent code.
     * @return An automatically released Label object.
	 // 通过系统字体创建一个Label对象
    static Label* createWithSystemFont(const std::string& text, const std::string& font, float fontSize,
        const Size& dimensions = Size::ZERO, TextHAlignment hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT,
        TextVAlignment vAlignment = TextVAlignment::TOP);

    * Allocates and initializes a Label, base on FreeType2.
    * @param text The initial text.
    * @param fontFilePath A font file.
    * @param fontSize The font size. This value must be > 0.
    * @param dimensions
    * @param hAlignment The text horizontal alignment.
    * @param vAlignment The text vertical alignment.
    * @return An automatically released Label object.
	// 通过ttf文件创建一个Label对象
    static Label * createWithTTF(const std::string& text, const std::string& fontFilePath, float fontSize,
        const Size& dimensions = Size::ZERO, TextHAlignment hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT,
        TextVAlignment vAlignment = TextVAlignment::TOP);

    * Allocates and initializes a Label, base on FreeType2.
    * @param ttfConfig A pointer to a TTFConfig object.
    * @param text The initial text.
    * @param hAlignment The text horizontal alignment.
    * @param maxLineWidth The max line width.
    * @return An automatically released Label object.
    * @see TTFConfig setTTFConfig setMaxLineWidth
    static Label* createWithTTF(const TTFConfig& ttfConfig, const std::string& text, TextHAlignment hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT, int maxLineWidth = 0);

    * Allocates and initializes a Label, with a bitmap font file.
    * @param bmfontPath A bitmap font file, it's a FNT format.
    * @param text The initial text.
    * @param hAlignment Text horizontal alignment.
    * @param maxLineWidth The max line width.
    * @param imageOffset
    * @return An automatically released Label object.
    * @see setBMFontFilePath setMaxLineWidth
	// 创建一个BMFont对象
    static Label* createWithBMFont(const std::string& bmfontPath, const std::string& text,
        const TextHAlignment& hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT, int maxLineWidth = 0,
        const Vec2& imageOffset = Vec2::ZERO);

    * Allocates and initializes a Label, with char map configuration.
    * @param charMapFile A char map file, it's a PNG format.
    * @param itemWidth The width in points of each element.
    * @param itemHeight The height in points of each element.
    * @param startCharMap The starting char of the char map.
    * @return An automatically released Label object.
	// 通过CharMap创建一个Label对象
    static Label * createWithCharMap(const std::string& charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap);

    * Allocates and initializes a Label, with char map configuration.
    * @param texture A pointer to an existing Texture2D object.
    * @param itemWidth The width in points of each element.
    * @param itemHeight The height in points of each element.
    * @param startCharMap The starting char of the char map.
    * @return An automatically released Label object.
    static Label * createWithCharMap(Texture2D* texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap);

    * Allocates and initializes a Label, with char map configuration.
    * @param plistFile A configuration file of char map.
    * @return An automatically released Label object.
    static Label * createWithCharMap(const std::string& plistFile);

    //  end of creators group
    /// @}

    /// @{
    /// @name Font methods

     * Sets a new TTF configuration to Label.
     * @see `TTFConfig`
	 // 设置ttf配置文件
    virtual bool setTTFConfig(const TTFConfig& ttfConfig);

     * Returns the TTF configuration object used by the Label.
     * @see `TTFConfig`
	 // 得到ttf配置信息
    virtual const TTFConfig& getTTFConfig() const { return _fontConfig;}

    /** Sets a new bitmap font to Label */
	// 设置BMFont文件路径
    virtual bool setBMFontFilePath(const std::string& bmfontFilePath, const Vec2& imageOffset = Vec2::ZERO);

    /** Returns the bitmap font used by the Label.*/
	// 得到BMFont文件路径
    const std::string& getBMFontFilePath() const { return _bmFontPath;}

     * Sets a new char map configuration to Label.
     * @see `createWithCharMap(const std::string&,int,int,int)`
	 // 设置chamap
    virtual bool setCharMap(const std::string& charMapFile, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap);

     * Sets a new char map configuration to Label.
     * @see `createWithCharMap(Texture2D*,int,int,int)`
    virtual bool setCharMap(Texture2D* texture, int itemWidth, int itemHeight, int startCharMap);

     * Sets a new char map configuration to Label.
     * @see `createWithCharMap(const std::string&)`
    virtual bool setCharMap(const std::string& plistFile);

     * Sets a new system font to Label.
     * @param font A font file or a font family name.
     * @warning
	 // 设置系统字体名称
    virtual void setSystemFontName(const std::string& font);

    /** Returns the system font used by the Label.*/
	// 得到系统字体名称
    virtual const std::string& getSystemFontName() const { return _systemFont;}

    /* Sets the system font size of Label.*/
	// 设置系统字体尺寸
    virtual void setSystemFontSize(float fontSize);

    /** Returns the bitmap font path used by the Label.*/
	// 得到系统字体尺寸
    virtual float getSystemFontSize() const { return _systemFontSize;}

     * @warning This method is not recommended for game developers.
	 // 申请系统字体并更新
	 // 开发的时候不建议使用这个方法
    virtual void requestSystemFontRefresh() { _systemFontDirty = true;}

    //  end of font methods
    /// @}

    /** Sets the text that this Label is to display.*/
	// 设置文本
    virtual void setString(const std::string& text) override;

    /** Return the text the Label is displaying.*/
	// 得到文本
    virtual const std::string& getString() const override {  return _originalUTF8String; }
	// 得到文本的行数
    int getStringNumLines() const;
// 设置文本的长度
    int getStringLength() const;

     * Sets the text color of Label.
     * The text color is different from the color of Node.
     * @warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font or system font.
	 // 设置文本的颜色
    virtual void setTextColor(const Color4B &color);

    /** Returns the text color of the Label.*/
	// 得到文本的颜色
    const Color4B& getTextColor() const { return _textColor;}

     * Enable shadow effect to Label.
     * @todo Support blur for shadow effect.
	 // 使用投影
    virtual void enableShadow(const Color4B& shadowColor = Color4B::BLACK,const Size &offset = Size(2,-2), int blurRadius = 0);

     * Enable outline effect to Label.
     * @warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font or system font.
	 // 使用描边
    virtual void enableOutline(const Color4B& outlineColor,int outlineSize = -1);

    * Enable glow effect to Label.
    * @warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font.
	// 使用外发光
    virtual void enableGlow(const Color4B& glowColor);

     * Disable all effect to Label.
     * @warning Please use disableEffect(LabelEffect::ALL) instead of this API.
	 // 不显示特效
    virtual void disableEffect();

     * Disable effect to Label.
     * @see `LabelEffect`
    virtual void disableEffect(LabelEffect effect);

    /** Sets the Label's text horizontal alignment.*/
	// 设置水平队列模式
    void setAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment) { setAlignment(hAlignment,_vAlignment);}

    /** Returns the Label's text horizontal alignment.*/
	// 得到水平队列模式
    TextHAlignment getTextAlignment() const { return _hAlignment;}

    /** Sets the Label's text alignment.*/
	// 设置文本队列模式
    void setAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment,TextVAlignment vAlignment);

    /** Sets the Label's text horizontal alignment.*/
	// 设置水平队列模式
    void setHorizontalAlignment(TextHAlignment hAlignment) { setAlignment(hAlignment,_vAlignment); }

    /** Returns the Label's text horizontal alignment.*/
	// 得到水平队列模式
    TextHAlignment getHorizontalAlignment() const { return _hAlignment; }

    /** Sets the Label's text vertical alignment.*/
	// 设置竖直队列模式
    void setVerticalAlignment(TextVAlignment vAlignment) { setAlignment(_hAlignment,vAlignment); }

    /** Returns the Label's text vertical alignment.*/
	// 得到竖直队列模式
    TextVAlignment getVerticalAlignment() const { return _vAlignment; }

     * Specify what happens when a line is too long for Label.
     * @param breakWithoutSpace Lines are automatically broken between words if this value is false.
	 // 设置空格回车
    void setLineBreakWithoutSpace(bool breakWithoutSpace);

     * Makes the Label at most this line untransformed width.
     * The Label's max line width be used for force line breaks if the value not equal zero.
	 // 设置最大行的宽度
    void setMaxLineWidth(float maxLineWidth);
	// 得到最大行的宽度
    float getMaxLineWidth() { return _maxLineWidth; }

     * Makes the Label exactly this untransformed width.
     * The Label's width be used for text align if the value not equal zero.
	 // 设置宽度
    void setWidth(float width) { setDimensions(width,_labelHeight);}
    // 得到宽度
	float getWidth() const { return _labelWidth; }

     * Makes the Label exactly this untransformed height.
     * The Label's height be used for text align if the value not equal zero.
     * The text will display of incomplete when the size of Label not enough to support display all text.
	 // 设置高度
    void setHeight(float height){ setDimensions(_labelWidth, height); }
	// 得到高度
    float getHeight() const { return _labelHeight; }

    /** Sets the untransformed size of the Label in a more efficient way. */
	// 设置面积
    void setDimensions(float width, float height);
	// 得到面积
    const Size& getDimensions() const{ return _labelDimensions;}

    /** Update content immediately.*/
	// 更新内容
    virtual void updateContent();

     * Provides a way to treats each character like a Sprite.
     * @warning No support system font.
	 // 得到字符
    virtual Sprite * getLetter(int lettetIndex);

    /** Makes the Label to clip upper and lower margin for reduce height of Label.*/
	// 设置裁剪间距可用
    void setClipMarginEnabled(bool clipEnabled) { _clipEnabled = clipEnabled; }
// 得到裁剪间距是否可用
    bool isClipMarginEnabled() const { return _clipEnabled; }

    /** Sets the line height of the Label.
     * @warning Not support system font.
     * @since v3.2.0
	 // 设置行的高度
    void setLineHeight(float height);

     * Returns the line height of this Label.
     * @warning Not support system font.
     * @since v3.2.0
	 // 得到行的高度
    float getLineHeight() const;

     * Sets the additional kerning of the Label.
     * @warning Not support system font.
     * @since v3.2.0
	 // 设置字间距
    void setAdditionalKerning(float space);

     * Returns the additional kerning of the Label.
     * @warning Not support system font.
     * @since v3.2.0
	 // 得到字间距
    float getAdditionalKerning() const;

    FontAtlas* getFontAtlas() { return _fontAtlas; }

    virtual void setBlendFunc(const BlendFunc &blendFunc) override;

    virtual bool isOpacityModifyRGB() const override;
    virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool isOpacityModifyRGB) override;
    virtual void updateDisplayedColor(const Color3B& parentColor) override;
    virtual void updateDisplayedOpacity(GLubyte parentOpacity) override;

    virtual void setScale(float scale) override;
    virtual void setScaleX(float scaleX) override;
    virtual void setScaleY(float scaleY) override;
    virtual float getScaleX() const override;
    virtual float getScaleY() const override;

    virtual void addChild(Node * child, int zOrder=0, int tag=0) override;
    virtual void sortAllChildren() override;

    virtual std::string getDescription() const override;

    virtual const Size& getContentSize() const override;

    virtual Rect getBoundingBox() const override;

    virtual void visit(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &parentTransform, uint32_t parentFlags) override;
    virtual void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags) override;

    virtual void setCameraMask(unsigned short mask, bool applyChildren = true) override;

    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static Label* create(const std::string& text, const std::string& font, float fontSize,
        const Size& dimensions = Size::ZERO, TextHAlignment hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT,
        TextVAlignment vAlignment = TextVAlignment::TOP);

    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE virtual void setFontDefinition(const FontDefinition& textDefinition);
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE const FontDefinition& getFontDefinition() const { return _fontDefinition; }

     * @deprecated Use `getLineHeight` instead.
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE int getCommonLineHeight() const { return (int)getLineHeight();}

     * Constructor of Label.
     * @js NA
    Label(FontAtlas *atlas = nullptr, TextHAlignment hAlignment = TextHAlignment::LEFT,
      TextVAlignment vAlignment = TextVAlignment::TOP,bool useDistanceField = false,bool useA8Shader = false);

     * Destructor of Label.
     * @js NA
     * @lua NA
    virtual ~Label();

    void onDraw(const Mat4& transform, bool transformUpdated);

    struct LetterInfo
        FontLetterDefinition def;

        Vec2 position;
        Size  contentSize;
        int   atlasIndex;
    enum class LabelType {


    virtual void setFontAtlas(FontAtlas* atlas,bool distanceFieldEnabled = false, bool useA8Shader = false);

    bool recordLetterInfo(const cocos2d::Vec2& point,const FontLetterDefinition& letterDef, int spriteIndex);
    bool recordPlaceholderInfo(int spriteIndex);

    void setFontScale(float fontScale);

    virtual void alignText();

    bool computeHorizontalKernings(const std::u16string& stringToRender);

    void computeStringNumLines();

    void updateQuads();

    virtual void updateColor() override;

    virtual void updateShaderProgram();

    void createSpriteForSystemFont();

    void createShadowSpriteForSystemFont();

    void reset();

    std::string _bmFontPath;

    bool _isOpacityModifyRGB;
    bool _contentDirty;

    bool _systemFontDirty;
    std::string _systemFont;
    float         _systemFontSize;
    LabelType _currentLabelType;

    std::vector<SpriteBatchNode*> _batchNodes;
    FontAtlas *                   _fontAtlas;
    std::vector<LetterInfo>       _lettersInfo;

    TTFConfig _fontConfig;

    //compatibility with older LabelTTF
    Sprite* _textSprite;
    FontDefinition _fontDefinition;
    bool  _compatibleMode;

    //! used for optimization
    Sprite *_reusedLetter;
    Rect _reusedRect;
    int _limitShowCount;

    float _additionalKerning;
    float _commonLineHeight;
    bool  _lineBreakWithoutSpaces;
    int * _horizontalKernings;

    float _maxLineWidth;
    Size  _labelDimensions;
    float _labelWidth;
    float _labelHeight;
    TextHAlignment _hAlignment;
    TextVAlignment _vAlignment;

    int           _currNumLines;
    std::u16string _currentUTF16String;
    std::string          _originalUTF8String;

    float _fontScale;

    bool _useDistanceField;
    bool _useA8Shader;

    LabelEffect _currLabelEffect;
    Color4B _effectColor;
    Color4F _effectColorF;

    GLuint _uniformEffectColor;
    GLuint _uniformTextColor;
    CustomCommand _customCommand;

    bool    _shadowDirty;
    bool    _shadowEnabled;
    Size    _shadowOffset;
    int     _shadowBlurRadius;
    Mat4  _shadowTransform;
    Color4F _shadowColor4F;
    Color3B _shadowColor3B;
    GLubyte _shadowOpacity;
    Sprite*   _shadowNode;

    int     _outlineSize;

    Color4B _textColor;
    Color4F _textColorF;

    bool _clipEnabled;
    bool _blendFuncDirty;
    /// whether or not the sprite was inside bounds the previous frame
    bool _insideBounds;


    friend class LabelTextFormatter;
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